Chapter 28- Let Me Out

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Y'all have been so supportive of this book but it's far from over yet. I couldn't find a way to part with it yet. I have no idea how many more updates there will be. It won't be alot but a nice amount will do. I haven't decided yet.

Back to the story....

Tae POV...

I was just sitting counting the tiles on this rusty ass ceiling. I heard keys but I didn't bother flinching. I just stayed where I was at. I looked and saw then pulling Kay in. " Oh my god Bestfriend" I said jumping up and pushing the out of the way to grab her. "So you love her more than you love me" Rock yelled. "Nigga is that even a fucking question of course I do this my Bestfriend my life,my partner in crime,my everything" I said kneeling down on the floor and laying her head in my lap. "Damn that's cool youll learn to love me and since your not giving it up I need sex so I'll be back" Rock said grabbing his wallet. "Try not to fall in love with him after the suck you dick bitch" I growled at him. He smirked and walked towards me. I tensed up and got nervous. "You know I really am getting sick of your smart ass mouth if you don't want to end up like that bitch in the next room you need to cooperate with me now I'll be back and when I come back I want a better attitude" he said squatting in front of my face. His breath smelled like weed and the stench of alcohol was almost unbearable. "Fine" I said in surrender. He got up and walked out to do god knows what. "Aye when she wakes up tell her I love her" Kaya said closing the door. This bitch got some damn nerve. I opened my legs and laid Kay in between them. I just held her and cried. I was so scared I didn't know what to do. Kay woke up after almost two hours and she asked me was I okay. I just broke down until she slapped me back calm again. After I told her about what I went through in here. I wasn't battered but seeing Rock boyfriend dead because he didn't love Rock is scary to me. The door opened and in comes Hell's Angels. "Good their both up now let's have some fun" Kaya said smiling. I swear if I ain't know she would beat my as I would slap the shit out of her. They came in walking towards us and we got up and started to back up. We backed up until we hit the wall. They walked up on us and just stared at us. "You know we've been thinking since there is a lot more bitches in Atlanta why limit myself to one so you two are free to go" Rock said backing up from me. I looked at Kay and grabbed her hand. We slipped past them and ran for the door and opened it. We ran down the hall but not before BANG! We ducked and looked back and Kaya shot the wall. "YALL THOUGHT IT WOULD BE THAT EASY FUCK NO NOW GET YALL ASSES BACK IN HERE NOW" Rock boomed through the hall. I looked at Kay and nodded my head. We looked at them and I saw that same boy from earlier behind them. "Aye uncle and Kaya what's going on" they looked back at him. Kay and I took off running we ran down the hall until we found a set of stairs. We heard them behind us letting shots go multiple times. We ran up the stairs and up to another floor. We ran around looking for a door or a window. There was nothing on this floor. What the fuck is going on? "One Two Rock's coming for you Three Four you can't find the door Five Six I'm going to make you my bitch Seven Eight Don't make me wait Nine Ten you'll be mines again" I heard Rock's voice echo through the room. Kay grabbed my hand and we made a run for the next floor up. We ran up the stairs but we started to get tired as hell. We found a room to hide in. We opened the door and we walked in the room. It was pitch black dark in here. I felt around for a light switch. I found one and flipped it. "Ahhhhh oh my god" Kay screeched. I turned to see what it was and I saw a boy and a girl naked and passed out or dead. They had blood running down their legs. They were tied up and had their mouth gagged with a sock. I screamed and opened the door. Rock and Kaya were coming up the stairs. We ran down the hall and found a small window I ran in first and BOOM.! It was a whole in the floor and I fell through. It felt like a long ass drop until I hit the bottom. I just laid there in pain. My head started pounding,my back was aching,my arm was hurting. "Oh my god help me" I yelled. I rolled over on my side and saw Kaya grabbing Kay and Rock leaned kneeled in front of me. "Rock help me please" I groaned out. "Come on" he said grabbing me up off the floor roughly. I moaned and groaned in pain as he pushed and pulled me. I heard Kay behind us struggling. This shit hurt. We went down the stairs and he pushed me into a room. He slammed the door behind him. "What the fuck Tae you always try to escape me but you won't get very far" he said turning on the light. I looked around and saw a tub. "You need to freshen up shawty I can't have you stinking" he said running water in the tub. He put some soap in the tub. He grabbed me up and took off my clothes. I was naked and he helped me into the tub. I washed myself while he watched me. He started to rub on his dick through his pants. I just rolled my eyes and kept washing my body. "I'm done and I don't have any clothes" I said annoyed. "I know I bought you some while I was out" he said getting up. He came over to the tub and helped me out. I felt a little better after the hot bath I had. He gave me a towel to dry off with. I dried off and he lead me to a room that had a bed in it. I walked in and he pushed me on the bed. This nigga is really bipolar as fuck. He grabbed a bag and threw it at me. I caught it and it had jogging pants and a T-shirt with some lotion. I lotioned up my body and put the clothes on. "After Kaya gets done with Kay you two can get back into the same room" he said laying on the bed next to me. I was awfully scared of what could happen. I hope somebody can save me. "Lay with me now" Rock said. I didn't feel like fighting so I just laid my ass down next to him. I was dozing off to sleep. I'm getting worried that I might die in here.

So this chapter was very interesting to write. I had a flow of ideas and the will be put into different chapters. I didn't want to over do this chapter.


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