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I probably should've been more specific about where they were in the last chapter. But the building they're in is an abandoned hotel. I'll try to be more detailed and specific for now on 😂



-One hour earlier-

After taking down a bunch of the Red Mafia members, me, BM, Suga, Jiwoo, and V, entered the building through the side entrance. It was quiet, way too quiet, which is never a good thing.

"See any movement?" BM whispered.

"I don't, that concerns me." I whispered back, then looked back at V. "V, can you get a connection to the cameras." I asked him.

"I'm still working on it. So far, I can't." He whispered.

I nodded and continued looking around.

"I see movement." Jiwoo said, making us all turn in her direction, guns pointed in the direction of where she was looking.

"Whoever you are, come out now!" I shouted.

Suddenly, a rat scurried out from it's hiding spot, causing us to jump and move out of the way.

"Jiwoo, what the hell?!" BM said

"I said I saw movement, I didn't say it was one of them!" Jiwoo said, rolling her eyes.

Before they could argue any further, rapid gunshots were being fired at us.

"Get down!" I shouted, taking cover under a table.

I poked my head out to see where the shots were coming from. I saw someone behind another table and pointed my gun at them, shooting them in the head and killing them instantly. I quickly crawled over to another table, hiding under it and looking around to see if I can spot anyone else.

"RM, behind you!" BM shouted.

I turned around and one of the Red Mafia members had a gun to my head. Within seconds, I swept my leg over his feet, making him fall on the ground. I didn't give him time to recover, pointing my gun at him and shooting him three times, twice in the chest and once in the head.

I turned around and saw that BM, Suga, and Jiwoo got the rest of the guys. I looked around for V, getting worried when I didn't see him.

"V! Where are you?!" I shouted.

All I saw was a hand lifting up from the corner of the room, recognizing all the tech equipment wrapped around his arm.

I ran over to him, thinking that he was hurt. When I looked down at him, I saw blood on his shoulder.

"Shit, V, are you okay?!" I asked, helping him up.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah, why?"

"Your shoulder."

He looked at his shoulder, seeing the blood on it. "Oh that? That's not my blood, it's his." He said before pointing  over at the dead man on the floor, beside the spot where V was hiding.

I sighed in relief, then gave him a gentle shove. "You can't scare me like that, my heart nearly fell out of my ass."

"I wasn't trying to scare you, I'm sorry." V said before coming out from his hiding spot.

"We should keep going, I'm sure there's more of those fuckers around here." BM said.

I nodded in agreement. "Alright, let's go." I said before we continued on with walking through the building.

We made it to the stairs that would take us to the next floor, none of the Red Mafia members in sight.

"I don't like how quiet it is." I said quietly.

"Neither do I." BM said. "From what I've experienced throughout my life, a quiet room is a lot more dangerous than a noisy one.

I stopped and stood still, trying to hear anything, anything at all. Footsteps, talking, a pin dropping on the floor, anything would help to locate any of these bastards.

After a minute, I turned the corner to see if anyone was near the stairs and saw no one.

"I've gotta say, if these fuckers were playing a serious game of hide and seek, they would be winning right now." BM said quietly.

"Yeah, but not for long, they can't hide forever." I said before looking back at V. "Any luck with the cameras?"

"Not yet, this hacker did a pretty good job with blocking the cameras. I've tried every code possible and it's not working."

"Jseph, do you still have eyes on the building?" BM said into his ear piece.

"Yeah, everything is good for now." I heard Jseph say through my ear piece, since everyone's ear piece is connected to each other.

"Good, keep your eyes open and keep working on trying to get connected to the cameras. V is doing everything he can, but he's gonna need your help as well." BM said quietly.

"Of course, I'm doing everything I can on my part." Jseph replied.

"Good, let us know if you see anything." BM said before clicking off.

I looked around the corner once more and didn't see anything, so I motioned for them to follow me up the stairs. We made sure to not make any sounds as we went up the stairs, keeping our eyes open for anything and everything.

Once we made it to the second floor, I slowly opened the door and looked down each side of the hallway. I gave them a nod and then walked into the hallway, making sure to be quiet.

As I was about to turn right down the hallway, I hear one of the hotel room doors open, along with voices. Before I could tell them to go back to the stairs, two of the Red Mafia members look their left and see us. Everything happened so fast, but at the same time, so slow.

One of the members pulled out their walkie-talkie and spoke into it, shouting that they found us. Within seconds, every hotel room door opened, about 10 to 15 members in each room running out, ready to attack.

There was 5 of us and over 50 of them, we were outnumbered by a lot. Every floor of this building was filled with Red Mafia members, ready to shoot and attack. There was one way out of this.

We had to fight our way out of this.


Wooooow, this is getting serious lol.

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