Chapter 27- Tae-Napped

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Tae POV....

"Rock what the fuck where am I" I said shuffling on the floor. My hands were tied up once I realized I couldn't move them. Damn ain't this a bitch. "Right now your in the basement of a warehouse don't worry where its at it doesn't matter anyway" he said sitting down in a metal chair next to me. "Why the fuck doesnt it matter" I said squirming on the floor. "Because your not leaving this bitch until your little boyfriend is dead and gone" he said shining his gun with a cloth. "Leave him alone Rock please just leave him alone" I said yelling at him. He laughed at me. "Naw Tae I can't do that to you baby I want you and I'll destroy any nigga that comes in between us" he said getting up and taking off his shirt. "Rock you have a boyfriend why are you fucking with me you come to Detroit and fucking shoot me now I'm back in Atlanta and your still fucking with me where is he at" I said crying. I can't believe this shit right now. "Oh he's taken care of in the other room see Tae I liked him and after the found out about us he tried to leave so I got him in the other room but he had a accident" he said smirking. "What you mean an accident Rock" I said sniffling. "Come on let's go" he said grabbing me up off the floor. He opened the door and threw me against the wall. He walked me down the hallway and stopped at this green door. He got his keys and opened the door. He shoved me inside the room and I fell flat on my face. I heard the door close and I lifted my head to be met with his dead boyfriend. "Ahhhhhh" I screamed to the top of my lungs. I started crying so hard. I can't believe this he's going to murder me like he did his boyfriend. Well his ex-boyfriend now. His boyfriend was shit right in between the eyes and his throat was slit from ear to ear. "Let me go I wanna go home" I yelled and scrambled until I was sitting in the corner. "Come on nigga let's go with by our cry baby ass" he said yanking me up. "Why did you do that to him" I said sniffling looking down. "He wanted to leave me like you do so he had to go and he called you a bitch and I didn't like that" he said pushing me up against a wall and he breathed heavily in my ear. You know if I wasn't in a deadly situation him being aggressive would be a huge turn on. "Come on let's go back to your room Tae" he said grabbing my arm and pulling me to the room I was originally in. He pushed me in my room and I stumbled in and sat down in a chair. He just sat down in front of me and stared at me. I didn't say a thing to him until I heard a knock at the door. He got up and I just kicked his chair. I kept staring at the wall and he sucked his teeth. "Oh he's here" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned to see Kaya walking in the room. "What's up Tae how's life going how's my girl" she said standing next to me. "She's fine happily moved on you know just like me" I said smirking. Her face turned evil and the bitch smacked me. "You know if my hands weren't tied up I would beat the living shit out of you" I said looking up at her. "Yeah whatever I just hope your Bestfriend isnt as aggressive as you are because well she's coming to join us next" she said smiling. "Leave her alone why don't y'all just let me go and we won't tell the police please just let me go" I said trying to compromise. "Well how about this you stay here and we go get Kay and we all live happily ever after in Philadelphia" Rock said squatting next to me. "Philadelphia? nigga you philacrazy as hell if you think me and my Bestfriend running off with you two oh hell naw" I said shaking my head. "Whatever we got business to handle with Kay so be good while I'm gone" he said walking out the room. "What the fuck you mean bitch I'm tied up and I'm big as hell where the fuck am I going honestly now you being funny" I said snapping my head and yelling at him. He slammed the door and I just sat there. I sat for a long ass time and my leg started to go to sleep. I walked it off and looked around this damn room. I checked to see if the door was unlocked. It was of course dammit. I found a razor yes god bitch I can break free. "Dumbass" I said to myself. I sat down on the floor. I started to feel around for the razor behind me. I grabbed it and started to cut through the rope. Once I was free I checked my pockets. I found my phone. My phone was dead as hell when I tried to cut it on. I saw a plug and a charger and I ran to it to plug it up. It still didn't come on. I checked my battery ain't this a bitch they took the battery out my phone. I'm fired up right now what sense does that make. I stood up and started banging on the door and to make some type of noise. I heard a set of keys jingle and I backed away from the door. "Oh what's up cutie what you need" this boy said opening the door. He was about 5'7,light skin,short curly hair,and skinny. He was cute as hell though. "I need to get out of here" I said trying to walk past him. "I'm sorry I can't let you do that" he said stepping in front of me. "Why the hell not" I said looking confused. "Because my uncle said he can't let you go because he's in love with you or some shit" he said leaning against the door. "I don't care who is in love with me that I'm not in love with I'm getting the fuck out of here" I said storming towards him. "No the fuck your not now sit your thick ass down nigga"Rock said coming into the room. "Nigga you gone stop throwing insults and a compliment at the same damn time at me" I said walking back to the chair. "Alright nephew you can go home I got shorty from here" Rock said dapping up his nephew. "Yeah alright uncle I'll leave now I can see you later" he said walking out of the room. "Damn bae you got loose I thought you would here you go I brought you some food I hope you like Popeye's" Rock said sitting down in the chair. Bitch he knew I loved Popeye's. I was hungry as hell so I needed food. I went and sat next to him and grabbed a box of chicken and biscuits. I took it and sat in the corner. "Come on Tae just cooperate with us and you'll be happy" Rock said sitting in front of me on the floor. "No I won't Rock in don't love you nor do I like you so just leave me alone" I said biting into my chicken thigh. Damn this good as hell. "Rock come on somebody found Kay and she's alone let's go now" Kaya said bursting through the door. "I'll be back" Rock said getting up and grabbing his jacket. The ran out and closed the door. I just sat there and ate the rest of my food. I didn't even feel the need to fight anymore. All I wanted was Demarcus for him to hold me and kiss me. I know Kay and Demarcus are probably losing it right now. I just want to go.

