Chapter 20- Return To Atl

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So y'all this book has about 8 more updates. Should I do another book? Do y'all want me to do another book?

Tae POV...

A week later.....

Today is finally the fucking day I go back to Atlanta. Its time we go back finally to the dirty south. I'm so damn ready to leave and get myself right. I woke up feeling amazing. I handled all my hygiene and put on some clothes. I wore some gray jeans,black shirt,and my black Adidas. I couldn't wait to get the hell out of Detroit. I was bringing my bags out to the truck. When I got a text from Mike telling me to meet him at the park in 10 minutes. I was hesitant as hell but I did tell myself I would cut all the bad guys out of my life. I don't mean it like they're bad people but they are bad for me. "Mom I'll be back in a half an hour I have to go handle something before I leave" I said walking into her room. "Alright but make sure your back we have to go get Kay" she said. "Alright" I said walking out of the house. I started walking towards the park and I saw Mike sitting on the swing. I took a deep breath and walked up to him. "So you wanted to see me"I asked him. "Yeah I wanted to see you and make sure you good and to see if we can be cool" he said getting off the swing. "I'm fine and I don't think that's possible at all I'm.going back to Atlanta today so that won't work" I said shaking my head at him. He held his head down and swung back and forth on the swing. I was honestly getting a little scared I hate when niggas get silent. "Tae don't do this why you always going somewhere" he said keeping his head down. "Mike you cool sometimes but we didn't know each other enough to develop feelings for each other all we did was have one sexual encounter and I did all the work so stop it" I said sitting on the swing next to him. "I wasn't trying to make you leave but I know I just have a issue when somebody I like sexually starts messing with other dudes I get a little crazy I didn't mean to try and expose you I didn't mean to fight you I didn't mean none of it I apologize" he said raising his head up and looking at me. "Mike look how about this I leave for Atlanta I'll visit in about 4 or 5 months and we'll see what happens" I said standing up. I needed to go before I miss my flight and continue thotting about. "Alright I have to respect your wishes but can I get a kiss before you go" he said getting off the swing. "You can get a hug" I said smiling. "Booty grab"he asked me. "You pushing it I'm being nice" I said chuckling. He started laughing and opened his arms. I gave him a big and his hands rested on the top of my ass. I know what y'all thinking but its something about Mike I just can't shake. I'll go to Atlanta and hopefully I find somebody else. I broke the hug and he offered me a ride home. I turned that down quick and started walking home. "I'm gone miss you" he said yelling. "Boy bye I'll miss you too" I said walking away. I walked until I made it home. My mom was already in the truck ready to go. "Come on Kay just called ready to leave" she said as I walked up the street. "Alright let me go grab my backpack" I said speeding up. "No need get in its already in there" she said getting in the truck. "Alright" I said hopping in the truck as well. She started up the truck and drove some blocks to Kay house. We pulled up and I got out to help Kay with her bags. I hugged her and I put some of her bags in the trunk. After I got done her mom got in the front seat. Kay and I got in the backseat and put on out headphones and chilled. After about 30 minutes we pulled up and got out. I grabbed a cart and put me and Kay bags on it and we gave our mothers a kiss and a hug. They started to get emotional as always. I hate when my mom does that bullshit. "Mom I'll be back to visit I promise but I'm staying out here for good" I said rubbing her back. "You better or I'll be on the first plane to Atlanta I will set Atlanta off Tae" she said crying on my shoulder. I just rolled my eyes and consoled her. She let me go and that's when Kay and myself left. We went in and gave our bags to security to out on the plane. We went through the security procedure and we went to our terminal. We sat down and waited in silence. It just wasn't a good time for her to talk I guess. When our a plane started to board we gave the stewardess our tickets and we got on the plane with our backpacks. We found our seats and after the plane got secured. We put our phones on airplane mode and waited for the signal that we can take them off. When we took off after 15 minutes of being in the air we were told we could take our phones off airplane mode. I left it on and just listened to music. I just put on K.Michelle- Hard To Do and K.Michelle -Love Em All on repeat. I was sleep for a couple hours until Kay woke me up and said we landed. I got up and grabbed my bag and hers. We got off and went to baggage claim. We got another cart and put our bags on it and went outside to see Omari and my goddaddy. I really missed them so much. "Hey twin I missed you" I said walking up to Omari. We all hugged and they helped put the bags in their van. After we loaded up we were off to their house. When we pulled up it was a party going on. "Happy housewarming y'all and Tae somebody in there for you" Omari said smiling. "Who in there" I said confused. "I'm not telling you but he is cute" he said smirking. "You better not be looking at nobody else" my goddaddy blurted out and said. "Oh lawd negro hush" Omari said throwing his head back. I got out because I didn't wan to hear the rest of that conversation. I went and grabbed my backpack and two of my suitcases. I walked in and saw a house full of people. I walked upstairs and put my bags in our room. I walked downstairs and Demarcus was there. "What's up shawty I missed you too much" he said walking up to me hugging me. Oh damn he was so fine. He was wearing white cargo shorts, a white polo shirt and some red Nike shoes. He was looking good as hell. "I missed you too Demarcus" I said hugging him back. "You look good I'm.glad your back so we can finally go on that date" he said smiling. He so corny I can't stand it. "I did promise you that didn't I" I said looking confused. "Yeha you did I'm thinking since I got your number we can spend today at this partyh together then I'll call you tomorrow and the next day will be our date" he said leaning back on the wall. "Well since you got it all planned out I guess its cool" I said blushing. This boy was so cute I can't stand it. "Alright come on lets go sit an svibe for the rest of the party" he said holding his hand out. I took it and we walked and sat down and chilled the rest of the party. Kay was talking to some girl in the corner. I see she got over Brit and Kaya quickly. That's one thing about me and her we bounce back from heartbreak fast. The rest of the party was cool until people started leaving because Omari got into and argument with what I'm guessing is my goddaddy's ex or side nigga. They almost came to blows but the dude left because Omari fight just like me he go crazy when he get mad. Demarcus left and I walked him to his car. "So I'll call you tomorrow" he said leaning on his car. "Yeah that's cool" I said looking down blushing. To think I don't want to give him a chance that day at the mall. "Stop looking down blushing let me see you smile I love it" he said letting my head back up kissing me. Oh lord his lips were so damn soft. He broke the kiss and got in his car. "I'll call you tomorrow Tae" he said backing out of the driveway. "Alright" I said walking back into the house. "I see you got over all those Detroit boys" Omari said smirking at me. "What Detroit boys" I said smiling walking upstairs. I took a shower and put on some gym shorts and a shirt. I was exhausted Kay want even in the room. Where was her ass at? I looked outside and saw her talking to the same girl from earlier. She looked happy with her. I laid back down and saw I had a text from Demarcuse. "I know I just saw you but man I miss you already that smile,that laugh,your face hell just you I miss I can't wait to see you in a couple of days for our date I have something special planned but I'm going to sleep so goodnight my little boo thang". I put on Ellie Goulding- Love Me like You Do as I went to sleep. I dozed off and was fast asleep.

So y'all I hope y'all liked this chapter and see y'all next chapter.


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