Chapter 18- What I Need.

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So y'all sorry about the confusion but ummm I had to delete my new book I absolutely hated it. After I reviewed it I didn't like it. I need to develop it more than I did. So y'all I'll start a new book when this one is almost done. I'm sorry y'all but I'll definitely give y'all another book. I decided to do a more toned down book but as a writer and human my mind can change.

The following day....

Tae POV....

"Tae what are you doing to yourself" I heard a voice ask me. Where the hell am I? I see nothing but white and clouds. Bitch did I just die? I hope like hell not I'm too young and fresh to die bitch. I turned around and it was Daquez. "Bae I kiss you so much" I said running up to him. I hugged him so tight. He just hugged me and I started to cry. I missed this boy so much its crazy. "I missed you too bae" he said giving a faint smile. "Come on let's sit and talk for a bit" he said grabbing my hand walking to this small white bench. It was pretty nice up here. It was all white and well....white but it was nice though. "What's been going on Daquez I can't even function right without you being with me" I said putting my leg on his lap. "I can tell what are you doing down there Tae you turning into a hoe naw fuck that you are one bae I know if I was down there this bullshit wouldn't be happening and you know that" Daquez said getting mad. Yeah this nigga ain't changed a bit. "What you mean I was just having a little fun" I said shrugging my shoulders. "No Tae you messing with the wrong niggas I can't believe you how could you do this to yourself damn Tae you need to get your shit together you opening my jaws to other niggas yes I said my jaws nigga you still belong to me" he said in a calm tone. Yesss Daquez give me life.! I missed this so damn much. I needed him back so bad. "Daquez I'm just trying to find happiness in some way shape or form without you being by my side I mean your not here my first real live isn't here the boy that showed me I was something and I was important and could be loved you did that for me and your not there to make me feel like that anymore" I said crying. "Tae I know I'm.not there but you need to love yourself and have more respect for yourself baby I see so much love inside of you and I know I brought it out but you have to see it nobody can make you see it" he said pulling me towards him. "But I don't feel complete Daquez I wanna stay with you do bad I don't care I just wanna stay here with you keep me please I try to find a piece of you in every guy but there isn't one guy that has it" I said crying hysterically. "Man cut that out you know I hate when you cry and I'm even more mad because someone else caused it" he said hugging me. This was exactly what I craved for the longest. I wanted to be held like he used to hug me. "Aye remember our first fight at that party when you slept with Draya" I said laughing and changing the subject. "Ha yeah you was mad as fuck and you almost got chased by that dog ha I was dead that night then you cussed me out bad as hell" he said laughing. "Yeah you did some messed up shit to me back then but I stayed with you bae" I said sighing. "Yeah but why" he asked me. Shit umm I don't even know what to say. "I loved you and you knew how to put me in my place and you actually took time to get to know me not just sexually but mentally and you was in love with me" I said with a breaking in my voice. "What you mean "was" nigga I still am in love with you that won't ever change I don't care where I'm at I'll be right here" he said touching my chest. "I know Daquez you always said that you'll protect me with your life but why did you cheat on me so much though" I asked him wiping away a falling tear. "Tae to be honest I don't know I did it because I kind of knew you would stay with me after I did it so after the last time when you really broke up with me I snapped because I couldn't lose you I needed to be yours and I knew if another nigga had what was mine on earth he would be a dead nigga walking for sure"he said leaning forward. "That's true you get what you put up with and I put up with it alot I guess you know how I got up here huh" I said looking around. "Yeah I do and your not up here I came to you because you need to fix the shit you put yourself in" he said with a quick change in his voice. "I know I do but the question is how" I asked him. It seemed like Daquez took a step back from being my boyfriend and was a friend to me. I liked this side of him a lot. "Well but all them niggas off as soon as possible and move back to Atlanta ain't nothing good coming from being in Detroit you and I both know that plus you have a relationship to start" he said sighing. I could tell he was sad about me being with somebody else. "What you mean I'm staying with you" I said confused. "No your not your asleep not dead Tae all you have to do is wake up our time will come again but not too soon" he said getting up. "I'm gone miss you Daquez" I said crying again. "I'm gone see you again God already told me when