Kay POV...

After I left the station I went to tell Tae goddaddy what happened. He flipped the fuck out. He was calling everyone in Atlanta to see if they knew where Tae was at. Nobody came up with anything. Demarcus was an emotional wreck. I hadn't given up hope because I know Tae he can fight out of any situation. The only thing is I want to be there to fight with him. I called Demarcus and told him to come to the house. I had a plan to get my Bestfriend out of this bullshit. Demarcus came over and he looked horrible. "Hey Kay have you heard anything about him" he asked as he sat on the couch. "No not yet but I have a plan though" I said sitting on the couch. "Well what is it" he asked sitting back. "Well since they took Tae they're probably coming for me next so why not just give myself to them and have Tae and I escape" I said leaning forward. "Wait a minute but you'll need help though right" he asked me. "Yeah I need you to follow them when they kidnap me and then when you see an opportunity you be captain save a hoe and save us" I said jumping up. "Hold on was this thought through all the way" he questioned me. "Ummm see I needed to think of something and yes nigga its full proof trust me they'll get me alone because I'm sure with Kaya I'm on 100 percent surveillance so when you leave I'll go too because they would want me instead of you obviously" I said walking to the kitchen. I could tell he was nervous about this but we need to do something. Tae is with Rock and Kaya they don't give a fuck about nothing until they get what they want. I just hope we're not too late. I went upstairs and got dressed. I put on my leather joggers, a purple shirt and my wheat timbs. I had to look cute getting kidnapped. In don't believe in being caught looking rough for nobody. I came downstairs and Katara was in the living room with Demarcus. When the hell did she get out the hospital.? "When did she get here" I asked Demarcus. "I was waiting outside I'm sorry Kay I didn't mean to go off and kick you out like that I was just really emotional" she said walking up to me. "Its okay I understand but just know I'm not in love with her" I said smiling at her. "You better not be and I wanna help somehow" she said hugging me. "You can be with Demarcus and follow the var or whatever they put me in and don't worry I'll be okay they won't hurt me" I said kissing her cheek. "Alright I'll be with him but if anything happens to you the girl is dead" she said kissing my lips. "Alright y'all its time to get this plan in motion because my boyfriend isn't here so I don't want to see that shit" he said annoyed. "Come on y'all I'll walk and yall just sit in the car until they grab me" I said going over the plan. They nodded their head and we walked out. I started walking down the street. I turned the corner and went inside the grocery store. I did that to buy more time. In order to beat a psycho you have to think like one. I went into the store and I just looked around for a while. I bought a bag of hot cheetos and a brisk. I didn't want these people to think I was stealing anything. I paid for my stuff and walked out. I looked around and saw that damn white van. I started walking back towards the house and the white van started coming moving. I kept and I walked near the park. It was kind of dim outside so nobody was out here. I walked through the park and I took a seat near the sidewalk. I sat down and opens my chips. I heard doors open up and here we go.! I felt hands grab on me. I started to fight them off. I was struggling and a cloth came over my face. I was carried away by multiple men. I was scared as hell. I felt I was being thrown in the back of the van. I was dozing off and I was asleep. When I woke up I was in the arms of my Bestfriend. "Bestfriend oh my god are you okay" I asked him. "Yeah Bestfriend I'm fine but the crazy Rock killed his boyfriend and they want us to run off to Philadelphia with them I can't be trapped here no more" he said hyperventilating. "Calm down" I said slapping his face. He calmed down as the door opened up. It was Rock and Kaya. "Good their both up now let's have some fun" Kaya said smiling.

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