Chapter 35- Got What?

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Demarcus POV.....

Its been a week since that whole mall thing. Tae and I have been going good but I need to tell him about my baby. Okay y'all here's the deal..I was in high school when I met Jessica. She was my high school crush. We was together my sophomore and junior year. She always acted weird around me but always said she loved me. I knew I liked boys in high school and that's when I met Nick my ex. I always wanted to be around him because him and Jessica was cool.I used to cheat on Jessica with Nick. I knew I was fully gay but still had a girlfriend. When we graduated one night me and Jessica had unprotected sex and she got pregnant. We both had her when we was 18 and dumb. When she was pregnant Jessica told me that she was a full blown lesbian. I took that as a sigh of relief. I told her I was gay and in love with Nick. She was so happy for me. She had our baby girl Jamaria. She's 2 years old now and she lives with her mother. They stay in Alabama because Jessica wanted to move for work and her girlfriend. I don't get to see my baby girl as much as I want to but I do see her as much as possible. I think next time I go see her I'll bring Tae with me. I want him to meet her and get to know her. Speaking of my bae we're suppose to be having a movie date at my place tonight. He still owes me my two back to back nights and today is payback day. I can't wait to see him though. I don't know what is is about him that has me so in love. No its not his ass although that shit was good as fuck. I don't know I just don't want to be around nobody else but him. I only want him I just can't help it. He brings out the best in me and I hope he cool with me having a baby. I should have told him from the jump but I was scared. I'm knocked out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. I get out of bed to go open it. "Who is it" I asked yelling. "Who else nigga open up for me" I heard my baby voice. It was Tae of course. I hugged him and kissed him. "Hey bae come on" I said taking his hand. He followed me into the house. He took off his shoes at the door and sat his bag down. He looked annoyed as hell. "What's wrong Tae talk to me" I said sitting on the couch. He sat next to me and took a long sigh. "Come on what's stressing you out" I asked him. "Demarcus this whole bullshit with Katara and Kay has to stop because now its fucking with me and Kay friendship before I left we got into it because I was coming over here" he said all in one breath. I don't get what Kay problem would be. I mean that's their relationship that has nothing to do with me and Tae. "I don't know what to tell you shawty let's just focus on us being happy and loving each other" I said leaning in to kiss him. "Come on I wanna go out Demarcus" he said whining. "Bae where are we gone go I just wanna lay up with you" I said pouting. "I don't know the zoo, a museum, science center shit somewhere I wanna do something different" he said with a sad face. I hate when he make that face I can't resist him. I think I will take him out today. I think it'll be a good way for me to tell him that I have a baby. "Alright let's get dressed" I said getting up. He got up and grabbed his bag. We walked back to my room and I got undressed. He stripped and started going through his bag. I got turned on when he bent over. Goddamn I need something before we leave this house. I walked up behind him and pushed my dick against his ass cheek. "Someone is happy I see" he said chuckling. "Yeah this someone needs to release before we go" I said softly into his ear. He turned around and kissed me. "Bae you know if we fuck you not gone wanna leave the house" Tae moaned out. I kept kissing him and pushed my body against his until we fell on the bed. I was in between his legs grinding against him slowly. He was moaning into my mouth so much. He broke the kiss and pushed me off of him. "Stop you know what you doing now let's go horny ass" he said rolling out of the bed. "Come on just make me nut then no fucking just help me in sexually frustrated a little bit" I said sitting up in the bed. I pulled out my dick and started stroking it. Tae looked at me and licked his lips. I knew he wanted to fuck but he wanted to go out with me. I just want some head because his head game fire. He walked over and kissed the head of my dick. He licked around my dick head. After that he took my dick all the way down. "Damn Tae suck that shit bae" I moaned as my back arched. He came back up and my dick was wet and sloppy just like I love it. "Bae you taste good nigga" he said as he slurped up and down my dick. "Hell yeah nigga make that dick bust" I said as I felt myself climaxing. He slurped my dick out and licked and slurped on my balls. "Shit nigga" I groaned. I rubbed on his head as he sucked on my dick. "Shit I'm about to bust" I said pushing my dick down his throat. I came all down his throat. He came up and punched me in the chest. GODDAMN THAT SHIT HURT! "What the fuck Demarcus" Tae yelled coughing. "My bad I got a little carried away" I said out of breath. "You think you lucky you my boyfriend if you was a random nigga I would've fucked you up and just for that no cake for you tonight nigga" he said grabbing his bag and walking into the bathroom. Now he know I'm gone get a chunck of that cake later on. I'll let Tae be Tae and just be nice the