Chapter 40- Back To Reality

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Last Chapter y'all ready?

Tae POV ...

The words "Wake Up" rang in my ear. I opened my eyes and didn't see Demarcus. I saw a white and baby blue hospital room. What the fuck was that a dream? I looked over to my left and I saw Kay. What the hell is going on? I groaned in pain I was so sore. She looked up and saw I was awake. "Bestfriend oh my god your awake thank god nurse help come help" she yelled

The nurse came rushing in and checked my vitals. She gave me some water and I drank it fast. My throat was dry as fuck. "Are you okay Mr.Thomas how do you feel" she asked me. "Need more water" I said rubbing my throat. "I'll go get you some more water I'll be right back" she said taking the cup and walking out the room.

"I need to call your mom I'll be back" Kay said walking out of the room. Damn I was asleep the whole time. How long was I out? Who were those people? The only real people that were there was me,Kay,my mom and Deon. He ain't shit in real life so fuck that nigga. The nurse rushed back inside with a big bottle of water. I gulped it halfway down.

"Now how do you feel" she asked me. "I'm okay I feel fine when can I go home? How long was I asleep? What day is it?" I asked her frantically. "Calm down its Friday and you came here a year and a half ago because you were in that huge car crash on the highway you had slipped into a coma and we had you on vlife support but after a month you started breathing on your own so your mom kept you here and a year and a half later your awake" she explained.

Damn I was gone for that long. I wonder what changed. I wanted to go back to sleep becaude the life I had in that dream was amazing. I was loved and wanted by boys. I got the attention I so desperately craved before the accident. It all came back to me.

I was going to the mall with Kay and some other friends from school. When it was raining the car slipped and spun out of control. Next thing I remember I was outside the car and rain was falling on my face. I heard sirens and the pitter patter of rain all around me. That was the last thing I remember.

"Dang man I probably missed out on so much" I said sighing. "No you didn't bestfriend just school and everything else is pretty much the same shit different toilet and your mom is on the way she was crying happy" Kay said walking into the room. "Well I'm glad I'm fine but when can I go home" I asked the nurse. "I don't know you'll have to talk to the doctor about that when he takes your tests tomorrow and the he'll determine when you can be discharged until then I'll be checking up on you" she said walking out of the room.

"So bestfriend what did you see while you know in your coma" Kay asked me. "Well I was in a dream and I was living my life with this boy named Daquez and we was in love but he died and then we got kidnapped and then I got with Demarcus and you had a girlfriend and everything it was crazy because that was the life I wanted" I said sighing.

"Wow bestfriend that's crazy but I'm so happy your back with us now" she said happily. This shit is so damn depressing. I don't wanna be back I want to go back with Demarcus. I was happy there I was loved. Shit bitch I lost my virginity in my dream. I'm still a virgin in real life so I guess that's good.

"My baby is awake thank god and all the angels your okay and alive" my mom said rushing in the room hugging me. She started crying in my chest. "Mom I'm fine stop crying" I said hugging her back. "The doctors said they need to run some tests on you and if all is well then you can come home on Wednesday" she said standing by my bed.

"I just want to get up and go home" I said weakly. I wanted to go back to sleep. "You will baby just stay up because I can't keep up with these hospital bills for much longer" my mom said rubbing my arm. The rest of the the night we stayed up and talked about what I kind of missed. Nothing major at all a couple babies, couples formed, a guy I had a crush on came out and had a boyfriend. That sucked dick for skittles.

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