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J-Hope's POV

Suga and I have been walking down this underground escape path for almost thirty minutes and nothing has happened yet. But even then, we were watching our surroundings for anything that could even slightly look like a trap.

"Whoever made this place had a lot of time on their hands." Suga whispered.

"That's probably the reason he chose this place as his hideout. It's on top of a hill, deep in the woods, and has secret passageways." I whispered back, keeping my eyes forward.

"Do you think he's down here?" Suga asked.

"I don't think so, he's not stupid enough to do that." I said, looking around and flashing my flashlight over everything in front of me. "I'm gonna guess there's an end to this somewhere and he escaped from there." I added.

"Hopefully this isn't too long, my feet are starting to hurt." Suga said.

We continued walking for another ten minutes, starting to get tired, but we had to keep going. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and continued walking, looking around to check for any traps.

"We've walking for almost an hour, I starting to think he didn't come down here at all. Either he never was here or he escaped somewhere else.

I stopped, letting his words sink in. I looked back at Suga and blinked a few times.

"For once in your life...I think you're right." I said before thinking some more. "Either he was never here to begin with or there was another hidden door in that hideout." I said. "He wanted us to find this, so he could have time to escape. He probably didn't think we were gonna get this far, but we did, now he needs time to think of a new plan." I added before pressing down on my earpiece.

"This is J-Hope, can anyone hear me?" I said, waiting for a response. After a few seconds, I tried again, but got the same result.

"Shit, they can't hear us." I said.

"What do we do now?" Suga asked.

"We can't turn around now, for all we know, anyone that could possibly still be alive could be right behind us." I said. "We need to keep going. The quicker we get out of here, the quicker we can get a signal and communicate with the others." I added.

Suga nodded. "Alright, if that's our only option, then we need to keep going. Any of the other members could need our help."

I nodded. "Alright, lets go." I said as I turned to continue walking down the path.


Jin's POV

My body was hurting so bad, but I didn't want to say anything, not wanting to slow RM down or slow any of the members down.

It's been a long time since I had to be this active during a mission, my body just isn't as good as it used to be. I used to be able to do anything a million times faster, but the more injured I've gotten over the years, the slower I've become.

Broken bones, sprained wrist, sprained ankles, dislocated shoulders, many head injuries, many stitches, many cuts and bruises, teeth knocked out, getting shot at, and so much more. All of those combined had made my body feel slower, but even then, I still continue on like I'm invincible.

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