Chapter 34 - Bae-Day Gone Bad

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Tae POV...

So I guess today was bae-day. We were spending the day with out baes. I was happy that Demarcus made it official with me. I was more than happy to especially after the night we had. Then the morning we had wasn't bad either. Let's just say I'm sore as fuck and still limping a little bit. The car ride here to the mall was good. I felt the awkwardness in the car after I asked when was Kay and Katara gone make it official. She gave me that lame ass excuse and explanation. We in Claire's at the register and I look out to see this beautiful light skin hoe all up on Katara. "Bestfriend look bitch" I said tapping her. "What bitch" she said grabbing our bag and turning around. "Am I daydreaming or is that really happening" I said looking at her. "I see it too and she about to get fucked up because we suppose to be working on us but I guess not" she said with anger in her voice. "Its gone be okay Bestfriend don't trip on it" I said rubbing her back. We walked out of the store and up to Katara, Demarcus and this girl. "What's this" Kay said as we walled up to them. I stood right behind Kay. "Oh Hi how are you I'm Milaya and you must be Kataras cousin" the girl said sticking her hand out go Kay. "No I'm not I'm actually on a date with her right now" Kay said shaking Milayas hand. "That can't be because me and her are working on a relationship together so you must be mistaking" Milaya said smirking. No the fuck this bitch didn't. "Well damn Katara you must be working on shit with a lot of girls in Atlanta ain't that a bitch" Kay said chuckling. Oh shit this might not end well for one of these girls. "Kay its not like that I meant to tell you but I didn't want to break your heart" Katara said holding Kay hand. "What you mean you didn't mean too you know you didn't even break my heart you broke my trust I'm done" Kay said and walked away. "That bitch was ugly anyways" Malaya said. "Bitch you got her fucked up" I yelled at Milaya. Demarcus grabbed my waist and pulled me away. Kay came past me and straight dropped Milaya. They was going at it. Milaya had Kay hair and was hitting her in the head but Kay was giving her nothing but face shots. "Break that shit up bitch you caused it" I said to Katara. I couldn't jump in because as soon as I tried to help Demarcus was holding me from the front so I couldn't go nowhere. I was trying to get out of his hold but it was no use my bae too strong. It kind of turned me on a little bit. Katara ran over and tried to break them up but as soon as she touched Kay. It was over because Kay started swinging on Katara. Then the girl tried to jump in but I pushed Demarcus hard enough for him to let me go. I ran up and pushed Milaya into a fake bush. She fell hard as hell and as soon as I was about to help Kay. Demarcus ass had to come and grab me away. "Let me go I need to help her" I said trying to get him off me. "I'm not about to have you fighting because if you fight I'm gone fight and if I fight somebody gone die so calm down please" he said looking me in my eyes. I calmed down because security came and broke up the fight. They had Kay and Katara in handcuffs. "Wait officer she's with us were about to leave please let her go" I pleaded with him. He was cool as hell because he let her go. She came over to me and Demarcus and sat down. "Bestfriend are you okay" I asked her. "I just want to go home I'll be at the car" she said walking away. I sighed and looked at Demarcus. "Go get Katara and I'll go with her" I said to him. "Alright" he said letting me go. I grabbed our bags and walked out the mall. She was leaning on the car I could tell she was hurt. "Where they at" she asked me. "They coming Demarcus had to get Katara they should be coming in a bit. I said softly. I was uneasy around her right now. All I could do was just be there for her. I felt so bad for her she really liked Katara. We stood in silence until they came and unlocked the door. Kay got into the backseat and I got in the back with her. They just got in and we drove off. Nobody talked or anything. All we did was breath and me and Demarcus was texting the whole time.

Bae : Man I feel so bad for your Bestfriend right now she didn't deserve that I wish she would let Katara explain.

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