Chapter 5- PeaceMaker Kay

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Kay POV....

Man ever since that party me and Terry have gotten pretty close. I really think he is being a good friend. We been chilling every day the past two weeks. He doesn't really care for Tae because Tae hasn't even tried to get to know Terry. That's not my business though. Tae been chilling with Rock and I feel us becoming a bit more distant. I don't like it because I got a bad feeling Rock is no good. I don't know what it is about him. I know what's good for my Bestfriend and trust me Rock AINT IT.!!!! I was going out with Terry to chill at his cousin house when Tae walked in while I was getting ready. "Hey girl" he said slurring his words. "Are you drunk bitch and where was you last night you ain't come home" I said irritated. I understand his little heart broken and shit but he needs to chill the fuck out. "Girl no I'm good and I slept at Rock house last night you missed the party I was twerking with hella hoes and where you going" he said undressing and getting in his bed. "With Terry somewhere" I said grabbing my purse. "Yo new Bestfriend because you forgot about me bitch" he mumbled in his pillow. "What you said hoe" I yelled at him. "Nothing bitch go ahead with your little friend" he said shooing me off. I don't know why he so uptight about Terry forreal. True I have been spending a lot of time with him but I still have love for my Bestfriend though. I will always love this crazy bitch but I guess that's why he started spending so much time with Rock late at night. I don't know but I have to go with Terry so I can't deal Tae and his feelings. "Alright remember that bitch" I said grabbing my purple Michael Kors purse and walking out the room. "Come outside boo" Terry texted me. I walked outside and went to his car. I got in and he was excited. "Boo you look mad cute tho" he said smiling. "Thank you I try you know and you do too" I said looking at him. We pulled off. "So what's wrong boo you look like something on your mind" Terry said pulling over. "Well Tae seems to be going down a dark path and I'm his Bestfriend so I feel like I shouldn't let him make certain mistakes that I can help prevent for him" I said sad. I know I'm not his mother and he's a big boy and he can handle himself but I need to help him he's my Bestfriend hell my only Bestfriend. "Well maybe you should let him get whatever comes his way good or bad" Terry said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Alright fine" I said sighing. "Okay good let's go Bestfriend" he said turning up the radio and driving off. Hold up did he just call me Bestfriend.? I can have more than one male Bestfriend but not more than one gay one. That's just friend code Tae would flip the fuck out if he heard that shit. He already don't really like Terry like that maybe I should get them together for a day of fun together. We can do it tomorrow since we all have nothing better to do. Me and Terry went to the mall and I didn't really want anything. Terry ended up buying a breakfast club T-shirt from hot topic and a necklace. We just walked around the rest of the time. We went to the food court and ate some philly cheese steaks. I love philly cheese steaks.!!!! "So how do you feel about Tae coming with us to hang one day" I asked out of the blue. "Well I don't know him but I just don't feel his vibe he seems shady to me" Terry said sipping on his drink. Now my Bestfriend is a bit shady boots but he's a good person. "Well just get to know him and try to be nice please for me" I said giving him puppy dog eyes. "Alright for you Bestfriend" Terry said smiling. I hope he don't say no crazy shit like that while Tae around. I'm not trying to have my Bestfriend in Atlanta jail. We got done eating and left the mall. He dropped me off at home and I went upstairs to see Tae watching TV. "Hey" he said dryly. "Hey" I said back. This was awkward as all hell. "Look I apologize for earlier Bestfriend" he said getting off the bed standing up. "Its cool Bestfriend I love you" I said hugging him. "I love you too" he said hugging me back. We laid in his bed and watched re-runs of The Parkers. "How would you like to hang with me and Terry one day" I asked Tae. He gave me a "bitch you know I don't like that bitch look". "I don't know I guess I can get along with the old bottom" Tae said chuckling. "Boy stop being so shady" I said laughing. "No promises its in my veins" he said rubbing his arm. "Alright we can do it tomorrow then" I said. "Fine" Tae said rolling over I knew he was sleepy. I got out of his bed and went to sleep. I hope tomorrow goes well but between Terry calling me his Bestfriend and Tae being well....Tae tomorrow will be a wild card. I hope all goes well but you never know with Tae anymore. I just want him and Terry to be cool so we can live in harmony. Oh what the hell who am I kidding I'm nervouse about tomorrow.

Okay so I was bored and I wanted to give y'all this tonight so I figured why wait. Here you go and shit hits fans next chapter so stay tuned y'all. It should be out late tomorrow or early Thursday. Love y'all.!!

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