Chapter 2- Atlanta Arrivals

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Kay POV...

Man this year and a half has been crazy for me and Tae. Me and Kaya broke up because of what she did at Alontez party. I couldn't deal with a cheater. I miss her ass like crazy at night. That's the only time my loneliness kick in is at night. I been mostly hanging with Tae. I honestly think he's starting to spiral out of control. Ever since Daquez died he's been drinking and smoking. He alwayuse to drink but not heavily. I miss Daquez because even though he was a asshole he made my bestfriend happy. I never seen Tae smile as much as he did with Daquez. They use to fight like crazy but they really loved each other. I'm happy to be moving to Atlanta with Tae its going to be good for us. I just don't want him to get there and start to go crazy. I want both of us to learn to live without the ones that made us happy and be content with it. I know I can't relate to him because his love is dead and mines is still here. Honestly Kaya might as well be dead because I haven't spoken to her since graduation. Anyways, we finally land and me and Tae get off the plane and go claim our baggage. We go outside and see his godfather. His goddaddy was fine as hell. He was about 6'3, chocolate,dreads, and a nice build to him. "Hey Mr.Harding" I said yelling. If his goddaddy was straight and liked big girls I would be all over him. "Now Kay I always tell you to call me Thomas how you been" he said side hugging me. He smelled good as all hell. "I been hanging in there how is the bae doing" I said smiling. "He alright getting on my last nerve but I love him though" he said blushing. "Alright enough catching up let's go hoes" Tae said sitting in the front seat. "Alright let's hit it y'all" Thomas said. I got in the backseat and we pulled off. We drove for awhile before we pulled up to this nice ass house. It was two stories but the outside was cute. The neighborhood looked a bit sketchy I won't lie. It was men all around us. If Tae wasn't so depressed he would think this is heaven. We got out and unpacked all our bags. "What's up twin" Omari said walking out the house. He was 5'10,light skin,adorable as hell,and he was a fat boy just like Tae. He was basically his twin. They really did look alike just not the same skin tone. "Hey twin what up bitch" Tae said running up to Omari hugging him. "Girl we got so much to catch up on so how you been doing since you know who left" he asked. I saw it in Tae eyes he didn't want to answer it. "I been okay just taking it one day at a time" Tae said sighing. "Well that's good but you cute so you'll find another dude down here they like heavy and hefty boys in the south anyway " Omari said hugging Tae. "I'm not checking for no boys while I'm down here I'm here to relax and chill for awhile with my bestfriend" Tae said leaning on me. "That's right and they need to chill down here with us and not worry about back home" Thomas said taking our bags in the house. "Yeah but y'all come in and get some rest because tomorrow y'all will be going out to explore Atlanta" Omari said walking in the house. "Alright" me and Tae said in unison. "Do you think we made the right decision coming down here" Tae asked me. "I mean at first no because I thought we were running from our problems but this could be good for us and give us a sense of freedom and moving on" I said putting my hand on his shoulder. "Okay Dr. Phil ass bitch let's get the rest of this shit and go to sleep" Tae said laughing and grabbing his bags. I grabbed my bags as well and walked in the house. The inside was amazing. Their house was white and cream colored. It was so gorgeous inside. "This place is cute as hell" Tae said. "Thanks and yall gone be sharing a room because it's only 3 in here and the other one is our storage space so yeah" Thomas said. "I dont care" I said. "I don't either let's go to our room" Tae said going upstairs. I walked behind him and our room was gorgeous as hell. It had two beds and his bed was pink and mine was purple. They knew our favorite colors. We sat our bags down and started to unpack. "Are you nervous about starting a new life here" I asked Tae. "Well no I think its a continuation of what my life is supposed to be like I think everything is going to be okay" Tae said to me. I didn't believe that bullshit he nervous as hell. He scared as fuck I know it. He just want to act like he strong but I know my bestfriend and all I can do is be there for him. After we got dome unpacking the majority of our stuff. We laid down took our showers. We came to the room and went to sleep. Tomorrow is our first official day in Atlanta. I can't fucking wait.

Tae POV...

I'm scared as fuck about being here. I'm tired of lying to myself about what I feel. I feel horrible I just don't want nothing to go wrong here. I can't take anymore heartbreak here.

Hey y'all.!!!!!! Well this was chapter two and I hope you guys like the book idea so far. I know its starting off slow but trust me it will pick up. These are just the intro to the story that is to come. This book is going to be a lot more dramatic than the first one. I hope y'all like the book idea let me know.

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