rest of the day today. I'll take him to the zoo and out to eat afterwards. He walked out of the bathroom looking good as hell. He was wearing a white button up short sleeved shirt, aqua blue jogger shorts that made that ass pop, with long white socks and some high top nikes. He mugged me and rolled his eyes. He went through his bag and grabbed this toothpaste and mouthwash. He didn't need a toothbrush because he already had one here. He went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth for a good ten minutes. I could tell he was being petty. I got up and went to my closet. I picked out my army green cargo shorts, black shirt and white Nike's. Tae came out and sat on the bed. I changed into my outfit and went to brush my teeth. He sprayed on his cologne and got on his phone. He was still mad as hell. Damn I knew shawty was petty but this a whole new level of petty. I got dressed and sprayed some of my cologne. "Bae you still mad at me" I playfully asked him. "Nope" he said dryly. Yeah he still mad but he gone be happy when I take him out though. "Come on let's go" I said holding out my hand. He ignored my hand and got up and grabbed his wallet and phone. He walked out the room and grabbed my car keys. He left out and unlocked the car and got in. Damn this nigga tripping hard as hell. I grabbed my phone and left out. I locked up the house and went to the car. I got in and he was still on his phone. "Tae I'm sorry about what I did stop being petty please I love you" I said leaning over and kissing his cheek. He turned his head and started blushing. Yeah he just being him. "Gimme a kiss" I said touching his sides. He turned around and smashed our lips together. Yeah he over that petty shit now. "Where we going" Tae asked me. "The zoo and a hookah bar probably" I said. His face lit up bright as hell. "Yaaayyy let's go" he said getting hype. I started up the car and turned on the radio. T-Wayne -Nasty(Freestyle) came on. I pulled off and started our way to the zoo. We pulled up and parked. We got out and this place was funky already. "Damn bae look at all the little kids I can't wait to have some I want twins" Tae said looking around at the kids. Yes he likes kids. "Yeah I love kids and twins how you getting them you can't get pregnant or we can try later on tonight to see" I said walking up behind him. "Boy move you know I can't get pregnant and what I tell you no cake tonight sir" he said moving on the side of me. "Man can I at least taste it" I whispered in his ear. I could tell by the look on his face he wanted me then and there. "We'll see how the day goes" he said flirting with me. We walked up to the ticket booth. I paid for us to get in. We got our band on our wrist and we went into the zoo. We walked and saw the lions, bears, gorillas. "Ooh bae look the reptile house let's go" Tae said grabbing my arm pulling me. He was too excited about these animals. We walked into the reptil house and looked at the snakes and lizards. They even had a crocodile but Tae was too scary to touch the glass. After we left we went to the aquarium at the zoo. I thought this should be a good time to tell him. We walked into the aquarium and looked at the fishes and a polar bear. He looked so happy right now. His face was just lit up with excitement. I love to see him like this. It just breaks my heart that I have to tell him my secret. "Tae I got something important to tell you" I said bringing him to this secluded corner in the aquarium. "What's wrong Demarcus" he said chuckling. "You love kids right" I asked him. "Yeah I adore kids I want twins one day you know this" he said back to me. "Well bae I have a child" I said nervously. His face just went blank. I got nervous as hell. I'm scared of what he might say to me. "What you mean like a baby like a real life human child that comes out a pussy" he said confused. "Yeah I had her when I was 18 and I want to explain everything to you" I said holding his hand. He snatched his hand away from me. "Demarcus you have a child with a woman you didn't even think to tell me that's messed up"he said calmly. "Bae I want to explain its not what you think" I said trying to tell him. "What is there to explain you didn't trust me enough to understand your situation" he said still being calm. I'm getting scared right now. "Bae I didn't know how far me and you would go I didn't know how deep your feelings would get I didn't expect to love you this much but I do I'm sorry" I said trying to hold his hands. "Demarcus when I told you I loved you that's was a good time when we first had sex that was a good time you had plenty of chances I think you just don't trust me and you know what I'm ready to go I'm over this date" he said walking away. "He'll come around son just keep loving him" this lady said to me as I started waking behind Tae. I followed him out of the zoo. We got completely out the zoo into the parking lot. He was standing beside the car. He looked mad as hell. I unlocked the door and we got in. I didn't want to talk to him yet. I'll let him be mad but when we get back to my house this will be resolved.

So y'all how do y'all feel about this chapter. Leave comments and questions.

Announcement.!!!!! This chapter has 5 more chapters left. :( but I want yall to know the ending will be MIND BLOWING.!!!! just wait on it y'all might cuss me out for it though. ;)


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