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All I remember was J-Hope driving away while I sat in the passenger seat and then all of a sudden, the van is being hit by a truck. It was like it appeared out of nowhere, like it was hidden very well. As soon as the truck hit the van, my body flung over to the driver's side and head the driver's side window. After that, everything went back.

The next time I opened my eyes, I see that I'm in a room, it looked like a basement with the concrete floor and concrete walls. I looked around slowly in the poorly-lit room, soon seeing the others tied up in chairs.

I looked down and saw that I was tied up as well.

"What the fuck?" I said out loud.

A few seconds later, I hear the door that was behind me swing open, a bunch of the red mafia members running in. Then, I heard a very familiar voice.

"Well hello, Namjoon, it's nice to finally meet you, face to face."

I turned my head to look to my right, seeing the one person that I want nothing more than to kill with my bare hands. I didn't say anything to him, just glared at him.

"What's wrong? Can't talk now?" He chuckled and grabbed my face, my eyes still glaring at him. "Did you really think I was gonna let all of you escape so easily? Just like that?" He laughed, then quickly stopped, letting go of my face with a rough shove, glaring back at me.

"I have eyes everywhere, Namjoon, I've been watching you and your pathetic members walk around the woods, trying to escape. I'll admit, I didn't expect any of you to find your precious Jungkook so quickly and I really didn't expect for all of you to find a way out, but that didn't mean I wasn't prepared for that." He said before looking over at the other members, ordering them to move Jin and Jungkook's chairs in the middle of the room facing me, while the other members were moved to the right side of the room.

"I'm getting bored with this, so I'm gonna end this with a little game." The Red Leader said, pulling out his gun. "The game is simple, I'll give you two choices and you have ten seconds to make a choice before I make it for you."

I looked at Jin, who was having a hard time breathing and the whole side of his face was swollen, most likely broken. Then I looked at Jungkook, who hasn't woke up yet, but was still breathing.

"Here are your choices." He started. "Either I kill your second leader or.." He grabbed a handful of Jungkook's hair, lifting his head up, showing the many cuts and bruises on his face. "I get to put a bullet in this one's head." He said with an evil chuckle.

"Why don't you kill me? It's me you want, right?" I asked, glaring at him so hard, I'm surprised I haven't burnt holes into him. "So let them go and just kill me, then this will all be over." I added.

The Red Leader thought about it, or at least pretended to think about it, then looked at me with that evil smile that I wanted to punch off his face.

"Killing you would be too easy, it wouldn't satisfy me enough to just kill you and end this so quickly." He said before walking back over to me and grabbing a handful of my hair and lifting my head up, so I was looking up at him.

"I like to make my enemies suffer, that's what really satisfies me." He said before letting my hair go and walking back over to stand between Jin and Jungkook.

"So who will it be, Namjoon? Kim Seokjin, the second leader of the Purple Gay Mafia, or Jungkook, the new love interest. Choose wisely, your time starts...now."

I was panicking, trying to figure out what to do. I was tied up, everyone else tied up, I'm 100% sure that they took our weapons, and even if I somehow untied myself and tried to fight off everyone, there was too many of them, I couldn't do it all on my own.

"You're running out of time, Namjoon, it's starting to look like I'm gonna have to choose for you." The Red Leader said before putting the gun to Jungkook's head.

"Don't you fucking dare, you sick son of a bitch!" I shouted.


"Just choose me, you sick fuck!" Jin shouted as loud as he could, still having trouble breathing, turning his head to look at the Red Leader.

"Jin, no, don't say that!" I heard J-Hope shout.

"If it's not me, then it's Jungkook, he can't die, not like this." Jin said between heavy and difficult breaths.

"He's nobody to us! He's the reason why we're in this mess!" Suga shouted angrily.

"That's not true!" J-Hope said.

"It is true!" Suga said.

"Times up, what's your choice, RM?" The Red Leader said to me.

"Neither of them, you motherfucker!"

Jungkook let out a groan, moving around and soon realizing that he was tied up. He started to panic, trying to break from the ropes. He looked around at everyone, his eyes stopping on the Red Leader, his eyes growing wide.

"Nice to see that you're awake, Jungkook.." He said before running his fingers in his hair, then quickly pulling it roughly. "Too bad there's a chance that you're gonna die." He added before pointing the gun at his head. "I'm gonna be nice and give you another chance. Ten seconds, make your choice, or I'm making it for you."

"RM, choose me." Jin said, still having a hard time breathing.

"Maybe you should listen to him, Namjoon, I mean look at him, he basically looks like a wounded animal, I can put him down easily if you choose him." The Red Leader said before putting the gun to Jin's head.


"Oh, then it's Jungkook?" He asked as he put the gun to Jungkook's head.

"Just let them go and do whatever you want to me!" I shouted, tears running down my face from both fear and anger.

"We talked about that, Namjoon." He said before looking over at Jin and pointing his gun at him. "Your time is up and I'm done wasting my time with all of you. The game was fun, but now I'm bored and ready for a new game to play." He said before looking at Jin. "Any last words?"

Jin looked at me, still having trouble breathing. "Take care of everyone, take care of Jungkook, and tell my mother...that I'm sorry for everything."

Before I had a chance to say anything, Jin was shot in the head, the gunshot being so powerful that the chair fell over, blood and pieces of brain going everywhere.

I heard screaming, crying, swear words being shouted, but all of that sounded like it was so far away, I couldn't even hear my own screams and cries.

Before I knew it, I'm being hit in the head multiple times, until I was finally knocked out.


Out of all the chapters I've written for many of my stories, this was one of the most hardest chapters to write. My heart hurt the whole time I was writing that part and it still hurts now :(

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