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"holy shit" silas muttered, his car slowly coming to a stop as the highway finally came into view. a huge amount of cars were on the highway and none of them seemed to be moving. people were even stood outside of their cars, communicating with one another.

silas immediately knew he didn't like this, it was too risky, too dangerous. there was too many people in one place and not enough space to move if anything were to happen. glenn didn't seem to think so, seeing as he reached out to open his door, only for silas to quickly lock the car, "not fucking happening"

"why not?" glenn nervously asked, eyeing silas with a skeptical look, hand gripping his baseball bat tightly. "there's way too many people. what are the chances of none of them turning into one of those things?" silas asked, turning to look at glenn, who seemed to agree with him.

"so, what do we do?" glenn questioned nervously, fidgeting as silas began driving away from the highway, going back the way they came from. truth be told, silas didn't have a plan. he had no fucking idea what to do but he knew he had to come up with a plan, and quick.

the winchester gripped the steering wheel tightly, eyes narrowed as he thought to himself, "we go into the woods, set up camp somewhere. i can hunt for food." he finally said, and to him, it sounded like a good enough plan, at least for the time being. "alright, but don't we need supplies? backpacks? clothes? blankets?"

"we'll find a store, you killed any of those things yet?" silas asked, knowing that glenn was right, they would need supplies and it was better to get them now than suffer and go looking for some later. silas slowly began to drive towards a small store that looked empty. it's door was wide open but silas knew they could find supplies there.

words; 326

authors note;
super short but i'm already super excited for them and what's to come🥰

metanoia   ,   daryl dixon   (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now