Chapter 23- Why Are You Here?

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How do y'all feel about this book coming to an end? Are y'all happy or what? Let me know.

Kay POV....

After Tae left Omari and I decided to go out to Rush. Rush is a gay club in Atlanta so we would fit in. Omari was scared to go because Tae goddaddy was gone be mad but I just say Fuck him and do you. We went upstairs and went to get dressed. I was in the shower when I heard them arguing. "Fuck you and this damn house I'm sick of it the lies you fucking somebody else I know you is nigga" I heard Omari screaming. "No the fuck I'm not and your not leaving tonight now try me and leave and it'll be over and done Omari I'm not playing" I heard Tae goddaddy yell. "Bye" I heard Omari say calmly. I then heard a door slam and keys rattling and another door slam. I don't know who left but something is definitely wrong in their relationship. I got out the shower and dried off. "Kay come on I'll be waiting on the car" Omari said walking out of his room. He was looking cute with his red jeans, white T-shirt, and white louboitins red bottom sneakers. "Alright let me get dressed and I'll be out" I said rushing to my bathroom. "Take your time" he said going downstairs. Omari always looking sad even when his outfit cute and should be confident this nigah sad as hell. I walked into my room and went into my closet. I grabbed my cut up light blue jean booty shorts, black fishnet stockings, white crop top and my wheat timbs. I looked cute as hell. I looked like a complete thot and I loved it. I put on my clothes and sprayed some of my Nicki Minaj perfume on. I got them all so I just grabbed a random one and sprayed it.I put on some Vaseline lotion in the green bottle and grabbed my white purse and left. I walked out and locked the door behind me. I went to the car and got in. Omari was playing some music on the radio. I don't know who was singing it but the shit was depressing. I just grabbed the aux cord and plugged it up to my phone. I played Iggy Azalea- Beg For It this was my shit. I was turned up but Omari ole depressing grandpa scrooge acting ass was just depressed. I turned down and just bopped my head. It wasnt even worth trying I needed Tae with me. Omari ain't fun at all. We pulled up to Rush and parked in the parking lot. Omari turned the car off and let out a deep sigh. "Omari look you can't be sad and depressed go up in here and show that nigga he can be replaced I'm telling you it works everytime" I said looking at him. "You right girl come on let's twerk our sadness away" he said getting out the car. "That's what I'm talking about let's go" I said getting out and closing the door. Rush was a fairly small club. We went to the door and paid 10 dollars to get in. We walked in aftevrthe gave us our arm bands. The club was packed as hell tonight. Damn you could barely move and everybody was on everybody. Omari took my hand and I followed him to the back of the club. We found some seats and sat down. "What you want to drink" Omari said in my ear. "Something I don't know you pick for me" I said in his ear. This music was loud as hell. "I got you I'll be right back" he said walking away. I sat there and just vibed to the music. I was singing Nicki Minaj - Truffle Butter until Omari came back with our drinks. I grabbed mines and took a sip. "Goddamn nigga this shit strong as hell" I hit him on his arm and said. Damn this bitch trying gto kill me already. Damn feel like a furnace went down my throat. "Oh my bad I didnt chase it for you hear you go" he said pouring some orange juice in my drink. "What is this anyway" I asked him. "Vodka dummy just chill and have fun" he said smiling. Wait ain't this the same nigga that was just crying. Now he telling me to have fun. I'm not feeling this shit tonight but I'll suffer through it. All thought the night I was just chilling I had a small conversation with this gay boy Myshon he was so adorable. He was telling me about his boyfriend problems. He was mad cool I was feeling him. We was chilling until I felt drinks being thrown and I was almost knocked on my ass. Omari was in here fighting with the dude he was arguing with from the party. They was going at it bad. Omari was kind of losing but thats only because the dude had his shirt and was kicking too. That's some weak ass shit. I would jump in it but if it ain't Tae or my mom I'm not risking getting injured for nobody. After a while security came and broke up the fight and Omari got put out. I had to leave so I told Myshon bye and I'll see him around. I grabbed my purse and left. I was walking out the club when I felt a pair of hands grab me up. What the fuck is going on tonight? "Damn what's up Kay no hello" Katara said holding my my waist. I started blushing hard as hell. She was so so so.....damn words can't explain just know she was something. "I'm sorry but my ride outside and I dotn want to leave him by himself call me later" I said trying to break loose. "Alright but give me a kiss before you go" she said pulling me closer. She leaned in and kissed me. I kissed her back and lord did my heart feel like fireworks. I was exploding everywhere and when I say everywhere bitch I mean everywhere. Yes down there was included. Lord that kiss was powerful it was electric just life. I let go and she let me go loose and I walked outside. I walked up to the car and Omari was sitting in there on the phone. "Kay" I heard a voice yell. I kept walking I just wanted to ignore it. "Kay its me" I heard the voice yell again. I turned around and saw Kaya. Oh lord girl I took the fuck off and got in that damn car so fast. I locked the doors and ignored her knocking on the door. "Come on Kay just talk to me I came all the way down here to be with you just hear me out" she said banging on the door. "Omari come on bitch let's go" I told Omari and he started up the car. "Alright then Kay I'll find you then I always do" she said and I looked at her in her eyes. She don't seem like the same Kaya this girl was much more scary and dark. We pulled off and drove straight home. I got out and went inside straight to my damn room. I didn't even bother to take a shower I was that damn tired. I went to sleep and decided I'll just call Tae tomorrow since he with his little boyfriend tonight.

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