Chapter 12- Do Me Right.!

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Y'all are amazing with your comments. I really adore twerkocholic SupHomie_ myfreestories Ajstories22 ratchet and crazy comments and their rants. These four have me crying laughing every time I read their comments. I appreciate their feedback because it makes me a better writer and viewer of others books. So I just wanted to thank all of you.!

Now off of them and back to the book...

Kay POV...

So I decided to meet with Kaya and talk to her. I don't know how this will go but I want this to be over and done with her. I put on my pink and white Nike joggers with my white forces and a pink shirt. I put my hair up in a bun just in case she wanted to jump stupid. I'm always prepared to fight any and everywhere. You never know who gone try you. I walked out of my room and told my mom I was going to see Britanny because if I told her it was Kaya she would've flipped out. I did not have time to hear her mouth about me and what I do. I walked all the way to the park because I told Kaya that's where I wanted to meet at. I sat on the swing for a bit. I waited and then she pulled up in her car. I guess the bitch got a car while I was in Atlanta. Depending on how this goes I will bust those windows out that damn car. She came over and tried to hug me so I put my arm out in rejection. She sighed and sat next to me and we sat in silence for awhile. "Kay I'm sorry for the hurt and pain I caused you" she said moving in the swing. "You know what Kaya I don't know why I allowed you to treat me like you did first you talk to other bitches then you cheat on me with some random bitch and to top it all the fuck off you get with another girl and get engaged to her that should have been me not that stupid ass bitch I hate you so much Kaya" I said yelling at her. "I know but I broke up with her because well she didn't he same thing to me that I did to you" she said getting off the swing. "Well ain't that some shit you come back to me and try to butter me up and get back with me because karma bit you in the ass" I said getting off the swing. I can't believe this bitch she always finds a way to fuck up something. I can't even begin to say how disgusted I am by her ass. I won't lie I do miss her but I don't see myself forgiving what she did to me. She just went ghost after we broke up. No fighting for me or attempting to fix it just a "damn I still love you though" that's it. That's all the fuck I get out of her after all the effort I put into this relationship. "Its not that Kay I really do miss what we had it was real and I won't ever get over you I try to act like I am but I'm not and the only reason I got engaged to her is because she said I'd I didn't she would kill herself" Kaya said putting her head down. "Man so let the at bitch go on to glory if she wanna kill herself that's the effect you have on people you talk to Kaya you feed them bullshit and lies and make them fall in love and go dumb over you and you fuck up everytime" I said starting to cry. I can't believe I loved her at all. This wasn't the way I wanted this to go. I wanted dher to say something out of line so I could pop off and beat her ass I wasn't expecting to cry. I want her to hurt as much like I did. "I just want you to be with me I've changed I left that girl and all I can think about day in and day out is you I don't want these hoes no more I'm done with them I promise I'm begging you Kay" she said getting on her knee. "Let me think about it I need sometime to think to myself this too much right now"I said getting off the swing. "Alright I'll give you time but I'll be here I'm not going anywhere." She said pulling me into a kiss. I was to emotionally drained to fight back. We kissed until I broke it and walked away. I was walking around just thinking and I saw Tae coming out of some Mike house. What in the fuck is he doing coming out of his house? Mike is Kaya brothers friend Mike is no good at all and nothing good can come from him. He a hoe and will fuck any and everything that will let his dick inside. I'm gone have to call him tomorrow because I can't take him getting hurt by another nigga. I know Tae probably horny but it can't be that bad though. I walked my ass back home and went upstairs and played Miley Cyrus- When I Look At You. I hated this song but I needed this song for some reason. I can't take this anymore. I was crying until Britanny called me. "Hey Brit" I said sighing. "What wrong Kay" she said concerned. "Nothing just a lot to think about is all" I said annoyed. "Want me to come over tomorrow so we can talk about it" she said trying to console me. I did want to see her and spend time with her. "Yeah I would like that" I said smiling. "Alright get some rest I'll see you round 4 or 5 tomorrow" she said happy. I don't know why she so happy I'm nobody special really. "Alright I'll see you tomorrow Brit bye" I said cheesing from ear to ear. "Alright bye baby" she said hanging up the phone. Ahhhh yeeess bitch she called me baby.!!!! Turn the fuck.....I was happy until Beyonce -Resentment came on. Well that was nice for a minute so back to my feelings I go.

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