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I didn't bother eating the sandwich that RM made for me, I wasn't hungry and for all I know, he poisoned it and wants to kill me that way.

I couldn't stop thinking about what he said, saying that there's something about me that make him not want to kill me. A little part of me wanted to believe him, but a much bigger part of me doesn't want to believe him. I was kidnapped and now I'm being forced to say here like a caged animal.

It's only day two and I already wish he would've just killed me, it's better than being forced to stay somewhere that I don't want to be.

I looked out the window and saw it was getting dark. I looked up at the night sky and sighed. Starry nights like this will forever be ruined for me, now when I look up into the night sky, it just reminds me of last night and I'm sure it'll be like that fur the rest of my days here.

I looked away from the window and focused on the wall instead. The bedroom was dark, making it hard to even see the wall, but even then, I just stare at it until I grew tired and fell asleep.


I don't know how long I was sleeping for, but all of a sudden, I was being pulled out of my bed by my hair.

"Wake up, you little shit, it's dinner time." Suga said before letting go of my hair and walking out of the bedroom.

I glared at him and got up from the floor, following him out of the bedroom. I wanted to ask him why he was resting me this way, but I didn't feel like having another gun pointed at my head, so I chose against it.

Once we were in the dining room, I sat in the same spot as before, looking down at the food, it smelled good, but I still didn't trust it.

"You can start eating if you want, you must be really hungry now. I'm sorry that we came back late, we had some business to take care of." RM said with a smile.

I just gave him a simple nod and take a bite of my food quietly, not making eye contact with anyone.

"So are you adjusting well here?" J-Hope asked with a smile.

I wanted to look at him and tell him that was a stupid question, but instead, I said.

"It's fine." I said with a nod.

"Mochi was telling us about you wanting a tv in your bedroom. We've talked about it and decided that we would get you one." RM said, still showing that smile to me.

"Do you really think thats necessary? He's basically a prisoner in this place, why don't we continue to treat him like one?" Suga said in an irritated tone.

"Because he's not a prisoner." RM quickly answered.

"But we lock him in his room."  V said.

"That's only until we can trust him to walk about here without wanting to escape. The more we trust him, the more things he'll be able to do." Jin explained.

"That sounds kind of stupid, but whatever. He's your problem, not mine."

"Stop being so mean to him, Suga, he hasn't even done anything to you." Mochi spoke up.

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