so I'll be ready for you" he said smiling. "Can you tell me who I'm gone end up with" I asked him. He looked at me like nigga no. "Hell no I can't you might fuck it up from the way its suppose to happen" he said kissing me on my forehead. "Alright nigga gotta be difficult but when do I go back" I said holding onto his body. "In about 30 seconds" he said pushing me off him gently. "Damn but I just want to stand here and hug and kiss for that time is that okay" I asked with my puppy dog eyes. I knew I was gone get my way anyway I just had to ask. "You know I'm gone say yes as long as I can touch that booty" he said opening his arms. I went in and we hugged and he sure enough grabbed my booty. He gives the best booty rubs ever I swear. I looked at him and kissed him. I broke the kiss and he said "see you soon shawty" he said fading away. I stood there and sighed and cried. "Tae wake up" I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes and I was in a hospital room. I saw Kay,my mom and Marlon sitting around me. "Thank god your okay Bestfriend" Kay said coming to the bed. "Oh my god Tae are you okay how did this happen" my mom asked me. I didn't know what to tell her. I wanted to spill it all but Marlon was in the room so Kay and my mom might jump his ass. "I was on a date and we were at a party and somebody started shooting" I lied to protect his bitch ass. I was going to get back at all of they asses on god. They better watch they back and Rock gone get it bad. "Thank god Marlon came and told us what happened and you know what that means no more dates negro" my mom said. "Well Ms.Thomas I'll take care of him" Marlon said standing up. "Ummm no you won't" Kay said. I could tell she knew I was lying. "Kay cut it out and y'all can you guys give me a moment with Marlon" I asked them. They left out and I was left alone with the asshole who set me up. "Tae I just wanna say I'm so sorry bit wasn't suppose to go like that we were all going to sit around and calmly talk but obviously it didn't go like that" he said standing up and walking towards me. "Man get the fuck with all that sappy shit you cut off its done" I said rolling my eyes at her. "Tae I'm sorry if it seemed like I was trying to set you up I wasn't I swear it was just going to be a mini intervention I'm dumb I admit it" he said coming to the side of my bed. "Fuck that bye nigga don't hit my line no more lose my number I'm moving back to Atlanta so you'll have a good life without me fuck on" I said annoyed. "Straight like that huh" he said stepping back. "Yeah nigga straight like that you did me bold as fuck bye adios el negro" I said waving him off. "Alright then Tae see you around" he said walking away. After he left I just sat there blank. Kay came in without my mom and said my mom left to go home because she had to work. "I heard everything you okay Bestfriend" she asked me sitting on my bed. "Yeah I'm fine Bestfriend I did what I needed to do for me" I said smiling. We sat and talked and I told her what really happened. "Bitch they all tried to do what again" she said. "They tried to have Tae-vention bitch trying to tell me who I should choose but we ended up fighting and Rock hoe ass shot me in my shoulder" I said irritated. "Yeah I know bitch you passed out from shock big dumb dumb" she said smacking my arm. "Ouch bitch that hurt I'm injured here hoe" I said irritated. "Sorry but I guess we moving back to the Atl" she said nervously. "I am I don't want you to put your love life on hold for me" I told her sighing. I wanted my ride or die with me but not if she didn't want her love life cut short. She deserved to be happy with Brit so I wasn't tripping. "Aww you do care about me" she said hugging me. "Yeah bitch I do now get off me before I stop hoe" I said groaning. "Bestfriend me and my mom back on good terms so I'm back home with her bitch" she said as she got off of me. "When this happen" I asked her confused. "Well what happened was your mom kind of caught me in your bed and I told her what happened with my mom and she called her and cussed her out and then my mom came and took me home and we had a long talk about what she saw and how she felt and I told her how I felt and we made up you know the typical mom and daughter shit" she said nonchalantly and out of breath. "Yeah that's good but I feel like I was left out of so much" I said sadly. I felt like everyone was moving so quick in only one day. "Not really Tae but I got to go Brit wants to take me out tonight I'm so geeked bye Bestfriend see you tomorrow" she said walking out. I was left with a TV, no food and nothing to drink. Hospitals blow dick for skittles honestly. After a few episodes of "Friends" the doctor came in and told me that the surgery went great and that I can leave tomorrow. I was happy as hell. First things first when I leave is to go to Checker's next is too end what I started and that means Mike is up first. In had to cut ties with the Detroit boys then finally get rid of the crazy ass Atlanta boy so tomorrow is going to be a long day.

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