Chapter 6- Hit The Fan

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Hey y'all so thank you for all of the positive feedback so far it has meant a lot to me. Thank you love y'all and do y'all have any questions on the book? Let me know.!

Tae POV....

So I kind of dont feel like being in the same room with Terry. Rome told me everything there was to know about this nigga. He told me Terry is a thief and is known to be catty as hell. He also told me that Terry sleeps around with random people and tries to sleep with other peoples boyfriends. Lord this bitch just don't care at all. He even told me that Terry gave a dude gonorrhea before. I was in shock and awe of all the tea he told me that night. I got out of bed and Kay was happy as hell this morning. "Goodmorning Bestfriend" she said with a big ass kool aid smile. She need to take that smile off her face its too early to be so damn happy. "Girl it's too early but goodmorning" I said sounding groggy. "Terry gone be here at 3 this afternoon" she said grinning. Why the fuck is she so damn happy? She must of gave herself some finger action last night while I was sleep. "Yaaayy" I said sarcastically. "Boy get up and your phone lighting up" she said pointing at my phone. I didn't hear it because I keep it on vibrate when I sleep. I looked and seen it was Rock. "Hello" I said irritated. "What's up boo can I see you today I miss that smile" he said happy. Why the fuck is everybody so damn happy? "If you do it would have to be right now because I have to be here at three" I said sighing. Kay was just standing there mugging me"Alright I'm on my way right now get ready" he said. "Alright" I said hanging up the phone. "Where you going bitch" Kay said with a total attitude. "With Rock for a hour or two" I getting up grabbing my underwear. "Man you not gone be back by three when Terry get here" she said whining. She doing too fucking much right now. "Girl yes I will I'll be back to hang with you and your new little friend" I said leaving the room. I went to the bathroom and took my shower. I got out and dried off and put on my underwear. I went to the room and picked my outfit. I wanted to wear my black cargo shorts,light blue knee high socks,light blue shirt that had "TAKEIT" in black letters, and my black high top adidas. I wore my gold Rolex and gold chain with it. I put lotion on my body and started to get dressed. "You better be back before 3" Kay said walking back in the room. "Okay okay mom" I said laughing. I heard my phone going off and it must be Rock. "Hello" I said answering my phone. "I'm outside boo" he said. "Alright I'm coming out right now" I said hanging up. I sprayed on some cologne and grabbed my phone and wallet. I walked out the room and went downstairs. I saw my godfather he was eating. "Hey boy where you going" my godfather said before I walked out. "Out with Rock for awhile"I said with my hand on the doorknob. "I don't like you hanging with him so much" he said taking a feel breath. "Why not he makes me happier than I've been in months" I said whining. "I heard about him but you can go if you want to" he said continuing to eat. "Alright whatever" I said walking out to Rocks truck. I got in and gave him a hug and kiss. "What took you so long I thought you was about to stand me up" he said looking sad. "No never I just had to talk to my irritating ass godfather" I said sitting back in the seat. "What he do" he asked me. "He doesn't like me hanging out with you so much but I could care less" I said as he pulled off. He just signed and said "Man I know I'm not the perfect role model but I'm a good dude when I want to be" he said laughing. "I know that but where we going" I said looking at the time. It was 12:00 right now good I got time to spend with Rock. "We going to the movies and out to lunch" he said steady driving. "Alright" I said turning on the radio. We listened to the radio for awhile and I hated the fact this song came on. Ariana Grande- Be My Baby I didn't want to get in my feelings right now. I haven't listened to this song in months. I felt my eyes water up a little bit. I fought back the tears before they fell and I held it all in for a while. We pulled up to the theatre and we got out. As I got out I wiped my face and fixed myself so Rock couldn't see me. We began walking hand in hand into the theatre. We went in and he wanted to see Top Five so I said it was okay. He payed for us to go and he bought a large popcorn and something to drink for the both of us. We went into the theatre and halfway through the movie I felt a hand on my thigh. I know damn well he not trying to fuck me in this theatre. I just kept quiet and I was honestly horny as hell. I really could go for some head right now to be honest. He leaned over and grabbed my chin and kissed me. I deepened the kiss by grabbing the