Chapter 8- Rock Uncovered

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How would you guys feel if I took a break for awhile not long but like for a week or two? I would miss pumping out chapter multiple times a week but I just don't know. I'm thinking about it let me know how y'all would feel if I went M.I.A for awhile.

Tae POV...

This past month in Atlanta has been cool. Rock started calling me his bae and boyfriend but we not together. He always say its certain things that make us not be together. I need to find out what it is. Kay and I still get into it every day about Rock. She doesn't understand that he really makes me happy and makes me smile. She always starts some bullshit when I'm with Rock. My godaddy still hasn't given me a good reason to stop seeing Rock. He always says if Rock hurts me then he's a dead man. My godaddy crazy as hell so he probably will kill Rock. I woke up and thank god it was a Friday. I jumped and up and played some ratchet music. I think Nicki Minaj Beam Me Up Scotty mix tape will help this morning. I was happy too because I get paid today yes god won't he do it. I took my shower as the Keys Under Palm Trees was playing. I got out and dried off. When I got back in the room Still I Rise came on. This was one of my favorite mix tape Nicki songs. I was too turnt Kay woke up and was singing right along with me. I put on some white gym shorts and a black shirt and some ankle cut black socks. I went and made me some breakfast for myself. I made pancakes,eggs,and sausage this morning. Once all the food was done I sat down and started eating. Everybody woke up and came down stairs. "Dang twin nothing for me" Omari said walking into the kitchen. "I'm sorry twin you can have the rest of this I'm full and have to get ready for work" I said getting up. He sat down sand started eating the rest of my food. It was a lot left so he was good. I went back upstairs and called Rock. "Hello" he answered the phone in a sleepy tone. "Hey bae what you doing" I said happy. "I was sleep what's up" he said sounding more awake. "Nothing just got done cooking and came back to call you" I said laying down in my bed. "Oh what you doing after work today you wanna see me" he said. "Yeah I think that can happen" I said flirting. "Oh really" he said flirting back with me. "Yeah but we gotta stop at the bank because I get paid today so I got to put my money in the bank" I said looking at the time. It was 1:00 its time for me to get up and get dressed. "Alright what time you get off" he asked me. "At 8 so come to the mall at 7:50 or something" I said taking off my clothes."Alright shawty go make that money for daddy" he said chuckling. "Boy bye you ain't my daddy" I said laughing. "Yeah nigga we gone see about that" he said. "Yeah okay bye bae" I said. "Alright boo see you later" he said and we hung up the phone. I got up and got dressed for work. "What you so happy for I know you and Rock ain't fucked yet" Kay walking into the room. "Nothing I just feel good today Bestfriend" I said happy as hell. "Man you must be high or something so I take it we cool again" she said looking confused. "We never stopped but ease up off Rock and try to get to know him" I said touching her shoulder. "Alright I'll try to get to know the hoodlum" she said. Man she so damn irritating all the time. She don't even know him to call him a hoodlum. "Bitch there you go with this shit stop dogging him out like that and you don't even know him to call him that" I yelled at her. "Bitch I know I don't like him for you" she said yelling at me. "I'm over this conversation and you" I said throwing my hands up. "What you mean so we not Bestfriends no more" she said. "Did I say that now if thats what you want then fine but I didn't say that" I said putting on my shirt. "Boy you taking shit too far now getting tired of me because of a nigga you wasn't even like this with Daquez hoe ass" she said putting on her shoes. She pushed it now she took shit too far. She knows not to talk about Daquez at all. She really got me fucked up when it comes to him. I hate when people talk disrespectful about him around me. "BITCH DONT TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT HOW THE FUCK DARE YOU BITCH" I screamed getting up. I swear I was about to swing on this bitch. "Boy chill the fuck out its not that deep you fucking with Rock so why you so pressed about what people say about Daquez" she said mugging me. She really about to make me slap her. "Because I fucking loved that nigga with all my fucking heart and he died next to me bitch do you not understand that shit and for somebody to just disrespect him makes me mad as hell" I spat at her bitch ass. She really had me messed up honestly. "You sound dumb he gone get over it" she said a nonchalant tone. No the fuck she didn't. "Bitch Kaya got a new bitch and about to be engaged to her with her hoe ass now what" I said picking up my bag. Next thing I know she ran up on me and pushed me. I grabbed her hair and flung her ass to the ground. It was hard but I did it I was mad as hell. "Let me go I quit bitch" she said yelling. "Y'all let's go y'all gone be late" Omari said yelling gfrom downstairs. "I let her go from my grip. She got up and grabbed her comb and