Chapter 13- Old Feelings Die Slow

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So y'all have been going crazy in my comments and I keep on loving those funny ass comments. Y'all gone send me to a early grave because of these comments I'm always dying while I read them.I want to say don't stop commenting But anyways I love all my readers and voters and ghosts.!!!!

Back to the story now....

Tae POV...

So I can't even believe that me and Marlon had sex in public like that. I don't regret it because it was good as fuck but I don't know how to feel about Marlon. He really wants to be with me. I just don't know about all that right now. I like what we're doing right now which is being very good friends to each other. I could do without the sex because we don't need to have sex everytime we get together. I need to learn tol stop having these random hookups like this. My body count isn't that high I only fucked Daquez and Marlon. Now as for oral sex I had Deon,Daquez,Marlon,Rock, and Mike. Now for that I will take the title of being a "hoe" but I was the best I could be at what I did. Can't your hoeness be erased though? I don't know but as long as nobody meets the other I'll be fine. I think? Anyways its been 2 days since I was with Marlon. I been chilling in the house for the most part but he still come by to see me and spend time with me. No we haven't had sex after that park fuck we had. We just been enjoying each others company. He still doesn't want me to leave to go back to Atlanta. I don't want to but I haven't made up my mind yet if I want to stay or go. I have to talk to Kay about it to see what she wants to do. I would hate to have started something here and have to leave it behind and go somewhere else. I don't do long distance relationships. For one because I'm not that secure with myself and for two I have MAJOR trust issues. In don't put nothing past anybody except god,my mom and Kay. The reason being is god will steer me in the right direction and my mom and Kay know if the ever cross me them all hell will break loose. I needed to go talk to her so I called her. "Hello bitch" she said irritated. "Well hello to you to bitch I'm coming over today so I'll be arriving in 20 minutes hoe" I said happy. "Alright come on" she said mad as hell. I hung up and my mom asked me "where you going". "To Kay house so we can talk about some stuff" I said opening the door. "Alright but don't plan shit for tomorrow because we spending the day together" she said yelling. "Alright ma I won't" I said leaving out. I left and walked all the way to Kay house. I looked under the mat and grabbed their spare key. I opened the door, put the key under the mat and I walked in. "Peace in the middle east whos up in this house its too quiet" I yelled. "Come upstairs bitch" Kay yelled. I went in the kitchen and grabbed a can of sprite and a family size bag of hot cheetos. I walked up her stairs and walked in her room. She was in her purple bra and panties with some black socks. Damn she ain't even think about at least putting on some shorts. "Boybi said come upstairs not get a snack with your thick ass" she said with a shocked look. "Bitch we Bestfriends so I do's what I pleases" I said rapping like Nicki Minaj. "Sit down and lets talk" she said laying in her bed. I sat in her bed with my legs folded and started to eat some chips. "So whats up Bestfriend" I said chewing. "Well first off me and Britanny doing good" she told me. "Yeah so whats new with yall" I said eating some more chips. I know Britanny as never keeping a stable relationship. She always got a new girlfriend almost every other month. "Well we going on a date tomorrow and I'm super excited because me and her was suppose to be hanging out but she had to work" she said sighing. "Oh well that's good I'm happy for y'all" I said smiling. I want her to be happy bit Britanny is nothing but another Kaya. The only difference would be the relationship length I give it 3 months. "I know right but umm why were you with Mike the other day" she asked me causing me to choke and cough. "Well umm we were talking for a while you know and how did you know" I said raising my voice. "Well I was coming from talking to Kaya and I was walking home when I saw you walking out of his house" she said smirking. "Well we were just talking so it's nothing" I lied. I didn't want her judging me on what I did because she would as always. "Yeah y'all was probably talking alright so how his dick taste bitch" she said laughing. "Like chocolate bitch" I said without paying attention. Damn here we go. "Bitch you know damn well you shouldn't have messed with him he ain't no good at all he not shit and won't never be shit and on top of that he not all that cute" she said yelling and slapping me upside my head. "Bitch I wasn't expecting it and I was horny as hell and he cute enough to me hoe and hold up you talked to Kaya bitch what the fuck you do that for we don't fuck with her no more nigga" I yelled at her. "It wasn't even like that though she wanted to talk to me about us getting back together and I told her I would think about it but I don't know about it yet I'm seriously thinking about it I just don't know what to do Bestfriend" she said sighing. "Bitch I know what to do not get back with her ass the fuck you thinking for" I said irritated. "OK don't make me seem like I'm just dumb as fuck when you kept getting back with you know who kept doing you bold" she said sitting up. Okay this bitch always wanna bring up Daquez and throw some shit in my face. I'm about to set this bitch right."Ooh but you and Kaya was together longer and as soon as y'all started she was cheating and I was dumb in love bitch you was just dumb and Daquez wasn't dumb enough to propose to another nigga not while I was alive because I would've killed his ass myself" I said sipping on my soda after my public service announcement. I started to see tears form in her eyes. Damn I don't mean to be a bitch but she pushed it. I had to defend my actual first love. Yeah I know what yall gone say "but what about Deon" well I think Deon was my first boyfriend but Daquez was my first love because as much as I loved him he loved me just as much so to me that determines a first love. "Look Bestfriend I don't mean to be dumb but it's something about that girl I just don't know what it is" she said sobbing. "Its okay Bestfriend but we gone get through this together I got you you gone be just fine" I said hugging her and rubbing her back. She just cried in my chest. I'm gone fuck Kaya up because she needs to stop feeding my Bestfriend bullshit because that's what it is bullshit. I'm gone have a talk with her tonight. Kay calmed down and I thought since it was 6 it's the perfect time. I calmed her down and told her we need to go handle this business right now. She got up and put on her light blue gym shorts and black tank top with her black low top shoes. I already was comfortable so I was good. We got ready and Kay borrowed her momma car since Kaya lived too far to walk. We drove to her house listening to Mila J- My Main on repeat. We was turned up and after 4 times of listening to this song we pulled up to Kaya house. Kay called Kaya and told her to come outside. Kaya came outside with he r brother Tre and guess who else....MIKE.! I don't know how this is going to go but I'm ready for whatever.

Soooo y'all I really love where this book is going. I'm setting up so much drama its crazy. I just want to say I was scared to continue this book because I didn't know where I wanted it to go.I even thought about deleting both books and starting all over. But I thought yall would hate my guts if I did it. I even thought about changing the ending of the last one with Daquez still living. But its too late so I have to keep moving and I know how I want this book to end. So see y'all next chapter in two days.!


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