back of his head and sucking on his bottom lip. He bit my lip gently and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. His mouth was swimming like a fish in my mouth. He got in between my legs and leaned my seat back. We were right in the front row and he started to undo my pants. He pulled my underwear and pants down around my ankles all in one motion. I then felt his warm mouth around my dick. Lord I felt good as hell. I just leaned my head back and let him go to work. I lifted my legs up a little bit and licked my asshole. Lord I was in heaven or something right around the corner from it. He came up and let down the seat next to me and laid next to me. He took off my shorts completely. He then came up got on top of me and licked his finger and slid it in my hole. I gasped as it went in and it felt good as hell. I moaned into his neck because I didn't want the whole theatre to hear me. Although it wasn't really many people in here. He started to jack me off while sucking on my neck. I was in bliss this was amazing. I felt myself about to cum in a minute. "Oh fuck I'm about to bust" I moaned in his ear. "Cum for daddy nigga" he whispered in my ear. I was cumming all in his hand. "Oh fuck Daquez" I moaned in a whisper. Oh shit I didn't just do that did I? I hope he didn't catch what I just said. I guess I got caught up a bit too much. He stopped and gave me a kiss on my lips. I got up to put on my pants and the movie was over by now. I put on my underwear and shorts by the time the lights came back on. I really needed that release. I wonder why he didn't ask me to suck his dick. Its probably little but its okay. Shit who am I kidding its really not. He wiped his hand with some napkins and we left the theatre. He went to the bathroom to wash his hands and I stood outside the bathroom. "Oh damn whats up shawty I told you I would see you again" I heard a voice scream. I looked and saw it was Demarcus the dude that tried to talk to me at the mall. He was rushing up towards me. "What's up shawty how you doing" he said hugging me. "I'm good why you so loud" I said mugging him. "Because I told you I wanted you its fate I knew we was gone see each other again so let me get you number this time" he said. I could use another friend and he was cute so why not. I gave him my number and he asked me who I came with. I told him I came with a friend. "You ready to go boo who your friend" Rock said coming out of the bathroom. "Yeah and this Demarcus " I said smiling. They shook each others hands and after that me and Rock left. By now it was 1:45 me and Rock wanted to go to his house to chill for a bit. We drove to his house. His house was nice as hell. It was a two story house with burgundy bricks. We got out and went inside. His house was colored white and blue everything. It was like I was under the sea. I was amazed because it was so cute in here. "You like my spot huh" he said shrugging me. "Yeah its beautiful in here" I said looking around. "Yeah well come upstairs with me we not gone be down here" he said pulling me upstairs. We walked upstairs and went to his room. His bedroom was nice and it was red,black and white. I took off my shoes and laid on his bed. I heard him order us some pizza so I just took out my phone and got on instagram. After about 15 minute of us laying in his bed our pizza came and Rock went and got it. He came back up and we ate and just laid in bed and watched TV. He asked me "so who is Daquez". I froze and my eyes got really big. "Just an ex no biggie" I lied its a biggie its big as hell. "Oh okay because I caught that when I made you nut in the theatre you said his name I just wanted to make sure you wasnt stepping out on me" he said rubbing my arm. "What you mean we are not a couple Rock" I said looking at him. "Man I don't care I like you a lot so I'm gone treat this like a relationship I just can't have a title with you yet" he said. What in the hell? If that isn't the most ass backwards thing I have ever heard in my life. "Why not"I said sitting up in the bed. "I just can't just trust me but let's go have a drink" he said getting out of bed. "You don't have to tell me twice" I said getting up. We went down stairs to his liqour cabinet. I pulled out some Hennessey and opened it and started to take shots. I needed them if i was going to deal with Terry and Kay today. After about 5 shots I was good and buzzed. I was a happy ass dude right now. I felt Rock come up behind me and grab me and turn me around. "Let's see what else that throat can swallow" he said grabbing on my ass. I started to touch his dick through his jeans I unbuttoned his jeans and they dropped to the floor. I slipped my hand in his boxers and started playing with his dick. We started kissing as he moaned into my mouth. I kept going until I pulled his underwear down and went to