Chapter 36- Placing Blame

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Kay POV ..

So I've been knee deep and waist high in my sea of feelings. I've been mad as hell. I try to put on a happy face but its hard. I put on a mask to hide the pain I feel but it doesn't work. So now I've decided to take that mask off. Since Tae was with Demarcus ass I wanted to talk to Katara to find out what the fuck is going on. She's been blowing up my phone and Tae phone. I can't lie I'm a little jealous of Tae and Demarcus. I just want what he has with Demarcus with Katara. I got up and took a shower. I gout and out and dried off. I flat ironed my hair to make it bone-straight. I went into the room and picked out a cute outfit for today. I chose some pink booty shorts, white cropped top and some white vans. I heard my phone go off. It was Katara of course. "Hello stranger" I said sarcastically. "Damn what's been up I miss you and I want to explain everything to you I'm not even dealing with her no more I just want you Kay fuck the bullshit" she said getting hype. "Okay well we can talk that out" I said calmly. "Okay I'm about to come get you and we can talk about this because I really love you Kay" she said calmly. "Okay see you in a bit" I said dry. "Alright 20 minutes be ready" she said. We hung up the phone and I got up and went downstairs. I fixed myself a two hot pockets. I grabbed a bag of hot cheetos and a clear fruit water. I sat in the living room and ate my food. When I got done I heard the door open. "Kay your girlfriend outside to see you" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked to see it was Omari. "Hey boo what you doing here I thought y'all broke up" I said hugging him. "We did but because y'all went missing he called and cried to me and I came to console him so during that time we talked everything out and bitch I'm back" he said smiling. "That's good because I missed you and I have to go so see you if I come home tonight" I said hugging him and walking away. I left out the house and got into Kataras car. "Hey bae I missed you so much" she said hugging me. "That's nice to hear so what we got to talk about" In said leaning back. "About us but let's go to my house I got something for you" she said starting the car up. We drove until I hooked up my aux cord and played some music. I played certain songs to be petty as hell. Sam Smith- I'm Not The Only One, Nicki Minaj - Grand Piano, K.Michelle - Loyal(Remix), Rihanna - Complicated. Yes I was having a Tae moment I was petty as hell. I was singing my throat off and in my zone. We pulled up to her house and got out. Her house was a nice two story house. It was your typical house that you would find in the hood basically. No shade to her because I don't judge. We walked up to her house and she opened her door. This big dog came running up to her. It was a golden retriever and it was beautiful. "Aye calm down Louie bro you too hyper" she said playing with her dog. "He's so gorgeous I love dogs" I said petting the dog. "Good because I have to take him for a walk so can you grab his leash its on the counter" she asked me. I took a big sigh and walked to the counter. I saw a purple box with my name on it. "Katara is this mine" I yelled at her. "Yeah open it" she yelled back at me. I opened it and it had a silver necklace with a heart locket. I opened it and it had selfies of us together in it. I smiled so hard because it was so sweet of her. She came behind me and put it around my neck. "This is me saying I'm sorry for hurting you I promise to not do it again I fucked up and I hurt somebody I love and care about now Kay will you be my girlfriend" she said while holding me from the back. "Don't we have to take the dog for a walk" I said unconsciously thinking. I was in a state of bliss and the wrong thing came out my mouth. "Man fuck that dog what's your answer" she said turning me around to face her. "Yes I will be your girlfriend" I said smiling. "Thank god if you said no I would've been hurt as hell" she said wiping her forehead. "I know but don't fuck up again because I will beat the shit out of you again" I said with a tight grip on her hair. "Ouch damn Kay okay okay I'm sorry let go" she said whining. I let her hair go and she kissed me. She started rubbing all over me and my breasts. She started to lift my shirt until she heard Louie barking right next to us. "Damn dog let me go put him away I'll be back" she said walking away with the dog. She put him in the basement until we got done. "Now where were we" she said grabbing on my booty. She pulled me up on the counter and slipped my shirt off my head. I intensified the kiss my slipping my tongue into her mouth. She let a moan slip out into my mouth. I raised her shirt off her body. She was left in her black sports bra. Lord I need this bad. "Let's go upstairs" she said grabbing my hand. We walked upstairs and into her room. She threw me down on her queen size bed with red satin sheets. Lord she knew I was horny. She kissed my body and pulled down my shorts and panties. She kissed my thighs and kept doing that for 10 minutes. What the fuck is she doing? She suppose to be eating my pussy. I wanted to yell "BITCH EAT THIS CAT RIGHT NOW HOE". She then came up and licked my pussy. I got immediately annoyed. She was eating my box like it was her first time. What the hell is going on? This better be a tease. I thought it was but no it wasn't of course. She then played with my clit. I started to moan a little bit. OKAY BITCH NOW WE GETTING SOMEWHERE. "You like that shit" she said fucking up my thought process. "Yeah" I faked moaned out. I wanted to say BITCH BARELY.!!! She then sucked my clit. WHEN SHE DI THAT IT WAS LIKE THE GOLDEN GATES OPENED UP. She slurped and nibbled on my clit something vicious. "I'm about to cum" I yelled out. She went to my whole to catch it. She slurped bup all my juices and berries. Lord she a freaky bitch. "Hold on" she said leaning off the bed. She grabbed a red bag. She opened it up and pulled out a strap. "You ever had this before" she asked me. I shook my head no. I was a little scared I mean it was like a nice 8 inches. She kissed me as she put the strap on on to her body. She licked my pussy to make sure I was wet. She laid on top of me and slid the toy inside of me. I hissed at the pain because well I never had sex with a boy before. "Ouch that shit hurt" I cried out. "Calm down and relax I got you" she said looking into my eyes. I nodded my head and she kept on going. She started stroking and it hurt but then it felt good. I started to get into it more. "I'm cumming" I moaned into her ear. I came all over the toy. I guess she got tired because she laid next to me. "How was it" she asked me. "I'm speechless right now" I said rolling over to go to sleep. She threw her bag on the floor and took the strap off. She laid next to me and cuddled until we fell asleep. I felt at peace with everything in the world for again.

So y'all I really don't have anything to say surprisingly. I hope y'all liked this chapter because it was awkward writing it. I had to call my friend who is bisexual and ask her about the strap on process and shit. So she helped me and yeah. I was definitely out of my comfort zone with this. But I think I did good though. Let me know how y'all feel about the sex scene.


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