Chapter 1- Still In Love?

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Hey you guys this book will have a lot more of Kay and she will have her own POV. There will be other POV's as well and some old characters will show up. If you loved Book 1 then you'll gag over book 2.

Let's start on my second book.....

Tae POV....

Its been a whole damn year since Daquez died. I still miss him like crazy everyday. I haven't even looked at guys the same way since he left. My senior year was the most annoying year. I hated everybody telling me its gone be okay. I didn't want to hear that shit. I wasn't okay with it so don't fucking tell me its gone be okay. I graduated and I couldn't wait to get the fuck out of that place. Detroit had too many memories of me and Daquez. That school year I cried every single day. Kay was a big help she stayed with me through it all. I couldn't have made it through the year without her. My godfather convinced my mom and Kay mom to let me and Kay move to Atlanta with him and his boyfriend. We wanted to get away and to just have some recovering time. I know what y'all saying you had a whole year to recover. How could you recover from something if at every turn its right in your face.? I mean I was doing better but I felt like my life was going down in a spiral if I didn't leave Detroit. I was doing drugs and drinking. I wasnt happy with anything. Im only going because I think Atlanta will be a good fit for me. Atlanta seems to give me a happy vibe. I need to find happiness somehwere in this world. Today was the day I leave to start my new life in Atlanta. I woke up and took my shower and put on my Palmers cocoa butter lotion. Y'all know I live by Palmers and bath and body works. I put on my black joggers,tight red T-shirt and my red sparkly ugg boots I wanted to be comfortable. I walked downstairs and saw my bags all packed up by the door. "Come on Kay and her momma gone be here in a hour so come eat with me" my mom said from the kitchen. I went to the kitchen and she cooked eggs,pancakes, and sausage. I was about to smash like a wild cheetah that was hungry. I sat down next to her and she fixed me a plate and we started to eat. "Tae you know I'm gone miss you" she said breaking the silence. "Yeah I'm gone miss you too and don't make me cry" I said looking at her. I was not in the mood to get in my feelings. "I'm not trying too but I know you have been through a lot in the past year and a half with Daquez.." she started to say before I cut her off. "Ma I love you but not today please I'm coming back I just need to regroup and recover for myself and I can't do that here because at every turn I'm reminded of what I lost" I said getting a bit emotional. Daquez is still a touchy subject for me. I just don't want to continuously talk about or be reminded of him. I heard a honk outside and it was Kay and her mom. "Its time" I said getting up. Kay and her mom came to the door and came in. They helped me with my bags out to the van. We finished loading my bags in the van. We all got in and drove to the airport. The ride was filled with laughs and singing old school songs. I was going to miss my mom so much. We got to the airport and took our bags in. Our moms gave us our last hugs until we come back. "Y'all be careful out there in Atlanta don't make us come down there and shut Atlanta down" Kay mom said. "Alright we will and y'all know we can handle ourselves" I said reassuring them. I said that because I was my moms only child I knew she was going to be lonely but I needed this. "Alright y'all go before you miss y'all flight" my mom said. "Alright bye" me and Kay said waving to them. We walked in and went through that long irrelevant ass process. "Bitch we about to tear Atlanta apart they not ready" Kay said happy. "Yes you know Bestfriends who slay together" I said. "Stay together" she said finishing my sentence. "Yeeesss Bestfriend but let's go because our plane terminal right there and they loading" I said walking towards the gate. We had our carry ons with us. We got on the plane and we sat next to each other. When the plane took off I saw something waving at me from below it looked like Daquez. I know he gone but I can't stop seeing him everywhere. I went to sleep and dreamed of what could have been if he was still here. I can't get over him and I don't know if I want too.

So there y'all go my chapter 1 to the sequel. I hope y'all will enjoy this book just like the first one. This book is going to be juicy and even more dramtlatic than the first one so add this to your libraries, vote and tell me what y'all think about this first chapter.

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