Chapter 33 - Being Flawed

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Kay POV....

I wake up this morning in my own bed and with Katara on the phone with me. Tae ass left to fast for me to say goodbye I feel he's forgetting about me and being too much into Demarcus. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for him but he should never forget who's been there for him. Katara was still knocked out so I just hung up on her. I had to get up this morning and go shopping. I needed new clothes and I knew Tae wanted to go so I need to call him. I go through my call log and find his number and dial it. "Hello Bestfriend today is a beautiful day in Atlanta isn't it I hope your having a wonderfully fabulous morning just like myself" he said happy as hell. What the fuck this bitch been doing that got him so happy.? "Ummm for one why are you so happy and for two we have to go shopping" I said. "Oh yeah that we were okay well I'll be there in about 30 to 40 minutes" he said giggling. What the fuck is so damn funny? "Bitch you better not be high because you acting weird as hell" I said annoyed. "I'm not high I just had a beautiful night with my now official boyfriend Demarcus" he said hyper. "Oh my god so y'all made it official when that happen" I asked him. This nigga always springing shit on me. "This morning when we woke up we was talking about some stuff and he asked me do I want to make it official with him finally and I said yes and yeah now we're finally a couple" he said cheering in the back. "Yeah finally I had to beat it out the frame just to make him wanna make it official" I heard Demarcus in the background say. I knew it was a reason he was so damn happy. "Bitch y'all had sex I knew there was a reason why you were so happy oh my god that must have been some good dick bitch but you need to come home because I miss my Bestfriend" I sais whining a little bit. "Girl okay fine I'll be there" he said over dramatic as hell. He so irritating I swear. "Hold on Bestfriend this Katara calling me hold up" I said clicking over to Katara. "Hello" I said smiling. "Aye what you doing today because I wanna see you" Katara said yawning. "Nothing going shopping with Tae why you wanna join" I said curious. "Hell yeah I'll come pick y'all up in 40 minutes" she said. "Alright" I said clicking back over. I hear them kissing and Tae just starting to moan and giggle. "Demarcus stop I'm still sore from last night" I heard Tae moan. "Ewwww y'all disgusting little gay boys stop it and Bestfriend Katara coming to get us in 40 minutes so try to get here and shower and stuff" I rushed out. "NuhhUhhh I'm not about to be the third wheel in y'all little lesbian relationship you got me messed up I'm not here for it" he yelled into the phone. "Well bitch just bring your boyfriend then" I said calming him down. "Bae can you come to the mall with me,Kay and Katara because they want me to be the third wheel and I don't want to be" he said whining to Demarcus. "Aww yeah bae I'll go let's get ready but what about your clothes" I heard Demarcus say. "Alright well come to his house and pick us up then and pack me something cute" Tae said. "Alright see y'all in 40 minutes" I said hanging up the phone. I went and took a 20 minute shower just to even up the time limit because I could be in the shower for hours. I got out and dried off. I put on some baby oil because it keeps my skin baby soft. I went into the room and put on a black bra and lace black panties. I don't plan on coming home tonight. I went into my closet and looked for clothes. I pulled out a sleeveless hoodie that was cropped a little bit. It was purple with KISS in bold green letters. I got some black high waist jean shorts with some black and green Nike's. Needless to say I was cute as hell today. I packed Tae the same thing as me. A blue sleeveless hoodie,camouflage pants, and some wheat timbs. I went to the mirror and flat ironed my hair. I'm thinking about getting a weave soon. I don't know yet I think Tae wants to get one too. Wait if we do we can get matching hairstyles but I don't know if his boyfriend would like that. Whatever I don't care I put my clothes and shoes on. My phone was going off. As If your lips are movin' if your lips are movin' if your lips are movin' then your lying lying lying baby blasted through the room. I grabbed my phone and it was Katara. "Hello" I said tying my shoes. "I'm outside come on" she said. We hung up the phone and I finished tying my shoes up. I grabbed my black purse and my phone. I grabbed my charger and slipped it into my purse and grabbed Tae bag. I walked out the house. I walked to the car and I got in. Katara was wearing a white v-neck, black shorts, and white air force ones. She leaned over and hugged me tight. She kissed me all over my face. I missed her hands all over me. "Bae stop it I know you missed me I missed you too" I said giggling. "Oh my god you have no idea how much you mean to me I'm sorry for not saving you like I should have but our tires got slashed so we couldn't help y'all I'm sorry" she said grabbing my hands. Her face was lit up with happiness. It's crazy how much of an impact something bad can happen on a relationship. "My big booty bae at" she said referring to Tae. Tae booty is not even big. Its nice but its not even big though. Trust me I know I've seen him naked. "He at his boyfriend house" I said laughing. "Damn him and Demarcus broke up" she said confused. "No they made it official finally so he at Demarcus house" I told her. She nodded her head and started up the car. She pulled off and drove to their house. She turned on her radio. Tove Lo- Talking Body came on. I loved this song only because Tae played it so much. This was his shit he played it almost everyday. We pulled up to Demarcus house. It was a nice little house. We honked the horn and Demarcus came out and grabbed Tae bag. Demarcus was wearing a white tank top, khaki shorts and some slides. He looked like a typical hood dude. That's just Tae type though. I know Tae had something to do with his outfit. After 20 minutes they came out the house. "Look at the happy couple" I yelled from the car and they started smiling. They got in and Tae sat behind Katara and Demarcus sat behind me. "Hey little booty" Katara said to Tae. Tae smacked his lips. "Girl bye but hey boo I missed you" Tae said hugging her from the back seat. "Hey Bestfriend in law" I said to Demarcus. "What's up you good" he asked me. "I'm good so about all new relationship" I said being slick. "What about it" Demarcus said. We pulled off and started talking. "Well I want to know who asked who" I asked them. I'm just being petty its a Bestfriend thing. "I asked him and he said yes" Demarcus said leaning on Tae. "Okay okay let me stop being annoying" I said turning around. "Thank you and Katara when you gone cuff my Bestfriend" Tae asked.

