Chapter 15- Stranger Danger!!

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I'm just going to go ahead and start the book because well I have no rants today so....

Back to the story....

Tae POV....

"Shawn what the hell are you doing here" I asked as Shawn was just laid up in my bed. He bout disrespectful as hell I should beat his ass for that shit. I got my ass beat enough today but if it was tomorrow it would be popping. "Your mom let me in and said youll be back and I came back to the D Tae I missed you so much" he said running up to me hugging me. Should I lie and say I missed you too or should I tell the truth and say bitch get the fuck out I ain't missed you bye hoe.? "I missed you too Shawn" I lied. "Aww but anyways how have you been" he asked pulling me on my bed. Shawn better not try no freak shit I'm trying to keep my walls I need them. Shawn did get a bit cute though he got braces so his teeth wasnt fucked up, he buffed up a little bit. "I been good Shawn just fine I was in Atlanta for a while but I came back here to visit" I said getting up and taking off my shoes. "Damn you was in the south but since I been back I heard you was smashing my stepbrother" he said changing the subject. "Who your step brother Marlon" I asked with a screwed up face. That's the only dude I fucked since I been back. "No nigga Mike but you fucked Marlon too damn Tae you a hoe forreal" he said shaking his head. Was this or was this not the same nigga who tried to break up me and Daquez on numerous occasions and smacked my ass and flirted with me non-stop while he was around me? He needs to have several seats before I sit him down. "Boy I ain't fuck Mike get the fuck on with that shit because its not like that and yes I fucked Marlon so what I'm all of a sudden I'm a hoe because I fucked one nigga and messed with one since I been back" I said raising my voice. "Yeah kind of" he said chuckling. "Ummm no I haven't fucked a lot of dudes at all just Daquez and Marlon a hoe fucks a lot of people and I'm not that" I said stating facts. "Hmmph so what are you then" he said with a attitude. "A good Samaritan I'm the pillar of the community nigga" I said laughing and he started to laugh. I was dying laughing because the stuff that comes out of my mouth is ridiculous. "Boy get the fuck but anyways I have to go I just came by to mess with you" he said getting up. "You so irritating always messing with me like you use too" I said smiling. "Yeah but I'm back for good I missed Detroit and you too much" Shawn said smirking. Look I don't know what type of shit Shawn is on but I'm not with it....I think. "Boy bye go home" I said lightly pushing him down the stairs. We walked down the stairs and I opened the door for him. "Look Tae it was good seeing you again I hope I can see more of you if you don't go back to Atlanta" he said sighing. Why the hell is he so sad for? "I don't know if I'm going back I'm still thinking about it" I said leaning on the door. "Alright well call me if you leave so I can see you before you go but if you stay I'll see you around" he said giving me a peck on the cheek and walking off. "You not slick nigga you lucky I didn't feel like snapping" I said closing the door. I wasnt mad because I wasn't in the mood but I'm glad it happened. Dont say I like Shawn because I don't. I went back upstairs and took a long ass shower. I needed to after the damn day I had. After I got out I dried off and put on some lotion and my boxers and a white T-Shirt and my Rihanna Socks that had her album cover Loud on it. I really loved these socks. I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen. I fixed myself two philly cheesesteak hot pockets and some curly fries. I poured me some Pepsi and went to the living room to eat. After I got done eating I got up to get my phone from upstairs. I had a text from Demarcus out of nowhere. The text said "Shorty a dude named Rock been going around Atlanta asking about you and he threatened to kill me if I told you but I talked to some dude named Omari he said he knew you and I had to tell you no matter the risk I know you not in Atlanta right now but when you get back I wanna go on a date hopefully but he know where you are and said he's coming to look for you because some dude named Alontez knows you up there just be careful". I instantly got pissed off. How the fuck Alontez knows Rock at all. I just laid down in my bed and went to sleep. Tomorrow after I come home I'm going to speak to Alontez bitch ass. These are the times I wish Daquez was here. He wouldn't even let Alontez open his mouth to tell any of my business.

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