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when the sun began rising the next morning, silas sat with his back to a log, legs spread out before him. cass' head was resting on his lap, fast asleep and snoring softly. after last night, silas refused to sleep and he sure as hell refused to let cass stay up, knowing that he must have been tired. silas didn't hesitate to lend him some new clothes and his lap to sleep on.

at the moment, silas observed andrea who still sat over amy's body. she was waiting, just watching the lifeless body. everyone in camp was weary of her, not sure what to do about the fact that she refused to put amy to rest. silas watched as lori approached andrea, hands nervously brushing on her jeans, "andrea, i'm so sorry. she's gone, you got to let us take her. we all cared about her and i promise we'll be as gentle as we can." andrea didn't even spare lori a glance, only continued gripping amy's hand in hers. at her silence, lori sighed, placing a soft hand on her shoulder before getting up and walking away.

a while later the survivors in the camp began to clean stuff up, working as fast as they could. cass was now awake and was practically glued to silas' side, not wanting to be alone. silas grunted as he dragged a walker to the ever growing pile of them and scrunched his nose in disgust at the sight of a random arm lying on the floor. daryl was currently swinging a pickaxe at walkers' heads in order to ensure that they were officially dead.

to be honest, silas didn't see the point in burning the walkers and burying the others. it was a waste of time to split them up like this, it was better to just burn them all and get the hell out of there, the sooner the better. "she still won't move?" rick and the others stood a bit away from andrea and watched as she kneeled there. "she won't even talk to us. she's been there all night. what do we do?" lori placed her hands on her hips as she looked to rick for an answer.

"can't just leave amy like that, we need to deal with it same as the others." it seemed that everyone looked to rick. although not willingly, shane was also looking to rick for his opinion. "i'll tell her how it is." silas held back from saying something and only watched as rick slowly approached andrea, being cautious as to not startle her.

suddenly and unexpectedly, andrea pulled a gun on rick and silas was quick to reach for his own at his hip, but he reluctantly put it away as rick motioned for him to. "andrea" everyone in camp now watched wearily as the man who now led them had a gun pointed at him. "i know how the safety works." putting his hands up, rick began slowly backing away from andrea. "all right. okay. i'm sorry, i'm sorry." rick apologized, before shaking his head at the others, a small frown on his face.

with a scoff, silas walked to his tent, only walking in to change into a wife beater and grab some water in hopes of cooling down a bit. he moved to walk out but stopped as his eyes flickered down to a packet of oreo cookies that laid by his pack and he reluctantly picked it up along with another water bottle. he made sure his machete was strapped to his hip before walking out.

he immediately headed towards where sophia sat, playing with carl, as lori and carol watched over them. they sat under the shade, silas' jacket still being worn by sophia, it looking huge on her small frame. despite how big it fit her, she looked comfortable in it, almost content, so silas didn't have the heart to ask for it back.

"sophia" looking up, sophia smiled at silas, her fingers playing with the sleeves of his jacket as he crouced down to her height, "i owe you some cookies" immediately, sophia's eyes brightened and she reached over to hug him tightly as he handed her the cookies and water. "thank you!" with a smile and nod, silas got up and began walking away, not missing the smile of gratitude carol gave him.

the winchester began heading over to continue helping with the bodies, watching as daryl and morales dragged a body to the walker pile. "what are you guys doing? this is for geeks. our people go over there." glenn looked at them with a frown, causing the two to stop, "what's the difference? they're all infected" scoffing, daryl dropped the body in the pile and wiped his hands off on his pants.

"our people go in that row over there. we don't burn them! we bury them. understand? our people go in that row over there" pain filled glenn's voice and silas clenched his jaw as his voice cracked. at his words, daryl and morales picked the body back up and instead dropped it in the bury pile.

"you reap what you sow" daryl glared at glenn as he looked down to the body with a huff. "you know what? shut up, man" morales received a glare from daryl at the words, "y'all left my brother for dead. you had this coming" with a grumble, daryl threw his hands in the air and walked away, leaving silas to place a comforting hand on glenn's shoulder.

words; 923

authors note;
very much a filler lol, i literally hate s1, it's so boring😭

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