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I kicked the leader of the Blue Mafia in the chest, making him fall on the floor of his office.

"Where's our half of the money?" I asked in a eerily calm tone.

The Blue Mafia made a deal with us about doing a job together and then splitting the money, but as soon as the job was done, they grabbed the money and ran off with it. It took awhile to find them, but once we did, we went over there when they least expected it.

"Fuck you, RM, we both know that my men did most of the wo-" He said, but was interrupted by me hitting him in the face with my gun.

"I'm only going to ask one more time, where the fuck is our half of the money?" I asked, a little louder this time.

"Up your ass, that's where it is!" The Blue Mafia leader said before spitting in my direction, the spit landing on my shoe.

I nodded, then looked back at Mochi and V, motioning them to tie him up and take him to the van. After they tied him up, they dragged him out of his office. I told them not to blindfold him, I wanted him to see everything.

Outside of his office was half of his members on the ground, some already dead and some of them on the verge of dying. The other half were outside, most likely already dead, if not, Suga will take care of it before we leave.

The look on the Blue Mafia leader's face was priceless, a look of horror mixed with the look of anger. I chuckled and continued walking as the rest of the members walked behind me.

"I wasn't playing games when I said that you should be afraid of us. Look what happens when you steal from us." I said as I walked out of the small hideout and towards the van. "As for you, you're gonna get special treatment from us." I said before watching Mochi and V throw him in the back of the van.


After two hours in the torture room, the Blue Mafia leader has had all his fingernails and toenails ripped off and all of his teeth pulled out. I respect him for getting this far without telling us where our money is, but I know the next step will definitely make him talk.

"Come on, Mr. Blue Leader, you have no nails and no teeth, how far are you willing to go to keep our money hidden?" I asked, standing right in front of him.

"I'll die before I tell you anything!" He shouted, blood spraying from his mouth.

I chuckled and looked back at the members. "You hear that, guys? He'll die before telling us anything." I said, hearing a few of the members chuckle. I turned to look at him, the smile vanishing from my face, giving him a cold stare.

"Well how about we make sure that you not only don't touch that money again, we'll make sure you don't see that money again?" I said before looking over at Mochi . "Get me the acid."

The Blue leader's eyes grew wide, the look of pure fear now written all over his face. Mochi came back with a big glass bottle filled with acid. I took it from him and looked at him.

"We have you more than enough time, now I'm done playing games." I said taking the cap off the bottle.

"Hold on, wait! I know where it is!"

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