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after glenn and silas had settled down for the night, silas had started a fire while glenn cracked open two cans of beans, one for himself and one for silas. as soon as the two began to eat, a comfortable silence enveloped them. the only sounds were the fire crackling, the wind blowing, and the sounds of their spoons scraping against the metal cans that contained beans.

as the two walked, glenn had been quite talkative, not once getting the hint from silas to keep quiet, until silas finally told the other to 'please shut the fuck up.' although before that, glenn had already talked enough for silas to be annoyed, especially because now he knew way more about glenn than he hoped he would.

glenn rhee was very soft spoken, his round and smooth eyes the most welcoming thing about him, his soft smile being the next. his skin was smooth and spotless, seemingly glowing in the sun and glistening with sweat. he spoke without thinking sometimes, and those times his voice was fast and slightly high pitched. when he took time to think his voice came out slower and calculated.

glenn rhee's favorite color was red, a deep and dark red, the type that looked smooth and silky. his second favorite was yellow, a bright and alluring yellow, not a pale and boring one. 'like ketchup and mustard!' the man had exclaimed, earning himself a small smile from silas, who was admittedly amused by the man's antics.

glenn rhee attended college and lived in a small apartment in atlanta. he was severely in debt, he had a rocky relationship with his parents and absolutely refused to ask them for help. instead he got a job as a pizza delivery man. it wasn't the best but it was something. his favorite thing about the job was driving around, the windows down and enjoying how the air would run through his short and black hair.

glenn rhee had always wanted a pet dog, he never quite knew which breed he would have wanted but he just knew he wanted one. he would have named it something awesome, something that he absolutely loved but also found hilarious. he wasn't absolutely sure what the name would've been but be assured, it would've been the most awesome name a dog could ever have. he would constantly shower that dog with love, treating it as a child of his own.

glenn rhee absolutely adored reading comics, he was a geek through and through. his absolute favorite would have to be marvel, he had a huge love and admiration for captain america. he hoped that one day he could be as strong and heroic as steve rogers. glenn rhee wanted so badly to be like steve rogers.

glenn rhee had two little sisters, who he absolutely loved with all his heart. glenn rhee missed his sister's dearly, who he lost contact with after moving away from home and pursuing his dreams of going to college in the city. glenn rhee would never hear their voices again, would never know if they were alive or well, he would never see them ever again.

glenn rhee had absolutely zero idea how to cook. his kitchen's apartment was a mess. his meals mostly consisted of takeout or frozen foods, he rarely ever used his stove, and when he did, he would cause havok. not intentionally of course, but it would happen and he would become frustrated, wishing that he could just fucking cook.

glenn rhee loved his friends. he didn't have many, choosing to keep his circle small. him and his friends would sit together and watch movies, snacks placed on their laps as they talked amongst themselves excitedly. they would play board games, at least one of them always cheating and ultimately winning.

glenn rhee absolutely loved christmas. him and his friends would do a secret santa between themselves, wearing hideous sweaters as they exchanged gifts. last christmas, glenn rhee had been gifted a captain america mug, a pair of very fluffy and warm socks, and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

glenn rhee adored the winter time, he could curl up at home, a huge sweater keeping himself warm and four blankets draped across his body. he would drink hot chocolate, one of the only things he actually knew how to make. glenn would watch tv, body shivering as his heater rarely worked in the winter. despite the broken heater, glenn rhee saw the beauty in the weather. he chose to keep himself warm in any way he could, and that certainly made him feel unbelievably comfortable.

glenn rhee spoke of anything and everything, and silas winchester spoke of nothing, his eyes set ahead as he soaked in everything that glenn rhee had said, willing himself to remember it all. silas winchester had barely met glenn rhee but he already had a feeling that glenn rhee would become someone to him. someone very important.

words; 830

authors note;
let me explain this chapter, silas and glenn are together and glenn is very talkative. he basically said all of these things to silas but i felt like writing them as glenn saying them would be pretty boring so i wrote them like this instead :)
hope it isn't too confusing!!
maybe i can do one next where it's silas instead of glenn?

metanoia   ,   daryl dixon   (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now