Chapter 26- Coming Up Missing

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Kay POV....

After Tae left out the room I had to tell Katara what was happening. I couldn't keep somebody I was developing feelings for in the dark. I had to let her know what was up with Kaya. "What's going on baby girl you being to quiet" Katara said rubbing my arm. "Katara look I really like you and I hope when I tell you what I have to tell you that you won't flip out and stop talking to me" I said holding my head down. "I promise I won't now tell me what's up" she said sitting up more. "Okay my ex-girlfriend Kaya is here in Atlanta she's the cousin of some dude Tae was messing with and they both want us back but we don't want them at all and when they came by the house" I was saying before she cut me off. "They was at y'all house Kay what the fuck was they doing at y'all house" she yelled at me. I could tell she was mad as hell right now. "They came by to get us back and try to fun k with us again but when we shot them down and told them no Kaya said she was gone find whoever I was fucking with and kill her and I guess she found you" I said with forming in my eyes. She just held her head down and started huffing and puffing. I hope she don't hop out this bed and beat my ass. "Kay I like you and I just want this to work but your ex girl here are you still in love with her let me know now forreal" she said sternly. "No I'm not I just want you and I don't want nothing to fuck that up at all just don't stop trying to be with me please" I pleaded with her. "I'm not but when I get out of here your ex is dead I put that on my life" she said sitting back. "No don't kill her please just leave it alone" I said raising my voice. "I knew it you still do love her" she said snapping her head at me. "No I'm not I just don't want nobody to get hurt" I said trying to calm her down. "No bro you still love her and you can go since you still got feelings for her I thought we was gone last Kay but until you get over her I can fuck with you" she said turning her head. What the fuck just happened? All because I don't want nobody to get hurt. "Katara listen to me....Please....Man fuck it then when you wanna stop acting like a kid call me" I said said getting up and walking out the room. I stood by the door and walked up to Tae and Demarcus. "Bestfriend what's wrong" Tae asked me getting up out of his seat. "I just laid my head in his chest and sighed because I dont think I can cry anymore. "What happens with you and Katara" Demarcus stood up and asked me. "I told her who I thought hsot her and she completely flipped and just said she can't fuck with me anymore until I'm over Kaya I don't want Kaya I want her" I said with tears coming up out my eyes. "Its okay Bestfriend we gone fix this" Tae said squeezing me. "Here y'all go what in my car its in the parking garage on the 6th floor I'll take y'all home just let me go talk to her for a bit" Demarcus said handing Tae his car keys. They kissed and we walked to the elevator. We went down and walked to the parking garage. We caught the elevator on the 6th floor and went to Demarcus car. We unlocked it and got in. Tae sat in the back with me and we just turned on the radio. Meghan Trainor- Lips Are Moving came on. We was singing the song and inwa steeling a bit better because of Tae goofy ass. The radio was playing back to back turn up songs. Young Thug- Tell Em' ,Taylor Swift- We Are Never Getting Back Together, Selma Gomez- Come and Get It. We was getting hype as hell in that came until BANG!! The car window broke and it was like something crazy I was knocked upside my head with what felt like a gun. I was feeling light headed. I heard Tae yell and scream my name and yelling for help. I couldn't even move at all. They out something over his mouth to muffle him yelling. He was being pulled out of the car and grabbed my a lot of men. They put him in this white van and they sped off. I couldn't move and I was drifting off. I felt smacking on my face it was the paramedics. I got scared as hell. "What's going on where is my Bestfriend" I said trying to jump up but they held me back down. "I'm sorry Ma'am you need to relax thank god this young man came and got us but the police would like a word with you" the paramedic said to me. I looked around and saw Demarcus on the ground crying and yelling at the police to find Tae. "Find my boyfriend Find him now" I heard Demarcus yell multiple times. "Excuse mem ma'am but we need a statement form you about what transpired here" the police officer came to me and said. "I was in the backseat of Demarcus car with Tae and we was having a jam session and next thing I know he was being kidnapped and I was passed out because I was hit upside my head with a gun I think" I said holding my head. I felt a bump on my head. "well ma'am we found this next to the car when we arrived" the police officer said holding up a huge rock. "Oh my god we have to find my Bestfriend right now" I yelled at the officer. "Okay we have to get a picture of the person and you both have to come down to the station to give a statement and your relationship to the missing person" the officer said walking away. Oh my god if something happens to him I don't know what I'll do. I'll be lost without him with me. That's my other half and if I don't have him with me its like I lost my heart. I won't be able to function without him. I got in Demarcus car and we drove off to the station. I was nervous and scared as fuck for his life right now.

Tae POV...

I was awoken by a bright light in my face. I was laid out on a cold floor. My head was banging. I could barely move at all.I looked around and I saw a figure that looked familiar. "What's up I told you I get what I want didn't I" I heard a voice say. I opened up my eyes and I was faced with Rock. He had a gun in his hand. I hope I make it out of this alive.

So how the fuck was that for a plot twist? I told y'all this about to get crazy.! I hope y'all enjoyed and I'll update two more chapters tomorrow. So here y'all go I love y'all.!


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