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silas felt relieved, knowing that despite the world seemingly going to shit, things were still sort of good. silas and glenn had found plenty of things inside the store. although they found three of those dead things inside, they easily took them down. they worked surprisingly well together despite how jumpy glenn was.

the two men had found a backpack for glenn, filling it with flashlights, batteries, water, cans of food, and silas even threw in some matches. the men took a while getting some extra clothes, and glenn had immediately changed his shirt, throwing the red pizza place shirt to the floor.

the two eventually walked out of the store, silas throwing two thin blankets that they had found into the back of his car as glenn placed his newly filled backpack next to silas' duffle bag. up until now silas hadn't thought about glenn being anything other than a normal human being. to be fair, glenn looked like a total loser, if the uniform he previously wore didn't say so, then his nervous smiles and rambling certainly did.

"let's get moving before we run into more of those ugly fuckers" silas said, wearily looking around as glenn frantically nodded in agreement, the two quickly getting into the car. in no time, silas began to drive, leading glenn and himself in the direction where he knew the woods began. he couldn't help but silently hope that by going into the woods, he wouldn't be leading glenn and himself to their deaths.

as he drove in silence, silas began to think about his previous thoughts and felt that he rather be safe than sorry, as he thought this, he pulled out a water bottle full of holy water and offered it to glenn, body tense as glenn smiled at him in thanks. his companion wasted no time in opening the bottle and drinking some, silas visibly relaxing as glenn was fine afterwards, nothing happening to him. he was one hundred percent human.

"come on, we walk from here" silas said, finally stopping the car. glenn only nodded, grabbing his bat and stepping out of the car anxiously. it took no time for the two to collect their things, silas opening the trunk and pulling out three knives and his bow and arrows. seeing the weapon, glenn gaped at him in shock, silas only shrugging with a wink.

silas strapped his bow and arrows to his back before reaching into the middle compartment of his car and pulling out a pistol and a small stack of pictures. he quickly hid the pictures before offering the pistol to glenn. "you know how to shoot?" silas asked, watching as glenn shook his head. "i'll teach you some other time, keep it on you for now" at this, glenn hesitantly grabbed the pistol before shoving it into his backpack.

in silence, silas closed his car door, turning to glenn and nodding, showing that he was ready. they turned to the woods, beginning the walk an on they walked, a hunter and a pizza delivery boy. both with hopes of surviving whatever the hell this was. together. they had no idea what this new world would bring for them but silas could only hope it wouldn't be too bad.

words; 544

authors note;
ugh, original version was longer than this but i felt like this was a pretty good ending for the chap :)

metanoia   ,   daryl dixon   (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now