Chapter 31- Back At It

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Kay POV...

HOME SWEET FUCKING HOME.!! I'm so happy to be out of there its crazy. I actually don't find the need to call the police because well Kaya is dead. Rock I think is dead. I'm not sure but I'm not pressed about it either. I just want to stay drama free and be happy with my life. I can't just be the same person I was when I was with Kaya bitch ass. Oops God Rest Her Soul. Anyways...Today was the day Tae and I decided to hit up our baes. We had to let them know we were safe and at home. We went in separate rooms to call them. I called Katara and I was honestly upset. How the fuck they just gone leave us stranded like that. I gave them the plan and the fucked up major. I dialed her number and she answered. "Hello" she said answering the phone. "Baeeee its me Kay" I said happy. "Oh my god forreal bae are you okay? Are you hurt? Where are you?" she asked me. She was getting amped I heard it in her voice. "Katara calm down I'm fine just a bit shaken up by what happened but I'm good I just want to see you that's all" I said fumbling around in my dresser. "Good I'm coming to see you as soon as I get off work you staying with me tonight so pack a bag" she said calming down. "Are you asking me or telling me" I asked flirting with her. "Neither because you already know what's gone happen if you don't spend the night with me like I want" she said slyly. Ooohh bitch she might eat my pussy tonight. I'm definitely spending the night with her ass. "whatever I'll be ready when you get here but I got to go take a shower" I said sighing. "Alright bae and I missed you like crazy I can't wait to see you we'll talk more when I see you" she said. We hung up the phone and I just screamed. I was so happy a bitch started twerking for joy. I jumpity jumped the fuck out of my booty I was so damn happy. Hold up I forgot to ask her why she ain't come save us. The fuck was her problem. I got to wrapped up in her being so damn sexy I lost my mind for a little bit. I'll just get all my answers later for her. I went back to see if Tae was all happy and this bitch was sad as hell. "What's wrong Bestfriend Nicki Minaj said she retired from rapping or Did Beyonce lose her voice what's up" I said sitting next to him. "Girl Demarcus went off on me bitch" he said throwing his head back and sighing. "What he do" In asked him. "So I called him all happy and shit and this nigga had the audacity to get upset because I didn't call him the day we escaped he's really mad about it and I just told him that I was sorry but that wasn't good enough for him" he said laying his head on my shoulder. "So what happened after that" I said rubbing his back. "I told him to stop acting like a bitchy bottom and top the fuck up then he hung up on me" he said chuckling. "Bestfriend you know that was bold what you said to him though" I said gently pushing him off me. "How he was acting like a damn bitching bottom but I guess I was a bit wrong just a tad bit" he said looking at me. "Yeah you were now call him back and make up do what you got to do" I said getting up to go cook. Tae and Demarcus are annoying as hell. They both bipolar as hell. They always under each other at all times. They so cute it makes me sick. I haven't been this annoyed with Tae and a nigga since Daquez. I think Demarcus is a strong replacement for Daquez. As for the bullshit that went down that has yet to be determined. But I do like Demarcus for Tae though. I think they make an amazing cute couple. After I left Tae I went downstairs and made some macaroni and cheese with bacon bits in it. This was going to be good because I'm cooking it. I started cooking when I get a call from an unknown number. I immediately got nervous. Who could this be calling me? Was it Kaya? No she's dead. Was it rock? No he's dead I think. I answer and it's my mother. Oh dear lord what is going on? "Hello Mommie" I said happily. "Girl don't you hey mommie me little bitch how dare you sit up in the south and get kidnapped by some damn hoodlums you ain't too old to be beat you got me down here smoking and drinking carrying on I hear from Tae momma you been kidnapped lord have mercy are y'all okay because I'll come down there don't play with me little girl you know I'll do it" she was yelling into the phone. Along the way I just put it on speaker. "Mom I'm fine and we're not hurt or anything I promise you there's no need to come down here so chill" I said annoyed. Damn I understand being a mother and worrying. I just think she do too much like BITCH IM GROWN. IM A GROWN WOMAN I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT.!!!!!! Yes I'm on my Beyonce shit. "Alright now call me if you get napped again I don't wanna have to find out from the streets I have to go to bible study I'll call you later if I make it in after the casino" she said laughing. "Alright bye ma" I said and we hung up the phone. After I got done cooking the food. I went upstairs to get Tae. He was still moody about Demarcus being mad at him. Demarcus a nigga he gone be in his feelings let that go and he'll come around. That's just how I feel personally. "Bestfriend cheer up y'all gone be good I promise" I said next to him. "Its not that Kay I just don't want him with nobody else except me I just don't want him to do something that'll make me not even want to see him again let alone be with him I dont get why he so in his feelings" Tae said cuddling up next to me.

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