bag and we went downstairs like nothing happened. We drove to work and went to the store. Today was going to be a slow day because the kids would be in school. We stood around and waited for somebody to come in. This dude came in. He was highly feminine, 6,1,darkskinned, and a fade haircut. He had a eyebrow piercing and a nose ring. I went up to him and asked him could I help him. He said "No but I'm looking for somebody that works here". "Who maybe I can help you find them" I said happy. I had to be happy because it was my job. "His name is Tae" he said looking around. Why the hell is he looking for me? "I'm Tae what do you need" I said changing my whole attitude. "I need for you to stay away from my boyfriend" he said raising his eyebrow. "Who the hell is your boyfriend" I said irritated. I swear if he talking about who I think he talking about then I'm going to jail again. "Rock me and him been together for two years and I found out from his friend Rome and his text messages stay away from him" he said stepping up to me. How did this bitch find my job? I was about to lay this bitch down but I was at work so I couldn't. "But I was just talking to him but if he yours you can have him I'm not tripping" I lied like hell. I am tripping I'm tripping hard as hell right now. I can't believe this shit. He was just calling me his bae and boo and shit. I'm mad as hell but I have to remain professional but when 8 come around all hell gone break loose. "Okay cool but I know how he is I'm not mad at you I just had to let you know we ain't got no beef" he said. We shook hands and he left out the store. I was heated the rest of the day. It was now 7:55 and look who comes strolling his ass up in here. The devil him damn self Rock ass. He brought some Rome and Jamell with him. I hope they can help him take this ass whooping I'm about to give him. "What's up boo working hard for me" he said walking up to me. I just mugged him and said "ummm I guess so nigga". "Damn whats wrong with you bae I thought we was good this morning" he said looking confused. "We was until your boyfriend came to my job" I said mad as hell. He just stood there and shook his head. "Tae its not even like that" he said chuckling. "What's funny I really wanna know because I love to laugh too nigga ain't shit funny now I'm about to go clock out and I don't want you to be here when I get back" I said walking to the back. I clocked out and grabbed my bag and waited for Kay. She came to the back and saw me mad. "What happen" she said. "Rock has a boyfriend that's why he hasn't made me his get I feel so stupid for liking him" I said starting to cry. "Aww Bestfriend don't cry" she said hugging me. "Go ahead and say I told you so" I said crying into her neck. "I won't do that to you because your heart is hurting right now" she said hugging me tight. We stood there for a while and got our stuff and left. Rock and his friends were standing outside the mall waiting for us. I walked to Omari car and Rock called my name. "Tae hold up I'm sorry but I didn't mean to fall for you like this I really did mean all those words I said" he said grabbing me so I'm facing him. "Man that's bullshit if you had a nigga this whole time why the fuck would you approach me,take me out, and hold my hand in public what type of shit is that Rock" I yelled at him. "Fuck that nigga twin he ain't all that" Omari yelled from the drivers chair. "Man dog I do love you Tae just know I fucked up I'm sorry bae" he said to me. I swear when he said that it was like Daquez voice overshadowed his because he used to say that all the time. I have to do better with my voice of men. "Rock I'm not mad but I don't want shit to do with you no more bye nigga" I said getting in the car. "Man you acting like a bitch now" he said yelling. Now I was being calm but he did too much calling me a bitch. I got out the car and asked him to call me a bitch again. "Man get on Tae" he said pushing me. I punched him right in the face and we started fighting. He was winning but I was getting some blows in myself too. He kept punching my stomach and face and I kept swinging wherever my arms would allow. My arms weren't vshort but his were longer and he was taller so I had a hard time. I grabbed his shirt and brought him down and started punching his life away in his head. Jamell grabbed me and Rome grabbed Rock. "Let me go Rome he want to test me I really did like him but I'm about fuck him up" Rock yelled at Rome. Jamell put me in Omari car and Omari sped off. We rode in since the whole way home. I got out and grabbed my bag. I want in the house and went to take a shower. I got out and went to the room. "We need to have a talk let's go for a walk" Kay said putting on her sundress. "Alright" I said putting on some underwear. I went to put on some purple cargos and a black shirt with my black forces. This was going to be a good talk.

So let me know about me taking a little break for a week or two. I will still be reading books but I won't be updating. I'm really trying to get my life together and I love y'all so let me know and you all with that mystery POV had me cracking up laughing and you'll find out next chapter who the POV was.



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