Chapter 22- Birthday Bombshell

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Tae POV...

HAPPY MOTHERFUCKING BIRTHDAY TO ME HOES.!!!! A NIGGA FINALLY 19 AND SHIT.! I honestly hate this age with a passion. I can't do shit but go to Canada and get drunk. Besides who the fuck has time to travel from Atlanta to Canada not me. Anyways I'm super excited about today because I get to see Demarcus for the whole day. I mean the whole entire day y'all. He's been really nice and good to me. I think I like this one. I haven't even had sex with him yet and he's not pressuring me to do it either. Although I get those urges to just fuck his soul away I want to remain classy and not do it. I don't want him to think I'm a hoe or that I'm easy because I'm not....anymore at least. I woke up feeling good and playing The Weeknd- Earned It. That's my fucking song. I took my shower and put on some black sweats and a gray T-shirt until Demarcus comes. I looked at my phone it was lit up with Birthday messages from my mom,Shawn,Marlon,Alontez and Mike bitch asses. Yes I'm still being petty as hell and I don't care at all. I'll stop one day but today won't be it. I went downstairs and saw Kay and Omari eating breakfast. "About time bitch we was trying to wait but you took too long I'll get your plate for you" Kay said getting up. I sat down and she sat my plate down in front of me. I had chicken wings,waffles,eggs,sausage and toast. Lord have mercy I was in heaven when I saw that plate. "Thank y'all so much I love you two and where my goddaddy at" I said cutting my waffles up. "He went to do something this morning he said he'll be back by the time you leave but don't believe it" Omari said looking sad. I don't know what's going on with those two but Omari been sad and depressed ever since he got into an argument with that dude at the party. "Omari are you and my goddaddy going through something because you've been a bit sad lately" I said looking at him. "Yeah you usually be happy and play fighting with Tae and me but not so much since we got back" Kay said after me. "Y'all I think he's cheating on me I don't know why but I feel it when y'all left he started hanging out late not coming home for days at a time and when I ask him he brushes me off and sits me to the side" Omari said starting to cry. Oh hell no not on my birthday he won't. The only person that can cry today is me. "I'm sorry Omari stop crying y'all gone be fine and if y'all break up you'll be good there's some good men here in Atlanta" I said rubbing his back. "Yeah Omari your still young and gorgeous you can find somebody else how about this we go out tonight and stay out late to show him how it feels" Kay said eating her eggs. "Okay let me stop crying and give you your birthday present" Omari said getting up. He walked out of the room and came back with a rainbow gift bag. It was big as hell I saw a box in there I wonder what it was. He handed me the bag and hugged me and I just smiled. "Thank you twin I'll open it when I'm done eating" I said sitting next to me. He nodded and we all continued eating. After we finished Kay took my plate and put it in the dishwasher. I grabbed my bag and went to the living room. I sat down on the love seat and opened up my bag. I took out the box and opened it. I started to cry because what I seen was so beautiful. It was a pair of pink uggs with blue bows on the back, a silver Rolex with a pink face and a gold necklace with my name on it. I was in love with it. "Thank you thank you twin I love you" I said tackling him on the couch. "Your welcome twin now get off me" he said pushing me off him onto the floor. "Bestfriend you could wear your Rolex with your outfit" Kay said with my Rolex in her hand. "Yeah I could and I am that is so cute" I said smiling. I heard a knock at the door and Kay went to open it. "Tae your little boyfriend is here" Kay yelled. "Who is it" I said putting my uggs back in the box. "Its me bae happy birthday" Demarcus said standing in the living room. "Thanks Demarcus" I said hugging him. He had a bag and a balloon in his hand. "Who's that for" I asked him smirking. "You know this for you" he said handing me the bag. I took the bag and opened it. It was a black,white and pink snapback with a pair of black true religion jeans. "Aww Demarcus thank you so much" I said hugging him. He kissed my cheek and smiled. "Alright come on go get ready so we can go" Demarcus said. "Alright Bestfriend come with me" I said grabbing her hand pulling her with me. "I'll be outside waiting on you" Demarcus said leaving out the front door. I walked up the stairs with Kay and walks into our room. I went to my closet and pulled out a white shirt and white jeans. "Wear that snapback Demarcus gave you with those black timbs Bestfriend" Kay said grabbing my timbs. "No the snapback the pink timbs Bestfriend" I said grabbing my pink timbs. I took off my clothes and put on the outfit. After I got dressed Kay took a bunch of pictures of me. When we was done I grabbed my phone and wallet. "Tae where you at" I heard my goddaddy yell. "In my room" I yelled back at him. He came in and hugged me. He smelled like weed and alcohol. "Happy birthday boy here you go a few hundred dollars for you" he said handing me 5 hundred dollar bills. Damn I knew he had money but giving 500 dollars I love it. "Enjoy your day your little boyfriend out there getting anxious so hurry up" he said leaving out. Input on some lotion and cologne and put my money in my wallet and left out. I rushed down the stairs and left out. Demarcus got out of the car and opened my door. "It took you long enough shawty I thought you changed your mind" he said smiling. "Naw I just wanted to try and get cute" I said getting in the car. "You don't have to try Tae you already are" he