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-a few minutes earlier-

I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder, falling to my knees as I hold the shoulder. I looked in front of me and saw The Red Leader, still holding up his gun.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Namjoon." He said with an evil smile.

I looked over to my right to see Suga, V, BM, and Jiwoo, tied up with tape covering their mouths.

I slowly got up, leaning against the doorway as I held my injured shoulder. "Let them go, Hyungsik, its me you really want."

"True, but I also want to get rid of anyone and everyone thats close to you."

"You've already taken someone away from me and I'm not gonna let that happen again." I said as I gently push away from the door away. My shoulder was in excruciating pain, but I didn't show it.

"Oh really? And let me guess, you're gonna stop me?" He asked.

"I'll do whatever it takes to get rid of you."

"Ohh, I love a challenge." He said before he snapped his fingers.

Seconds later, Red Mafia members come out from different hiding spots in the room, it had to be about twenty, maybe thirty of them.

I don't know if I'm gonna be able to take all of them down, but I'm still gonna try. I didn't get this far to just give up, I'm gonna do the best that I can.

"Get him!" The Red Leader shouted.

All of a sudden, all of the Red Mafia members are running towards me, ready to fight.

I pulled out my knife and managed to kill at least ten of them with it, but that's all I got before I'm on the ground, getting punched, kicked, stomped on, hit with objects, and much more. I don't know how long this went on for, but all of a sudden, I hear The Red Leader shout for them to stop.

All of the members stop and move out of the way. I watch as The Red Leader walks towards me, a satisfied grin on me face.

"Just give up, Namjoon, you'll never beat me. I'm smarter, wiser, and always ten steps ahead of you. You didn't think I wouldn't find out about a few of my members telling you where I am?" He said before grabbing me back my hair and pulling me up until I was on my knees. "You're stupider than you look." He said before letting go of my hair. "You're pathetic, Namjoon, to think you could actually defeat me. You failed the first time, what made you think you would be successful this time? Having extra people with you? Getting your precious Jungkook involved?" He laughed, but then became serious again. "All thats gonna do is get them killed, Namjoon, you're not very good at using your brain. An IQ of 148, wasted on you, what a shame." He finished before pulling out his gun.

In the corner of my eye, I can see the many monitors that showed every part of the abandoned building. Every room, every hallway, every stairway, every possible corner. I slowly turned my head and looked them. My eyes stopped on the screen that said 'Second floor hallway' in the upper left corner, seeing two people running. I instantly recognized them as Jungkook and Somin.

Come on, you two, you're almost here, you can do it.

"Don't get your hopes up too high, I have men looking for them and are ordered to kill on sight." He said. "Your precious Jungkook will die the same way Seokjin did, with his brains splattered all over the wall."

I went to stand up, but the pain in my body was too much, landing back on my knees.

He chuckled and pointed his gun at me. "I'm tired of this game you're trying to play with me. I'm gonna kill you and then go on to kill every other leader in the country, until it's just me, the one and only leader. No red, yellow, green, blue, or gayer than gay purple, just a simple leader that's going to take over the whole country, maybe even China and Japan." He said with a laugh, then quickly went back to be serious. "Say goodbye, Namjoon, this ends now."

Suddenly, I hear a door swing open, but before I could look over and see who it was, I get shot in the chest.

I fall backwards, my hand on my chest where the gunshot wound is.


I turned slowly, breathing heavily, looking up at Jungkook, blood all over him. I hope none of it was his blood.


"No no, don't talk, just keep breathing, you're gonna be okay." He said to him.

After that, I started going in and out of consciousness. I tried to keep my eyes open, but I just couldn't. I heard bits and pieces of what was being said, but before I could listen some more, everything goes dark.


All of you are probably mad at me right now, but I promise there will be a happy ending, just...keep reading :D

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