Chapter 9- Heart To Heart

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So y'all I'm taking a small break y'all for at least a week or two. I will still be on wattpad I just won't be updating for a hot minute. Don't take my book out of your libraries either so just know I'll be back . I just need some time for a bit to get my creative juices flowing and finding a job.

Kay POV...

DAMN.!!! I knew it was something about Rock I didn't like. Tae should listen to me more often. I needed to talk one on one with him. It wasn't that late but we needed to have a serious Bestfriend talk. We can't let Atlanta be the reason we stop being friends. I'll be damned if I allow the bullshit we been through here be the downfall of our friendship. I came in the house and slipped on some dark blue jean shorts, some purple forces and a purple shirt. I looked cute as hell. "Come on you ready" I asked Tae. He looked empty and gloomy. He needed to get some shit off his chest. I did too it was a lot of stuff I didn't tell Tae."Yeah" he said getting up and walking to the door. I grabbed my purse and put a small bag of tissues for us. I walked out and went downstairs and asked Omari for his car keys. I wanted me and Tae to take a walk on the beach. Omari gave me his keys and Tae and I left out. We got in the car and drove off. I cut the radio on and Sam Smith- I'm Not the Only One came on. I just started to cry and I looked over at Tae and he was crying too. I just kept driving and finally pulled up to the beach. "Alright let's go" I said getting out the car. "Okay" Tae said dryly getting out. We started to walk on the beach. The beach was so beautiful it was a nice sunset that was happening. We kept walking until we came to a dock. I thought it would be nice for me and Tae to sit and talk on. "Let's go sit on that dock Bestfriend" I said walking towards the ramp that lead to the dock. We walked up the ramp and sat down dock. "So how do you feel" I said breaking the silence. "I don't even know how to feel right now to be honest" Tae said looking forward at the water. "Well are you okay at least" I said looking at him. He just kept looking forward at the sunset. "I don't even know it's like I keep getting my heart broke I feel like I'm losing everything and everybody" he said starting to cry. "What you mean" I said turning my body towards him. "I lost Daquez I fucking loved that nigga bro and when he cheated on me those times I questioned was I good enough or will I ever be good enough for anybody that's why I kept going back to him because I felt like he was the only one I could be with" he said starting to cry. He kept going on. "So when he died I felt incomplete and I still do without him here with me I still cry about it when I think about him I'm trying my hardest to not let what happened take over my relationship life but now the bullshit with Rock I thought he could be a good person I saw it in him or I thought I did but he really hurt my heart and I honestly feel like nobody is for me because I always pick the wrong guy and I can't help it" he said sobbing into his hand. I shed some tears to I hate to see my Bestfriend cry like this. "Your not doing anything wrong its not you Tae" I said as my voice began to crack. "Yes the fuck it is Bestfriend I mean look Deon he cheated, Daquez he cheated, and Rock lied like a dog to me I know its me Bestfriend I know it is" he said crying even harder. "No its not Deon was a sex crazed asshole, Rock was a complete dumb ass and Daquez although he had his faults he really did love you and well Tae no matter how hard you try won't nobody measure up to him because you loved him too just take the good with the bad and keep your head up baby boy we can get through this together" I said hugging him. After 10 minutes of us hugging and him crying he just stopped. "Bestfriend Im sorry about making this all about me so what do you have to get off of your lovely chest" he said wiping his tears and chuckling. "I really miss Kaya Bestfriend like that girl meant everything to me and for her to just cheat as much as she did for as long as she did just hurts my heart and soul I really feel like I can't love again after her" I said holding my head. Kaya really honestly completed me as a whole. I felt so alive and loved when I was with her. I feel like won't nobody love me the way she loved me. She'll never know how much she broke me when she cheated and now she engaged to a new girl. She was with me longer that should be me wearing that ring I deserved it I put in the effort and time to love her and now another bitch is reaping my benefits I'm heated as hell about it. "Bestfriend I know you miss her and still love her but you got to understand some people come and go for a reason she came to teach you a lesson you wouldnt have learned without her so just take the lesson and learn how to pace yourself and don't be afraid to love somebody else because somebody is out there for you it just takes time" Tae said rubbing my back and hugging me. I swear he always makes me feel better when he hugs me he just so damn comfortable. We sat there for a while and just thought about our lives and cried together. We needed this to happen we couldn't go through this shit without each other.

Tae POV....

Man I hate this bitch always getting me in my feelings. Today has been a day from hell. I done cried all damn day because its just too much to take in. I'm really contemplating becoming an A-Sexual I swear on everything. I'm really about to be done with boys because I can't picture myself with a girl and guys are nothing but heartbreaks waiting to happen so I should just like nothing but me. Before all this bullshit with guys happened I was good being happy alone. I was perfectly fine with me,my Bestfriend, my mom and my right hand man Mr.Hub. I was okay with all of it until Deon came. Then Daquez and now Rock this some baby back bullshit. I should go back to Detroit but Kay doesn't know what she wants to do yet. I think she's leaning more towards staying here for good. I needed a good stiff drink right now. "We should just be in a relationship together a happy gay relationship that wouldnt nobody understand but us" Kay said. "I'm down I could use a cuddle buddy at night anyway" I said laughing. "Alright then we together now and will forever be together" she said grabbing my hand. We gave each other a peck on the lips and got up and left. It was dark as hell by the time we left. We heard some dogs and we got in the car because I absolutely hate dogs. I'm scared shitless if I see a pit bull,rottweiler, or a big ass dog period. We got in the car and left. We went back home. We went in the house and ate some chicken and rice for dinner. Omari and my goddaddy went out to a club and was gone be back later. Kay and I went upstairs and started to take our showers and get ready for bed. We got done with our showers as Melanie Fiona - 4 am came on. Me and Kay was screaming this song like it was nothing. We got into our pajamas and went to our beds. We listened to Pandora and was on our phones the rest of the night. "Can I sleep in your bed tonight" Kay asked me. "Yeah come on" I said moving over. She came and got in bed with me. We laid there up under each other and went to sleep. I'm so happy we squashed all that petty shit. Now we can go back to being the real Bestfriends we were before Atlanta.

Daquez POV....


HEY YALL SO THIS WILL BE THE CHAPTER THAT I TAKE A BREAK FOR A WEEK OR TWO. I'll come back with something special and good for you guys. I don't know how long but give me a week or two to get back. I'll see y'all and what y'all think Daquez got to say? I love y'all!!!!!!!


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