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the next morning silas woke up with a deep groan, feeling warmth surrounding him. it took him a minute to process where he was and who he was with. glenn was laid to his right, he laid on his stomach with an arm under his head, his mouth opened and soft snores leaving it. a chocolate wrapper was stuck to his cheek and silas grimaced, sitting up and hearing the crinkle of a bag of chips from under his body.

to his left, cass was curled up, knees so high up into his chest. in his arms he cradled a bag of doritos, his favorite chips, with a small smile on his face. his dream must have been good judging by the smile and line of drool falling out his lips. the trio had decided to go through with cass' little 'sleepover' and silas even dug out the snacks he had stashed in his backpack. cass had nearly gone crazy when he saw it all, his eyes widening comically as he immediately lunged for the bag of doritos.

now that it was morning silas felt pretty sick, he definitely had way too much junk food in such a short period of time. his body wasn't used to it and it was so unhealthy he felt he would have a stroke any minute now. sadly, that didn't happen, and instead cass woke up as silas kicked him softly, muttering his name and then doing the same to glenn. the two groaned, glenn rubbing at his eyes, not noticing the wrapper still stuck to his skin.

"get up you lazy fucks" silas muttered, stretching his body out before deciding he needed some fresh air. opening the tent, he stumbled out, groaning as his knees ached and he truly realized how old he was getting, something that made him frown deeply. as he stood outside, he realize everybody else in camp was already up and he felt that glenn, cass, and him had over slept.

he barely had time to think before shane was approaching him, hands on his hips with merle and daryl trailing behind him. "hey man, i was thinking you guys could all go hunting today, see how you like it" shane said, looking over at the man as silas stretched his arms over his head, immediately feeling the pleasure fill his body as he hummed in content.

silas opened his mouth to reply but was cut off as a weight hit his back, pushing him forward and almost knocking him off his feet, "the fuck?!" he seethed, turning around to see who had shoved him, only to find cass, who rubbed his tired eyes. glenn follwed out after him, being a bit more aware than cass, seeing as he walked out perfectly. although it seemed he still hadn't noticed the trash on his skin, as he stood pretty confidently.

merle, daryl, and shane looked between the three with furrowed brows, each wondering what the men had been up to that had them looking a mess. "uh, sure, i'll go hunt" silas finally answered, frowning as he ripped the trash off glenn's face, watching as he turned red and rubbed the rest of his body, searching for any other stray trash. "i'll go too!" cass called out, not waiting for approval as he jumped up and down, reaching into his tent and pulling out a pretty worn out bag. "woah, hold on" shane placed his hands out, looking at cass with a look that didn't quiet sit right with silas. "there's no fucking way he's coming" merle grumbled, crossing his arms as he glared at cass, who frowned, looking between all the other men around him.

"he's coming, get over it" silas grumbled, grabbing his bow and arrows and grabbing cass' wrist, beginning to lead them away and into the woods. he didn't expect merle and daryl to follow after them but the soft sound of their foot steps alerted silas of their presence. they only got a couple minutes of peace and quiet before merle began to speak nonsense, his scratchy voice loud.

words; 686

authors note;
whatttt i literally already had this whole chapter written, i dont know why i never published it 😭😭

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