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after silas had introduced glenn and cass to one another, glenn had walked off to socialize with the the other people of the camp, also wanting to give silas and cass time to catch up with one another. cass still wore his usual attire as always; dress pants, button up shirt, tie, and trench coat. silas frowned at this as him and cass stood together. "why haven't you changed out of those clothes?" silas asked, watching as cass frowned.

"well, there's no washing machines" he answered, looking back up at silas with wide eyes. silas pursed his lips, holding back the urge to laugh, and instead settled for a little hum. he planned on teaching cass soon enough, "hey cass?" he asked, placing the animals he had hunted down on a small table in front of him. "you don't have your powers, right?" the man asked, watching as cass frowned to himself. "no" he muttered sadly, turning his head to look off to the side, avoiding any eye contact with silas.

"well then, i'll start making dinner for us, squirrel sound good?" silas asked, motioning to the squirrels in front of him, cass' eyes brightened as his stomach growled lowly, giving away that he was hungry. "well then, i'll teach you how to skin these suckers" silas grinned, putting a squirrel and knife in front of cass, who straightened his back, picking the knife up with uncertainty.

"i'm not sure how to explain it all but watch what i do, alright?" the man asked, looking down at cass, who nodded eagerly. cass' eyes were glued on silas' every move, observing the way he did it slowly and with precision. in just a few moments, cass spoke with uncertainty. "like this?" he asked, holding the squirrel up and for his first time, he was pretty good. "not bad" silas muttered, nodding at cass.

silas continued, cass following his every step, trying to memorize how to do it. once done, silas looked over cass' skinned squirrel, a smile on his face as he let out a low whistle. "you're a natural!" he laughed, patting a proud cass on the back. "let's finish off the rest" silas muttered, smiling at cass, who eagerly nodded in agreement. in less than twenty minutes all the squirrels and rabbits were skinned, silas' and cass' hands covered in their blood but they didn't mind, too preoccupied with talking.

words; 401

authors note;
very short bcs it's just cass and silas :)
anyways im excited bcs im getting new glasses tmrw after having them being broken for like a month or two already 😒

metanoia   ,   daryl dixon   (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now