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silas stood beside cass, leaning against a tree, watching rick and shane talking, "so that's it, huh? you're just gonna walk off? just to hell with everybody else?" shane asked, upset at the fact that rick had agreed to go back to atlanta for merle. "i'm not saying to hell with anybody" rick sighed, taking his gun out and checking it to make sure it had ammo. "not you, shane" he added, rubbing at his eyes tiredly, "lori least of all, tell her that" shane said, causing silas to scoff lowly, "she knows" rick said, and multiple people began to listen to their conversation, seeing as they were talking loudly to begin with.

"well, look, i don't, okay, rick? so could you just, could you throw me a bone here, man? could you just tell me why? why would you risk your life for a douche bag like merle dixon?" he acts as if he's any better. silas thought bitterly, watching as daryl walked by the duo, "hey, choose your words more carefully." the man grumbled, slinging his crossbow over his back as he glared deeply at shane. "no, i did. douche bag's what i meant." shane scoffed, only sparing daryl a short glance before continuing, "merle dixon. the guy wouldn't give you a glass of water if you were dying of thirst." daryl only glared harder at the words.

"what he would or wouldn't do doesn't interest me. i can't let a man die of thirst. thirst and exposure. we left him like an animal caught in a trap. that's no way for anything to die, let alone a human being." rick sighed, hands on his hips as he glanced at daryl nervously, by now, lori had began walking up to them all, looking angry at her husband. "so you and daryl, that's your big plan?" lori scoffed in disbelief, crossing her arms as she pointedly looked between the two. at her words, rick slowly turned to glenn, who winced, "oh, come on." the korean frowned.

"you know the way. you've been there before. in and out, no problem. you said so yourself. it's not fair of me to ask, i know that, but i'd feel a lot better with you along." rick tried to convince glenn, "i know she would too." he added, motioning to a worried lori. glenn only nodded defeatedly, agreeing to going with the two men. at his agreement, silas kicked off the tree, eyes narrowed at rick, who seemed oblivious to his deep stare.

"that's just great. now you're gonna risk three men, huh?" shane asked, hands resting on his hips as he looked between the three. "four." t-dog slightly raised his hand, volunteering himself and earning a scoff from daryl, "my day just gets better and better, don't it?" daryl glared at t-dog as the other man shrugged, "you see anybody else here stepping up to save your brother's cracker ass?" daryl immediately scoffed. "why you?" he questioned, brows furrowed as he continued to stare at t-dog.

"you wouldn't even begin to understand. you don't speak my language." t-dog sighed, and daryl only shrugged, not paying much mind to what the man had said, "that's four." dale spoke up, a nervous look in his eyes as he stood a couple of steps behind shane. "nah, it's five." silas stepped up, arms crossed as everyone glanced at him in surprise while shane's glare deepened, "we need someone to stay." shane's neck turned red as he stared at silas. "yeah? well, if glenn goes, i go." jaw clenched, shane scoffed in disbelief, shaking his head before moving back onto the conversation.

"it's not just five. you're putting every single one of us at risk. just know that, rick." the man pleaded, trying to convice the group not to go, "come on, you saw that walker. it was here. it was in camp." he stressed out the words, hoping to make rick understand, "they're moving out of the cities. they come back, we need every able body we've got. we need 'em here. we need 'em to protect camp." at his words, silas glanced at cass, who sported a small frown on his face, their eyes locked and silas winced. fuck. he really looked like a kicked puppy. silas couldn't help but feel bad at being so willing to leave, and for what? merle dixon? he was a complete asshole to cass, not to mention the women in camp. still, rick dragged glenn into it and silas had a bad feeling about it all.

whenever silas had bad feelings, he was usually always right, dean used to make fun of him for it, claiming it was just nerves, but silas never believed him and he took it very seriously. he took it so seriously that he was willing to skip out on special events if he even so much as had a bad feeling. he wasn't willing to let glenn go into the overrun city with a group of pretty inexperienced men. silas hated to admit it but in the short while that he had known glenn he began to like his presence, he reminded him of sam when he was younger, although he was a bit more awkward and dorky. so, he decided he would stick to glenn, he reminded him of family.

words; 892

authors note;
im such an easy person to piss off broo i swearr, i told my crush about smth that happened in my life like around two weeks ago and he said 'im sorry' n i told him not to apologize and he said he only said it because he feels bad for me and that shit genuinely pissed me off😭
cause bro i don't need anybody's fucking pity, this is literally why i didn't tell anybody, especially not him because he always worries about shit and it makes me kinda embarrassed like i don't like to acknowledge those type of things anyways yeah no wonder everybody says i have anger issues :(
he told me smth he was very excited for n i said i didn't care and he just said "oh alright" so i left him on seen 🤷‍♀️ mfkr see if igaf lmfaoo

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