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the small group of men now sat around a room, silas on the desk while glenn, rick, daryl, and t-dog sat on the ground. they surrounded glenn, who was currently going over a plan he made in order to retrieve the guns off the street. "you're not doing this alone." rick sighed and rubbed his face, brows furrowed in thought. "even i think it's a bad idea and i don't even like you much." daryl scoffed as he wearily eyed glenn.

"it's a good idea, okay? if you just hear me out. if we go out there in a group, we're slow, drawing attention. if I'm alone, i can move fast." glenn began to draw a small map on the floor, using an old sharpie that silas had found on the desk. he used other things to mark the tank and bag of guns.

"look. that's the tank, five blocks from where we are now. that's the bag of guns, here's the alley i dragged you into when we first met. that's where daryl, silas, and i will go." glenn looked around the group, pausing to let them process it. silas' brows furrowed as he listened to his shit plan. "why us?" daryl grunted as glenn sent his crossbow a look. "your crossbow and silas' bow are quieter than his gun." he said, motioning to ricks gun before moving on with explaining the plan.

"while daryl and silas wait here in the alley, i run up the street, grab the bag." at this point, silas was fed up with their bullshit and zoned out, clenching his jaw angrily. this was the stupidest fucking plan ever and dean's his brother so that's saying something. the winchester regretted staying with the group, he should've taken cass and himself out of that stupid camp ages ago.

the man quickly snapped out of it as all the men got up, seemingly done with their talk. rick turned to silas and jerked his head to the side, a grim look on his face. "you know, this is possibly one of the stupidest plans i have ever heard." at his words, glenn slightly frowned as he caught sight of silas' mad expression. "what?" the korean asked, looking up at silas with some sadness in his eyes. silas only glared around at the other men, in disbelief at the fact that they were so willing to go with the plan.

"let's move then" the winchester mumbled, turning and storming off in the direction of the ladder that would lead him to his assigned position. he leaned against the wall, waiting for glenn and daryl to join him behind the dumpster. "you got some balls for a chinaman." daryl muttered, loading his crossbow and earning a glare from silas, who huffed.

"i'm korean." glenn muttered back, taking his sweater off and throwing it to the side, finally taking off running with a determined sigh. "whatever." daryl muttered, ears subtly turning pink as he stood alert, weary of their surroundings. from where the duo stood they couldn't see glenn, something that worried silas. the taller of the two opened his mouth to say something but shut it at the sound of faint footsteps, instead he perked up, machete in his hand, "someone's here" he said causing daryl to turn as well, crossbow raised.

suddenly, the two hunters spotted a kid coming around the corner, coming to a stop and putting his hands up in surrender as he saw them, "whoa, don't shoot me! what do you want?" the kid asked, eyes wide as he stared between the two, "i'm looking for my brother. he's hurt real bad, you seen him?" daryl asked, beginning to get closer to the kid, who began looking more uneasy.

"ayudame!" he screamed suddenly, causing both men to glare at him, "shut up and answer him" silas growled out, stepping closer to the kid and shoving him into the wall harshly. the kid only continued to call for help, flinching back as daryl shoved the crossbow closer to his face.

they were caught off guard as two men came around the corner, immediately charging at them, one going for daryl and the other going for silas, "oh shit!" the man cursed, swiftly dodging the unknown mans punch before throwing one of his own, causing him to take a few steps back in shock. glenn suddenly showed up at the opening with the bag of guns in hand and stopped in shock at what he was seeing.

"that's it. that's the bag, vato. take it! take it!" one of the men called out, which caused silas to look up, momentarily distracted. he was too distracted to block the punch that was sent his way, his nose now erupting with pain. before he could retaliate, another blow was sent to his ribs, the wind being knocked out of him as he fell to the floor, groaning.

he could only watch as a car pulled up, the men that had jumped him and daryl leaving them on the floor to shove glenn into the car. daryl managed to sit up and shoot one of the men in the ass, causing him to yelp and jump. "nice shot" silas muttered, groaning as daryl began screaming after the men, he didn't even notice rick and t-dog get there until rick walked up to him. "come on" the man said, offering silas a hand, who accepted it and stood up, looking down at the kid from before. "the fuck was that?" he asked, squinting as daryl lightly pushed him forward, urging him to start walking.

words; 936

authors note;
this heat messing w me so bad that i've actually been sober, i haven't even been smoking my nic either😭 best believe ima smoke a fat one today tho, been needing ts so badd

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