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abuela finally came to a stop after a while of them walking, and silas' breath caught in his throat as he saw a small crowd. he didn't need to be a genius to figure out who they crowded around. a hand clamped down on his shoulder and he jumped, not expecting the contact. "hey, what the hell was that back there?" being brought back to reality, silas turned to rick who stared at him with narrowed eyes. "spanish" pursing his lips, silas glanced back forward and breathed out in relief when he made eye contact with glenn.

they began to walk over to him as he stood aside, watching what was happening with worried eyes and crossed arms. "what the hell is this?" brows furrowed, rick looked around as they finally stood in front of glenn. "an asthma attack, couldn't get his breath all of a sudden." placing his hands in his pockets, glenn worridly looked over at mr. gilbert. "i thought you were being eaten by dogs, man." t-dog sighed as glenn shrugged and motioned towards a few chihuahuas and silas smirked as they viciously barked at the group.

"hey, you good?" staring at glenn, silas asked raising a brow and tensing up, only relaxing when glenn nodded. "you shot one of them?" glenn asked in a whisper, stepping closer as silas frowned and nodded. "it wasn't bad, they're not too angry about it" glenn added, a small smile on his face as he attempted to make silas feel better.

"silas? is that you?" a soft voice asked, and silas turned, staring down at mr. gilbert, who smiled up at him widely. "hey, mr. gilbert" he muttered, crouching down beside the man. "look how big you've gotten! where are the other two?" the man asked, glancing around in hopes of seeing sam and dean. "um, they couldn't make it" humming understandably, mr. gilbert's face morphed into a look of sympathy.

"i heard about john, so sorry i couldn't talk to you boys sooner" shaking his head, silas quickly assured him it was fine, a small but uneasy smile present on his face. leaning closer, mr. gilbert whispered in silas' ear "you haven't introduced me to your new friends yet" turning around, silas saw that most people had moved away to give the two space but his group stayed standing behind them awkwardly, obviously having heard their conversation. "oh! um, this here is rick, daryl, glenn, and t-dog" pointing at each one, rick shook mr. gilberts hand in greeting, daryl grunted, glenn awkwardly waved, and t-dog nodded his head with a smile.

"you've been keeping silas safe?" mr. gilbert's asked, and rick chuckled and nodded while silas' cheeks turned a bright red in embarrassment. "hey, i'll be back. i think we have to speak to guillermo for a moment" standing up, silas smiled down at mr. gilbert and departed from him with a small squeeze on his shoulder. the group began to walk towards guillermo, and glenn chuckled in amusement at silas' still red cheeks. "don't worry, we'll take great care of you" glenn teased, poking silas' cheek as the taller of the two groaned and slapped glenn's hand away. "shut up" he muttered, glaring down at a laughing glenn, t-dog letting out a soft chuckle from behind them.

"could i have a word with you?" rick asked as soon as they reached guillermo, and the man agreed, pulling them into a room for privacy. "you're the dumbest son of a bitch i ever met. we walked in here ready to kill every last one of you." rick glared at the man as he rubbed his cheek, "well, i'm glad it didn't go down that way." sending a smile rick's way, guillermo, didn't even seem mad at anything that had happened. "if it had, that blood would be on my hands." rick said, shaking his head as guillermo shrugged, not even bothered. silas wearily glanced around as rick and guillermo continued speaking, not paying their conversation much mind.

he was lost in thought as they continued to talk, he wasn't too worried about what they said, knowing he could get caught up later. he mainly worried about mr. gilbert and if he should stay behind with him, he owed him a lot. when bobby was too busy, it was mr. gilbert who would constantly watch the three boys, taking them to the park and playing with them. it was him who taught silas how to tie his shoes, he taught him things that john didn't bother teaching him, normal things.

words; 764

authors note;
bro some random ass busted looking lady at walmart was tryna start smth today bcs we were "walking too slow" like tf? told that dumb bitch to walk around us if she was in such a fucking rush 🙄

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