Chapter 25- Rocky Situation

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Tae POV.....

"What's going on Bestfriend you look scared as hell" I asked her confused. She was acting weird as hell right now. I wonder did her and Katara get into an argument or something. "I don't fucking know but look at this text I got before you told me she was missing" she said getting up and showing me the text message. I read it and damn I hope Katara okay. "Damn Bestfriend I'm about to call Demarcus right now I told him.I was gone call him back" I said taking out my phone. "Bitch fuck your boyfriend right now my bae is missing and you worried about calling your boyfriend back"she said snatching my phone. This bitch got me fucked up. She mad because we going on a around the world in 80 days mission to find her bitch. "Give me my fucking phone I was calling him to see if her heard from your bitch but you wanna act like I don't give a fuck about your girl so just chill and give me my shit before you get rocked hoe" I said trying to grab my phone. She looked at me like I was crazy as hell. "Bitch call him and don't be long because I need to find her" she said handing me my phone. I called Demarcus and he was crying when he answered. "Bae are you okay Demarcus talk to me please what's going on" I said worried. He's scaring me so much right now. "Bae she's in the hospital right now she was shot twice and I can't lose her bae I just can't" he said crying. My mouth was just hanging open as I heard him tell me this. "Okay bae calm down shes going to be okay but what hospital is she is we coming down there right now" I said trying to calm him down. "She's at Emory University Hospital I'll be done there in a couple of hours I'm at work right now bae I can't take this shit my heart is in pain right now I'll call you when I get off" Demarcus said sniffling. Damn I hate hearing him like this. "Alright calm down bae she gone be okay I promise just relax and call me as soon as you get off" I said calmly. "Alright bae I'll call you in a couple hours" he said hanging up the phone. "I don't know how to tell you this but umm Katara was shot twice and shes in Emory Hospital so we have to get ready to go like now" I said walking to my dresser. "Bestfriend I don't want nothing bad to happen to her just because she fucking with me I think I know who did this" Kay said crying. "Who Bestfriend" I asked her grabbing my phone. I don't know how the hell we getting to the hospital but we getting there. "I think Kaya did it probably I saw a white van parked on the street and I didn't pay it any mind but its weird" she said tying up her shoes. "A white van bitch hold up a minute I saw a white van the day I came in the house after my birthday" I said putting on my black ugg boots. I honestly think its Rock and Kaya trying to fuck with me and Kay. I don't fucking like Rock at all. Don't he got a boyfriend? This shit is crazy right now. "Go ask your goddaddy can he take us to the hospital" Kay said grabbing her hoodie. "alright I said grabbing my jacket. I walked out the room and knocked on my goddaddy door. I opened the door and caught him in a compromising umm position. "Damn nigga wait till I say come in so I can fix myself" he said hiding under his blanket. "My bad but Kay and I wanted you to take us to Emory hospital because her girl got shot and she needs to go see her" I said covering my eyes. "alright give me an hour and I'll take y'all" he said motioning for me to leave. "Alright" I said closing the door. Come think of it its been a while since I busted a nut. I wasn't overly horny but the thought of having sex has crossed my mind once or twice. "Bestfriend he said give him an hour to bust his nut and he'll take us" I said going down the stairs. "Eww I want to go be a pervert and watch him" Kay said laughing. "Bitch wants you just overly emotional because your girl got shot" I said sitting on the couch. "Shut up and I'm still in my feelings" she said sitting on the couch next to me. We sat there for about another 30 minutes until we heard a "Ahhhh shit" come from upstairs. We started laughing and waited for him to come downstairs 20 minutes later. After he came down we left and he drove us to Emory hospital. He dropped us off and let us out. We walked into the hospital and told the receptionist who we were her to see. She gave us the floor number and room number. We got on the elevator and that elevator ride was so quiet I could hear a pen drop. We got off the elevator on the 5th floor. We started walking around the floor until we found Room 504. We opened the door and Katara was watching TV while she was bandaged heavily. "Oh my god Katara are you okay I'm so sorry this happened to you" Kay said running up to her bed. She hugged Katara and I just stood behind her. "How you doing girl" I asked her. "I'm alright its just crazy because I was at home getting ready for work and I left and went to the corner store and when I came out I heard gunshots next thing I know I was in here" she said shaking her head. Damn that shit crazy as hell. "Did you see who did it" Kay asked Katara sitting on her bed. "I saw some white van pull up and that's when the shots started up" she said shaking her head. Damn what the fuck this white van stay in some shit. "Katara I need to tell you something I think I know who did it" Kay said grabbing her hand. "alright tell me" Katara said sitting up. "Tae can you give us a minute" Kay asked me. "Alright Bestfriend I'll be outside" I said walking out the room. As soon as I walked out I stood there for a while and Demarcus walked up. "Hey bae" I said walking up to him. "Hey is she good" he asked hugging me. "She's fine but Kay in there having a small talk with her so they told me to wait so just wait with me" I said kissing his cheek. "Alright" he said as he grabbed my hand. We found some seats by the door and Kay came out the room crying. Oh lord what the hell happened to them.

Okay so y'all I changed some stuff around and this book is about to kick into high gear. This book is about to shift like crazy so get ready y'all. I got some crazy stuff up my sleeve.


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