Chapter 39- Meet The Baby

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Kay POV...

"So your Tae its so nice to meet you finally I've heard so much about you your so cute" Jessica said to Tae. "Its nice to meet you too and all good things I would hope" Tae said smiling. "Well why don't you guys come inside and relax I just put Jamaria down for a nap" she said stepping to the side so we can come through. I can't believe Katara dated this girl. I mean granted it was before she even met me. Still it would've been nice to know that they dated. I mean we all are staying in this girls home.

I'm not mad at all but a heads up would've been decent. We walked into her home and it was very nice in here. Her house was very brown to say the least. We walked into her living room and sat on her couch. "Can I get you all something to drink water,pop,juice" Jessica said standing up. "I'll take a water" I said. "I'll have a water too" Tae said after me. "I'll take some pop" Demarcus said. "I'm good I don't want nothing" Katara said. I don't know why she so nervous. I'm not gone do shit because of the reason we here.

She came back and handed us all our drinks. She sat down on the love couch and turned on her radio. "So Jessica how my baby girl doing" Demarcus said breaking the silence. "She doing good staying healthy and bad as ever but she's good but how are you"she said smiling. "I'm good working getting money falling in love and living life I'm happy" he said looking at Tae.

They really do make each other genuinely happy. I haven't seen Tae this happy in a long ass time. I think he's found the one. I hope he is because after all Tae been through he deserves it. "That's good so how did y'all meet" Jessica said interested. So I guess she gone act like we not sitting right the fuck here. "We in the mall and he tried to talk to me but I was being mean then he saw me again and asked for my number and I gave it to him so he hit me up and was looking out for me and I gave him a chance and the rest is history" Tae said smiling.

"Awww y'all so cute and I'm happy for y'all so what about y'all Kay how did y'all meet" she asked me. "Well we were at her homecoming party some months ago and I approached her and we started kicking it and we made it official a little while ago" Katara said answering for me. What the fuck bitch I can speak. I have a mouth of my own. "That's good I'm happy all of y'all are in relationships and happy" Jessica said fake happy.

"Well where is your girl at ain't y'all still together" Katara asked her. Why the fuck she wanna know? "Naw we broke up because well she cheated on me with somebody I thought was a friend" she said sadly.

"Awww girl its okay I know first hand how it feels to be cheated on but know its not you that made the mistake its them and you'll find somebody worthy of you one day but until then love yourself" Tae said. "Your right I like you already Tae and where are you guys bags at I'll show y'all the rooms you guys will be staying in" Jessica said standing up. "Our bags are in the car we'll go get them" Demarcus said standing up. We all got up and walked to the car to get our bags.

Katara and Demarcus grabbed the bags out of our hands as soon as we were about to go into the house. They walked inside and Tae grabbed me to stay behind. "So are you okay because I felt the awkwardness from the time we stepped into the house" he said sitting on the stairs.

"I'm good I just wish Katara would've told me that they used to date so I wouldn't be blindsided but its cool I guess I'm not tripping as long as they keep their hands to themselves it won't be a problem" I said shrugging my shoulders. "Yeah I know but I just don't want nothing to happen to fuck up the reason we here its only today and Saturday and some of Sunday so please keep calm bestfriend" Tae standing up and touching my shoulder.

He so damn aggravating with that sentimental shit. He usually the hothead between the both of us. I miss that old Tae that would snap on anybody. Ever since he got with Demarcus he been calm from what I can tell. "Alright for you I'll be chill but let's go inside its getting hot and I'm not trying to turn black" I said going inside the house.

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