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silas worked to keep his breathing as even as he could as the group jogged towards their camp. it was becoming dark now and they continued running, never stopping but sometimes slowing down the slightest bit.
"i can't–" silas cringed as t-dog wheezed, forehead glistening with sweat and t-shirt drenched in it. "not much longer" sending a firm nod t-dog's way, silas hoped it would help.

"man, how aren't you tired?" t-dog asked, as he shot silas a look of envy, the other man seemed fine despite all the running they were doing, he had barely even broke a sweat. "fbi, remember?" defeatedly nodding, t-dog began to once again focus on running, keeping up with the rest.

glenn opened his mouth to say something when they suddenly heard gunshots coming in the direction of their camp, "shit!" quickly grabbing an ar from the bag of guns strapped to rick's back, silas took off in a faster run, not caring that he was leaving the others behind. ignoring everything around him, silas only worried about making it back to camp in time. it took a minute but silas could now hear the rest running behind him in a panic.

silas momentarily stopped as he broke through a bush and into their camp, walkers filled the place and everyone ran and screamed. a bullet dangerously whizzed by his head and that was enough to snap him back to reality.lifting the gun, silas immediately started shooting at any walker he could, trying to locate cass.

shooting at a walker dangerously close to sophia, silas immediately ran towards her and pulled her into him, not spotting carol close by. sophia sobbed as she clutched silas' pants, face shoved into his body as he fired shots at any approaching walkers. silas quickly pulled her aside and into a bush, hiding himself with her as he reloaded his gun.

"hey, hey, shhh" putting a finger to his mouth, silas attempted to calm down sophia as she continued to cry, her body shaking with sobs. "i-i'm scared" snot fell down her nose and silas slightly cringed at the sight before placing a hand on her shoulder, "are you scared of heights?" the question shocked sophia so much she slightly calmed down and furrowed her brows before shaking her head.

"perfect" silas muttered before looking up, "quick, i'll boost you into a tree if you promise not to make a sound" eyes widening, sophia began to shake her head repeatedly muttering the word 'no'. "if you do this, i promise to give you cookies" silas muttered, attempting to bribe the girl into doing as he said. her eyes widened as she nodded in agreement and silas sighed in relief, not wasting a second as he hoisted her up and into a tree.

"wait for me to come back for you, alright?" he asked the girl, earning himself a small nod. silas' jacket was draped across her shoulders in an attempt to keep her warm and relaxed. next thing he knew, silas was back with the rest of the group, shooting at more walkers. he only managed to shoot a couple more before his gun clicked, alerting him that he was out of bullets. cursing, silas tossed the gun aside before pulling two knives out, twirling them before beginning to attack.

a walker was dangerously close to him and he was quick to stab it in the eye, cringing at the squelch that came from it. eyes darting around, silas attempted to find cass but he couldn't, he wasn't sure where his friend was. the only thing he could do was keep going, continuing to kill walkers until he found himself beside daryl, who sent him a short nod. gunshots continued to ring out as silas killed a walker that was coming up behind daryl.

it seemed that everything was over as one last shot rang out, and everything went quiet, eerily quiet. the only sound silas could hear were the loud breathing and crying. silas began backing away, accidentally bumping into daryl, who placed his palm on his back before the taller could fall over. daryl opened his mouth, as if to speak, but shut it once again as silas began walking away and into the trees. he headed back to where he was before, where he had left sophia.

"sophia" at her name, sophia poked her head out from the tree, lip quivering as she stared down at silas, obviously terrified. "come on down" motioning her to come down, sophia carefully began making her way down until she neared the bottom of the tree, where silas stood with outstretched arms. he pulled her the rest of the way down and attempted to place her down, but she only clung to his shirt, not wanting to let go.

"it's alright, i got you" running a hand through her hair, silas continued towards camp, the little girls face shoved into his neck, dampening it with her tears. as he neared the camp, he sped up as he heard carol's frantic cries as she searched for her daughter. "sophia!" at the sound of her name, sophia lifted her head up, lip quivering as she looked around for her mom. as soon as she saw her, sophia flew out of silas' arms, heading towards her mom.

"mommy!" running, sophia finally reached her mom and silas watched as the two embraced in a teaful hug, carol shotting him a grateful look as she kissed sophia's forehead. silas only averted his eyes before he began heading towards cass, who stood among glenn, daryl, and rick. stopping in front of cass, silas placed a hand on his shoulder, "you okay?" he asked, only earning a small nod from cass.

andreas cries were loud and gut wrenching, her hands shaking as she held her little sister's face delicately. her pale and bloody face, a chunk of her neck was missing, eyes glossed over and staring at nothing. andrea cried out her sisters name, the remaining group watching her as she sobbed over her little sister. silas' eyes stung, watching the mourning of a younger sibling, snd he briefly remembered when it was him who was in andrea's position, crying over his little brother. from beside him, a tear slipped out of cass' eye, watching the kind girl who always helped him lay on the floor, motionless and dead.

words; 1069

authors note;
amy's death always makes me so emotional, she was so sweet and i considered keeping her alive but i'm not too sure of how i would fit her into the story but don't worry i already have plans for the future of this story and some characters that originally die 👀

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