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the four men had been walking through the woods for quiet a bit and merle had shut up long enough for them to actually catch some animals. cass had been watching the way they all worked, fascination in his eyes. the two dixon's walked ahead of silas and cass, their heads whipping around as they tried to listen for any sounds. silas was instead staring down, hoping to catch any tracks.

"so, how'd ya learn to hunt?" merle asked, turning to look back at silas, eyes watching him suspiciously. "i told you, family business" the winchester grumbled out, already annoyed of merle. "i fuckin' heard ya but who taught ya?" the redneck had rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed by silas' answer. silas only copied the mans action's, smirking as he caught daryl's narrowed eyes. "doesn't matter" silas mumbled, speeding his walk so he passed the dixon's and now walked ahead of them.

merle grumbled in annoyance, muttering some crude words under his breath. "silas is one of the best hunters i've ever met" cass spoke up, rushing to keep up with silas as he grinned at merle and daryl. merle snorted, causing silas' ears to turn red in embarrassment. "oh yeah?" the oldest redneck asked, grinning maliciously at silas, who nudged cass hoping to get him to stay quiet. "yeah! sam and dean are great too" he added, missing the way silas tensed at the mention of the names.

"who and who?" merle asked, sharing a confused look with daryl, who only shrugged. he didn't know any sam or dean. "nobody" silas growled, before he shot an arrow, watching it pierce the small body of a squirrel. "well, shit" merle muttered, gritting his teeth as silas added the squirrel to his growing collection. by now, cass finally seemed to get the hint and he stayed quiet, only letting his eyes wander around, shoulders slumped as he feared he had made silas angry. silas was in no mood to talk about his brothers, and he especially did not want two redneck brother's to know about them, it was easier having less people know about his brothers.

silas only glared at the two dixon brothers, muttering about how they needed to mind their fucking business before he stormed off, heading back to camp with cass in tow. the two dixon's were stunned, left behind as the other two left.

words; 399

authors note;
next chapter will be a time skip so i can actually begin with the show :) also mbbb very short & uneventful

metanoia   ,   daryl dixon   (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now