work. I was going in while I was sucking his dick. I enjoyed every minute of making moans and groans escape his lips. His head leaned back so many times I knew just what I was doing to him. I deepthroated his 9 inches and he went crazy. I came up and sucked his balls for a bit. After I went back to the dick he said he was about to cum. I kept sucking as I felt his warm semen shoot into my throat making me swallow it all. He pulled me up and kissed me passionately. Rock was a freak nigga and I liked it so much. We took more shots until I looked at the time and saw it was 3:00. Oh snap its time to head home. "Rock its time to take me home come on" I said leaning on him. "Man I hate to see you leave me" he said pouting. "I know but I have to"I said pulling him upstairs. "Okay come on" he said walking upstairs. He put on a beater while I put on my shoes. I grabbed my phone and Kay called me 5 times. We left and got in his truck. He pulled off so I called Kay back. "Bitch where the fuck are you" she said answering the phone. "I'm on the way right now I just left Rock house so I'll be there in no time" I said laughing. "You drunk" she asked me. "No I'm not I'll be there in five" I said hanging up the phone. We drove until we came to my stop. I kissed him and got out. "Bye boo" he said yelling from the window. "Bye" I said waving. I went in and saw Kay on the couch with Terry. "Peace in the middle east y'all what's up" I said smiling and sitting down. "Boy you got some nerve acting like ain't nothing happen and you not late" Kay said while Terry rolled his eyes. He gone get fucked up today I see it. "Okay my bad I'm here now so what y'all doing" I said irritated. "About to watch a movie we was thinking about booty call or Friday after next" Kay said. "Friday after next" I said laughing. I looked at Terry who was mugging me I laughed even harder. "What's funny" Terry said to me. "Look this ain't even that deep so chill out" I said leaning back. "No I really want to know Tae what's your problem" Terry said sitting up. "Terry this not the time to try and get crazy" I said sitting up with him. "Y'all stop it" Kay said standing in the middle of the room. "No Bestfriend he got me messed up forreal" Terry said standing up. HOLD UP WAIT A MINUTE.!!! LETS HIT REPLAY YALL ONE MINUTE I GOT TO MAKE SURE I HEARD HIM RIGHT. "No Bestfriend he got me messed up forreal" this bitch said standing up. OKAY I HAD TO MAKE SURE I HEARD HIM RIGHT.! Kay face was scared as hell she knew I was gone flip the fuck out. "Bestfriend??? Oh when the fuck that happen" I said leaning forward on the couch. "Its been happening yeah I took your Bestfriend and she's mine you ain't been on your job bitch" Terry said laughing. "Oh really now you aboutbto get that ass beat if you keep talking that dumb shit now you really got me and my life fucked up right now because this been my Bestfriend since forever and I'll be damned if I let a dirty, crusty,ugly,no walls having ass bottom black bitch call my Bestfriend his Bestfriend" I said getting up off the couch. "Y'all stop Terry chill out you wilding out right now" Kay said steeping in front of me. She knew one more word will equal his ass getting beat. "So you want this bitch as your Bestfriend" I yelled at her. It wasn't even about him wanting to be her Bestfriend I just didn't like him. He always somewhere mugging me like why you mad? "Bitch sit you fat ass down before I leap" he said. That was it I had it. I pushed past Kay and ran up on that bitch. We started swinging like crazy. I was losing until I stepped on his foot and he fell back. He hit me one good time in my jaw and I stumbled back. I got my composure and I tackled him over the couch. The couch fell as we fell. I started to hit him repeatedly in his face. He was kicking me in my stomach that shit was hurting. I dragged that bitch to the backdoor and started to beat his ass even more. My goddaddy and Omari came and broke it up. "Man move I aint done yet" I said trying break from my god daddy grip. Omari put Terry out the house so I wouldn't fight him no more. That don't mean shit if I see him we fighting. My god dad sat me down and I calmed down a little bit. "That was crazy" Kay said. I just mugged her. I feel like Im losing everybody first Daquez and now Kay. I can take this right now.

So this was a pretty long chapter let me know how it was it took me a while to write it but I wanted to get it to you all. I don't know if there are any grammar errors if so I'm sorry. I love y'all.! It only gets better from here. What do you guys think about the story itself.? Am I doing a good job? Should I add more POV's? BTW I have a special treat for y'all in a a couple of chapter y'all wNTill love it trust me. Anyways Thank you for the votes and the views.!!!!



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