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silas was sat on the back of the truck that the small group would be going back in. he was waiting for the rest of the men to gather their things and be ready to leave. he only looked up when he felt someone sit next to him, turning to see that it was cass who had joined him. "you're going?" the angel asked, looking down as he fiddled with his fingers, "yeah.." silas muttered, only being met with a thick silence for a few minutes.

"why? merle's an ass" the other now stared at silas with furrowed brows. he couldn't understand why silas would risk his life for such an asshole. "i know" the hunter mumbled, "but glenn's going and i need to go to the city, try to find any sign of sam or dean" cass only nodded slowly, still not fully understanding, the two were startled at the loud sound of the horn being honked, a desperate daryl coming up behind them, "come on, let's go!" he called out, urging the other three men to hurry it up.

"well, see you later?" silas asked, helping cass hop off the truck as any then came to stand beside silas with a smile, "see you later" cass nodded, before beginning to walk away, leaving amy and silas to themselves. "be safe out there, yeah?" amy smiled, cheeks rosy as she smiled up at silas, who nodded with a small smile back. "always am" he added, only causing the blonde to chuckle and shake her head softly. "hey, watch over cass for me, yeah?" he suddenly asked, glancing to his friend, who stood off to the side with carol. "of course!" amy said, a smile on her face as she looked over at cass as well, turning to silas one last time.

"we're leaving now" rick said to the two, nodding once at amy, as he began to walk around to the front of the truck. silas finally stood, beginning to back away from amy with another small smile. it seemed the girl was going to say something else but it was cut off as daryl harshly brought down the shuttle to close the back, shutting it right in her face. "no time to flirt" the dixon muttered angrily, shooting silas a glare, "wasn't flirting" the winchester muttered back, with a glare of his own before the two sat down on the floor as the truck began to move.

the ride to the city was filled with an awkward silence, daryl occasionally shooting t-dog harsh glares throughout it all, his crossbow laid on his lap. it seemed they arrived pretty quickly, daryl being the first to move as soon as the truck came to a stop. "he'd better be okay." daryl grunted as he opened up the back, immediately hopping out. "i told you the geeks can't get at him, the only thing that's gonna get through that door is us." t-dog said, hopping out behind him.

the group reached a fence and rick immediately began to cut a hole into it, giving them the opening that they needed to get in. "merle first or guns?" rick asked, looking to glenn for an answer as the group began to speed walk. "merle! we ain't even having this conversation." daryl huffed out, glaring at rick as he sped up his pace. "we are. you know the geography, it's your call." glenn nervously shifted at the pressure, the whole group of men staring at him, waiting for an answer.

"merle's closest, the guns would mean doubling back. merle first." glenn finally decided, nodding his head to himself as the small group began to head to where merle was left, glenn leading as silas took up the rear. once the men reached the building, they made it inside easily with silas only having to take down three walkers. the group walked cautiously, keeping their eyes out for any straggling walkers.

there only seemed to be one walker inside of the store and daryl moved to take care of it, lifting his crossbow and taking aim at it. "damn, you are one ugly skank" he muttered, before shooting it. he walked over to retrieve his bolt before heading toward the staircase, immediately beginning to maneuver up them. as they reached the top, silas watched nervously as they worked to remove the padlock before daryl kicked the door open, running onto the roof hurriedly.

"merle! merle!" the brother called out, looking around in hopes of seeing his older brother. silas hurried to stand near him as he watched daryl stop in shock, beginning to stumble a bit. "no!" he cried out, holding his crossbow limply at his side. the other four men stood behind him, watching as he tried to hide his cries, staring in shock at the bloody saw that laid discarded on the ground. the handcuffs were still intact but a hand lay under them, it was clearly merle's and silas swallowed thickly at what this meant.

words; 835

authors note;
this was originally like 1k+ words but holy shit i removed a good chunk and added in the talk with amy because she's so cute and i wish we would have had more time with her :(

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