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it had been quite some time since silas and glenn had became a part of the group. they weren't sure exactly how long it had been but it was long enough for silas to know everybody's name. it was also long enough for silas to know that he absolutely hated merle dixon. he was an obnoxious asshole who didn't care about anybody but himself and his brother. daryl on the other hand, wasn't so bad. he kept to himself and mainly followed his brother around, doing whatever it was that merle did. silas took the role of hunting, trying his best to keep away from merle and daryl, the two dixon's were people that he definitely did not trust.

glenn had taken it upon himself to become the designated person to go on runs. he often went to atlanta, scavenging for things to bring back to camp. on some occasions, silas would join him, and together the two would bring back some goods.

today was the first time glenn had gone on a run with a group. accompanying him were t-dog, jacqui, andrea, morales, and merle. as soon as silas learned that the eldest dixon would be tagging along he felt his stomach drop. he couldn't help the feeling of dread, the feeling that something would go wrong. merle always had to fuck something up, whether it be overcooking meat or attracting walkers while on a hunt.

silas knew how bad atlanta was, he witnessed the city himself, and he knew merle's obnoxious self would not do any good in that city. if anything, the man would probably put the whole group at risk. while merle was gone, daryl had gone on a hunt and judging by the pack he had carried out with him, silas guessed the youngest dixon would be spending the night out hunting.

as the days passed silas began to grow pretty bored, he hated how repetitive his days were and he hated being with the group. more than half of them were weak, and silas was dead set on believing that they were alive due to pure luck. many of the people at camp hadn't even experienced killing their first walker. he feared that any moment now the dead could attack their little group, they would tear through the weak, most likely only leaving the strongest behind.

or, maybe, even worse, a creature that only silas and cass knew of could attack them. silas knew he was a target among the supernaturals, almost everybody knew who the winchester's were, most even knowing what the three siblings looked like as well. surrounded by all these people, silas was wary, he wasn't entirely sure that they were all human. the only people he knew were definitely humans were glenn and amy, who he had tested with holy water and had taken a liking to after getting to know her better.

silas currently sat with amy and cass, the trio sorting through a big bucket of berries. their goal was to pick out any bad ones and only leave the edible ones in the bucket. since the moment that andrea had left, amy had been fidgeting like crazy, not liking that her sister had gone off to such a dangerous place. silas sympathized with the younger blonde because glenn was on that same run and sadly, glenn had become important to silas. in their time at camp, glenn went from insufferable to tolerable. silas could feel the worry gnawing at him, the fear that glenn wouldn't make it back to their camp alive and well.

the three worked in silence, the only sound being cass' humming as he inspected some berries, silas wasn't even sure what the former angel was humming but he paid it no mind, instead choosing to focus on the berries. as they continued working, their attention was suddenly caught by the radio that belonged to their group, "hello, base camp! can anybody out there hear me? base camp, this is t-dog. anybody hear me?" desperation dripped from t-dog' voice, and it was clear as day to everybody there. "hello hello? receptions bad on this end. repeat. repeat" shane spoke into the radio, being one of the only ones to rush towards it.

"shane, is that you?" t-dog panted into the walkie and silas cringed slightly at the static that followed his voice. "is that them?" lori asked in concern, stepping forward a bit with a worried look on her face and her hands planted on her hips. by now, silas had dropped the berries in his hand back into the bucket, not caring about them anymore. "we're in some deep shit. we're trapped in the department store." came t-dog's voice again, and everybody could hear the fear in his voice. from beside silas, amy tensed, "he said they're trapped?" she asked softly, worried eyes looking up at silas, fearing for her sister.

"there are geeks all over the place. hundreds of 'em. we're surrounded" at these words, amy's hand came up to her mouth, covering it and silencing a small sob. from beside her, silas tensed, looking at the younger blonde, "t-dog, repeat that last part, repeat" shane spoke frantically, but the radio shut off, cutting off contact with t-dog. "he said the department store" lori muttered, looking at shane with worry evident on her face. "i heard it too" dale sighed from beside shane, face solemn.

"shane?" lori asked, waiting for the man to say something as he stood in place, everybody's eyes now on him. "no way, we do not go after them. we do not risk the rest of the group, y'all know that" he spoke firmly, arms crossed across his chest. silas' face hardened, processing shane's words. they were just supposed to sit around while their people died? how fucking stupid. sudden movement from beside silas caused him to flinch as amy stood up, her cheeks flushed a violent red in frustration. "so we're just gonna leave her there?" the blonde asked, obviously referring to her sister.

"look, amy, i know that this is not easy..." shane sighed, looking at the girl, "she volunteered to go to help the rest of us." amy spoke back, tears beginning to brim her eyes as shane ran a hand through his hair, shifting on his feet. "i know, and she knew the risks, right? see, if she's trapped, she's gone. so we just have to deal with that. there's nothing we can do." shane's words were like a slap to amy, who flinched back, the tears beginning to escape her eyes, the prospect of losing her sister being something she couldn't deal with. silas watched the situation unfold, biting the inaide of his cheek as his thoughts ran wild.

"she's my sister, you son of a bitch." were the last words amy seethed out, glaring harshly at shane before she stormed off, tears beginning to fall down her face freely. those that witnessed it all watched shane, most with judging eyes. silas was one of them, his eyes narrowed into such a harsh glare that shane was fidgeting under it.

words; 1206

authors note;
this might be the longest chapter yet idek but yayyy we're finally getting into the show!! im so excited to keep writing because i already have some good changes and things to add so i can involve silas more and make him his own little character instead of someone whose like just there yk?

nyways, fuck shane. stan amy.

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