Chapter 24- Its Not Over

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So I changed my mind I don't know when this book will end I can't find the heart to part with it yet. It will be more than 8 more updates but I'll let y'all know when I'm down to my final 3 chapters. I really want to tell Tae story because its so much more to it. I just want this book to be just as good as the last one with or without Daquez in it. I hope y'all still are enjoying it as much as I am writing it. I though it was done when I had writers block but I had one smart idea and the rest came rolling in. So y'all get ready because its about to get crazy the rest of this book.

Kay POV...

"Rock is your cousin ain't that a bitch" Tae said walking away. "Yeah nigga I'm back you miss me" Rock said walking in the house. He got the game messed up if he think he running shit. "No nigga I haven't and I hate you bitch you shot me" Tae yelled at Rock. "Man I know you haven't you been with another nigga running around the Atl I don't like that but I'm sorry Tae I didn't mean too" he said walking up to Tae. "Man look if you don't get out and leave me alone I know something" Tae said stepping back. He ain't know shit because I ain't know shit. Usually I know something and tell his ass. This time even I was dumbfounded and I'm the smart one of us both. "Kay can we talk" Kaya said to me. "No the fuck y'all can't why you come all the way down here to get rejected bye hoe bye" Ta eyelled at her and waved her off. "Now hold on you not about to disrespect my cousin with your cute butter ball looking ass" Rock said looking at Tae. Did this nigga really njsut call him a butter ball? Ain't that a dman turkey bitch? "The palm tree he just planted in this house is rude and ridiculous" I said irritated. "Kay you stalling bro just talk to me" Kaya said touching my sides. Oh no bitch that's my spot and she knows it. I moved away form her and went to the living room. Tae followed behind me. "What you wanna do Bestfriend you know what I say don't get back with the bitch" he said sitting next to me. "Come on man give me my life back Kaya leave me alone" Kay said getting up. "Kaya come on they don't want to accept that we trying to do right" Rock said putting his arm around Kaya. "Do right? bitch we gave y'all plenty of chances to do right but y'all wants to fuck up like the fuck ups y'all are" Tae said to them. "What's all this noise down here I'm trying to-Rock is that you" Tae goddaddy said coming down the stairs. "Oh damn we got to go Kaya" Rock said walking out the house. "Whoever she is I'll find her kill her" she said with that same dark look on her face. "Kaya just go please" I said sighing. This shit was exhausting as hell. "Umm how do you know Rock" Tae asked. "Thats my little fuck buddy from time to time how you know him" his goddaddy asked confused. "I used to talk to him before I left Atlanta the first time" Tae said shocked. IH damn they want fucking with the same nigga. Atlanta too small for my liking. "Damn well I don't want him no more his ass was loose the last time I hit it" his goddaddy said shrugging his shoulders and going back upstairs. Tae and I just stood there like what the fuck just happned here. We walked slowly into then living room and sat down. We watched some TV to get past what just happened. After a few hours passed I ran upstairs to grab our phones. I had a missed calk from Katara. "Here Bestfriend Demarcus texted you saying he missed you" I said walking back down the stairs. I gave Tae his phone and called Katara back. "Hello" she said. "Yeah my bad I was busy what you doing" I said sitting down on the couch. "Over by your crib right now"she said laughing. "Well come see me" I said smiling. "Open the door" she said sounding like she was outside. I ran to the door and opened it. She was walking up to me so I met her halfway. I ran up and hugged her. She hugged me back tight. "Come on we need to talk" she said breaking the hug. "About" I asked her. "About what we doing in each other life"she said taking my hands into hers. "Alright" I said as she took my hands and we got into her car. I'm scared as hell about this talk but it must happen. We pulled up at a park. We got out and started walking. "Kay I feel like you've been distant from me lately" she said holding her head down. "Well I'm sorry but I'm not doing it on purpose but with my ex still trying to get back in my life I been in my feelings a bit" I said nervously. "Do you still love her" she asked me. Dammit bitch why that question out of all the questions. "I mean yeah a bit she was my first love but she did me dirty and I don't want her back she wants me I'm just trying to get over her the best way possible" I said stopping the walk. "I get it I just don't want to get played like a instrument Kay I'm really feeling you" she said grabbing me by my waist. "I won't I promise you"I said kissing her. "You better not I like you too much" she said smiling. "Aww Katara you so sweet" I said blushing. "Yeah I know" she said blushing. She such a dude but let me say something cute she get to blushing like a girl. I think its sexy as hell. We walked back to the car and got in. I'm happy we had that talk to air out what's going on. We pulled up and I kissed her for a bit. I got out and said goodbye to her. I recognized a white van parked on the corner. I didn't pay it any attention. I walked in and Tae was ordering us a pizza. I went to take a shower and relax. Once I got out I dried off and put on some baby oil. I got to keep this skin smooth. I put on some purple boy shorts and a tight black tank top. I laid in the bed and started to doze off. I was sleep for a couple of hours until I got a a text saying "I told you whoever she was was going to get it". "Bestfriend Demarcus said what time did Katara leave you because she didn't come in for work today" Tae said standing in my doorway. I immediately got scared I hope aint nothing bad happen to her.

So what y'all think about this? Kaya and Rock up to something and its not good. I hope y'all ready for the next chapter.

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