Katara POV....

Damn I didn't expect that question. I wanted to cuff her but I need to make sure Im ready first. I don't know what's holding me back. I knew once Demarcus made it official with Tae it would put pressure on me. I can't lie she's not the only girl I talk to but she is the only one I have strong feelings for. I can see myself loving her. I just don't want to break her heart and get with her and I'm dealing with another girl. The other girl is perfect body wise but she doesn't have Kay personality. Kay is that ride or die girl that everyone needs in their corner. The other girl is just eye candy I picked up at the club. Her name is Milaya she is gorgeous. She's light skin ,nice perky boobs,fat ass booty, flat stomach. She's the type of girl you see in GQ or a in a strip club. The only thing is she's a real life hoe. She fuck with everybody boys and girls. The reason I'm still talking to her is because I have history with her. She was the first girl I loved and the first to break my heart and piece it back together. "Boy chill out me and Kay gone be together when the time is right" I said keeping my eyes on the road. I peeped that Kay snapped her head at me. I got a little scared though. I didn't even look in her direction. Just right then Usher - Twork It Out came on. I loved this song so much. We was jamming and Tae and Demarcus was in the back kissing. They make a really cute couple. I just hope Tae knows about Demarcus baby mother. He probably ain't even tell him. I hope he does soon because that's bold as hell. Guranteed the baby mother is married now and happy. Tae still needs to know. We pulled up to the mall and parked. We got out and held our respective partners hands. Tae and Demarcus had to be extra and Demarcus put his arm around Tae. We walked around the mall and went to True Religion. They went shopping around the store. They bought mostly jeans and a couple of shirts. Tae bought a hat and Kay ought a belt too. They paid for their stuff and we left the store. We walked into Claire's and they broke away from us and went straight to the bracelets. They was going crazy in here. They looked like they was kids in a candy store. I didn't feel right in here the shit in here was too girly for me. "Man let's sit outside the store until they get done" I said to Demarcus. We sat down and started talking. "So I didn't tell Tae about my baby moms I don't know how to tell shorty I love him and all but I'm scared that it might scare him away" Demarcus said sighing. "Man you have to tell him he needs to know but I didn't tell Kay that I'm talking to Milaya" I told him. "What the fuck Milaya the hoe she bad but damn again" he said annoyed. "I know but I want to be with Kay its just I can't be with her because of Milaya I need to get her out my system" I said groaning annoyed. "You need to cuff Kay but do what makes you happy but she needs to know she's not the only girl" he said to me. "Hey Katara" I heard a female voice come up to me. Its Milaya what the fuck is going on. She came up to me and hugged me. I hugged her back and looked into the store. Tae and Kay looked pissed the fuck off. They was coming out the store with their bag. In was scared as hell. "What's this" Kay said coming up to us. This might not end well.

BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE.!!!!! YALL THOUGHT THE DRAMA WAS OVER DIDNT YALL? Y'all know I always got a trick up my sleeve.


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