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"W-What's going on?" I asked as Namjoon pulled me out of the house. I had no shoes on, so I was stepping on rocks, sticks, and whatever else was on the ground.

"They're watching us, I knew it was a bad idea to stay here." He said before opening the door to the van and helped me get inside.

"W-Who's watching us?"

"The Red Mafia, that email that V got was from the leader, his hacker hacked our cameras and can see our every move." He said before getting in the passenger side. "He's not done with us, he'll never be done until we're all dead."

"Why is he doing this? Wasn't killing Jin enough?" I asked, tears in my ears, so scared.

"He's doing this so he can be the only mafia leader left in the country. And since we're the smallest and seen as the weakest, he's trying to kill us first." He said before looking over to see the others getting in the van. "But we're the Purple Mafia, we may be at the bottom, but we're strong and we don't make anything easy for anyone. If they're gonna kill us, they'll have to find us first." He said before looking over at J-Hope. "Get us out of here and fast."

"Yes sir." I-Hope said before quickly turning the van on and driving away.

I sat in the back, hugging my knees to my chest as I started having a huge panic attack.

"It's okay, Jungkook, just relax." Mochi said, rubbing my back.

"I-I don't wanna die." I said, tears running down my face.

"No one is gonna die, we'll make sure of that this time." V said as he started loading up his gun.

I looked around at everyone in the back of the van, everyone looked so concentrated on getting all of their weapons loaded and ready to go. I looked outside and saw it was getting dark. I hope wherever we were going, it was a lot safer, I don't want anyone else to die.

I looked towards the front of the van, seeing J-Hope driving and RM talking on the phone with someone.

"But this is an emergency...yes, I know the Blue Leader was your friend, but he stole from us...okay, but he's not dead, he should be thankful for that...Come on, BM, you hate the Red Leader just as much as I do, do you remember what he did to Jiwoo?" RM said to the other person on the other end of the call.

"He took Jin from us and he almost took Jiwoo from all of you, so this is our time to make a plan and destroy him...yes! Thanks BM, we'll be there in thirty minutes." He said before hanging up, then looked at J-Hope. "Drive to the KARD mansion."

After that, I didn't hear anything else, I just looked out the window, hoping whatever this KARD mansion was, it was safe. After the panic attack I had, I felt drained, I fought hard to keep my eyes open and focus on the trees, the houses, the buildings, anything to keep me awake, but after trying for so long, I ended up falling asleep.


Namjoon's POV

The KARD mansion was two hours away, in a completely different town. By the time we got there, we were tired and ready to lay our heads down until tomorrow.

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