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I was taken to a bedroom and given some clothes to wear. One of them untied me and push me onto the bed.

"You should've died! Instead, you decided to be a little snitch!" The one who pushed me said before pulling out a gun and pointing it at my head. "I should just kill you myself!" He shouted

"Suga, stop it!" One of them said before pulling him away from me. "We're already getting punished for killing someone in a public place, do you want to be punished even more?" One of them asked.

The man looked between me and the other man, then finally stopped his eyes on me, giving me a dark glare. "You're one lucky son of a bitch, lets hope that luck doesn't run out." He said before storming out of the bedroom.

I curled up on the bed, looking at the other three men, still shaking from almost being shot in the head.

"There's a bathroom over there, take a shower and we'll be back in a few hours." One of them said before all of them left the bedroom, locking the door behind them.

I waited until I couldn't hear their footsteps anymore to sit up from the bed. I looked at the clothes that were given to me and picked them up.

A black shirt, very baggy sweatpants, and a pair of boxers.

I stood up with the clothes in my hands and walked to the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom. I turned the light on and saw a decent-looking bedroom. Sure, it was nice, but nothing to brag about.

I put the clothes on the bathroom counter and then went over to turn the shower on. I looked over at the door before stripping off my clothes and quickly got in the shower.

I quickly washed my body, scared that they would come in here and do something to me. Once I was finished, I grabbed a towel and quickly dried myself off as best as I could before putting on the clothes.

I walked out of the bathroom and went over to the bed, laying down and curling up in a ball. I didn't want to stay here, I wanted to go home and just forget this night ever happened.

I looked over at the window, the curtains being open. Any other night, I would've thought the starry night looked beautiful, but right now, it's just reminding me of what happened tonight and the fact that I'm never going home.

I don't know when it happened, but before I knew it, I was asleep, snoring softly.


I don't know how long I was asleep for, but the next time I opened my eyes, the sunlight was shining in my face. I closed my eyes again and moved away from the sunlight. I sat up and stretched my body, yawning loudly before opening my eyes to see where I was.

Memories of last night flew by into my mind and the feeling of sadness took over. I laid back down and curled up in a ball, tears running down my face.

Even though everything looked normal, I felt like I was sitting in prison, never to leave and to only sit here and rot for the rest of my days.

Before I could think about it any further, I heard the bedroom door unlock and then open. I looked over and saw one of the men step in and walk over to me.

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