said closing my door. I started blushing hard as hell he so damn sweet. It also helps that he is fine as hell. He got in and started up the car. "Where are you taking me" I asked him smiling. "Somewhere romantic that's all I'm telling you" he said smirking and pulling off. I cut on the radio and hooked up my his aux chord to my phone. I played Beyonce- Blow. I loved this song and the video. I was singing it so loud that I forgot that Demarcus was in the car. He just let me sing my lungs off. "Damn Tae don't crack my windows" he said turning down the music. "You got jokes and my bad I didn't realize I was so loud" I said laughing. "You good shawty" he said pulling up into a parking lot. I looked out and it was a nice Italian restaurant called "Mario's". "Happy Birthday shawty come on let's eat I hope you like Italian food" he said opening the door. "Yeah I do let's go" I said getting out the car. Oh lord Italian food bitch. Pasta,Pizza,Lasagna and everything in between. I'm in heaven when I eat Italian food. We walked in and he opened the door for me. He such a gentleman I adore it. "Reservation for Harris" Demarcus said. The waiter walked us to our table and sat us down. He handed us our menus and Demarcus ordered a glass of red wine for himself and I ordered a ginger ale. The waiter came back with our drinks and took our order. Demarcus ordered us two personal meat lovers pizzas, pasta with hamburger, and garlic bread. Lord this boy gone make me give it up tonight just for him. "Well was what I ordered good enough" Demarcus asked giving the waiter our menus. "I didn't object did I" I said blushing. We sat and talked for a bit. The waiter brought our food and we started to eat. Demarcus so damn greedy he ate damn near all the pasta. I can't talk I ate all the garlic bread it was so buttery and good. The pizza was amazing it was thick and greasy. The sausage to cheese ratio was off the charts bitch.! After we finished eating we laid in each other because we were so full. He was so comfortable damn I loved it. I heard happy birthday song being played. Three men and one was holding a vanilla cake. I started smiling hard and I kissed Demarcus so hard in his mouth lord. He is so nice he didn't have to do that for me. The waiters sat the cake down and kept singing happy birthday to me. Once they were finished singing they left and Demarcus was just a smiling his ass off. "Thank you so much Demarcus you really don't have to do this" I said grabbing his hands. "I wanted to Tae I really like you ever since I saw you in the mall that day I knew I wanted you so I wan to make you feel special because you are" he said leaning into kiss me. I kissed him again and asked for a carry out box for my cake. I got my box and Demarcus helped put the cake in there. Demarcus paid for dinner and I left the waiter a 20 dollar tip just to be generous. We got up and left the restaurant. "Damn its dark now Demarcus" I said walking to the car. He grabbed my hand and said "Let's go to a park and walk for awhile". "Alright come on" I said getting in the car. We got in together and pulled off. We stopped in front of a park and got out. I wasn't scared because I was with Demarcus and well because bitch I can fight so I stay ready. We started walking and together holding hands. We was strolling and listening to the crickets it was very relaxing. "Tae can I ask you something" Demarcus stopped and asked me. "Yeah you can" I said stopping with him. "I like you a lot Tae and I've been thinking I want you to be my boyfriend" he said grabbing my hands. "Well Demarcus I want to think about it a bit I like you don't get me wrong I like you alot but I wan to make sure I'm emotionally stable before I get into a relationship but we should have an understanding at least" I said nervously. "That's cool I want the best and worst of you Tae it doesn't matter and Tae I agree but understand that I'm not going anywhere and you can't talk to any other dudes at all" he said hugging me. "Alright and you can't either then"I said kissing him. "No worries Tae but spend the night with me no sex or nothing just sleep" he said looking at me. "Alright come on" I said pulling him to the car. We walked to the car and got in. We pulled off and went to his house. I never been to his house before so this was a first. We pulled up and he lived in a small one floor house. It was nice on the outside. We got out and went into his house. It was very nice on the inside I must say so myself. "Let's go to the back shawty" Demarcus said grabbing the cake out of my hand. We walked to the back of twhb house and into his room. His room was surprisingly clean. I walked into his room and sat on the bed. I slipped my shoes off and laid on his back and took out my phone. I had missed calls from Kay and Omari. "Let's watch a few movies" Demarcus said taking off his shirt. Lord have mercy he is life. His body was amazingly gorgeous. LORD THIS BOY HAD TATTOOS. NO STOP THE PRESS! FLAG ON THE PLAY! He trying to get me to break but I won't.He went to his DVD collection and grabbed a DVD. He put on The Lion King of all movies. He's a damn kid for this shit. He laid next to me and cuddled up next to me. We didn't even make it to the part when Mufasa died and he was knocked out sleep. I turned off the TV and slipped off my jeans. I got comfortable and he wrapped his arms around me. I kissed his arm and went to sleep. This had to be one of the best birthdays ever. I was really happy and at peace. I was woken up to my phone ringing. It was Kay. "Hello" I said half-asleep. "Bitch why the fuck is Kaya in Atlanta" she yelling into the phone. "Bish whet"I said fully awake. Oh lord why can't everyone irritating just stay away from me and my Bestfriend.

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