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Jungkook's POV

"M-Mochi?" I said, recognizing the voice.

"The one and only, now come on, we have to go before the leader gets to us." He said before pulling me up to my feet. He pulled his mask up and then took my hand, walking out of the room with me, along with the other person that I assumed was another one of the members.

We ended up in a hallway, surrounded by dead bodies, blood, pieces of bone, and pieces of brain. The sight of that made me sick to my stomach.

"Don't look at it, just keep going, we have to be fast." The other person said, who I now recognized as V.

I nodded and did my best to walked over the dead bodies, trying not to vomit at the sight. We went down some stairs and into a decently nice living room. I didn't have time to look at it because I was quickly being pulled out the front door.

When we stepped outside, I saw it was dark and we were in the middle of nowhere, just tall trees.

"H-How did you find me?" I asked them.

"A lot of violence and a lot of talking. We almost didn't find you, the house you were in was literally in the middle of nowhere. No dirt roads and no signal, we just had to keep walking and hope for the best." V said as he walked on the other side of me.

"Now we have to walk until we get a signal and are able to communicate with one of the members." Jimin said, looking around.


Suga's POV

I just finished taking out the last man in the hideout. I was covered in blood and little pieces of other parts of the body, but I didn't think much of it, I was used to it.

There was more people than we thought there would be in the hideout and have spent hours taking them out. I was exhausted, but we had to keep going, we were getting closer and closer to the leader.

"He's probably not here, we searched this whole hideout, killed every man in here, and still nothing." J-Hope said, who was right beside me, also covered in blood and little pieces of other parts of the body.

I was getting frustrated at this point. I was tired, exhausted, we still couldn't get in connect with Mochi or V, RM and Jin still weren't here, and even after killing every single man in the hideout, we find out that the leader wasn't even here.

"Fuck!" I shouted in frustration.

"Suga, calm down, we're gonna find him, we just need to think about where he could be." J-Hope said, trying to calm me down.

"That's the problem! We don't know where he could be! All of us were so sure that he would here! But no, he's not, and no is here to think of a Plan B in this situation!" I said before kicking a hole in the wall. "Why are we even doing this?! The kid is nothing but a witness, just let that bastard take him and do whatever he wants to him!" I said angrily.

All of a sudden, I'm being smacked in the back of my neck by J-Hope.

"Ow! What the fuck?!" I shouted. "What the fuck was that f-"

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