Chapter 29- Damaged Goods

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Kay POV....

Where the fuck are they? We weren't suppose to be in here that long. Its been 4 days. I told them to follow the van. Katara and Demarcus have some serious explaining to do when we get out of here. That's of we get out of here. You know I never knew how crazy Kaya was until she came here. I was always too in love to see the bad in her. I keep thinking what can we do to get out of here. Should we just give in and be with them? Should we hold out and fight until we get saved? All these questions ran through my mind while Kaya was giving me head. I was tied to the bed by my hands. I tried kicking her off but she got stronger since the last time we had sex. I didn't enjoy it at all. Well a little bit. Okay yes I need the head and it felt good but she was only getting a few moans out of me. I laid there and when she got tired of me she got up. "Damn you still taste good as hell" she said wiping her face. "Whatever can you let me up now" I asked struggling to free myself. "Not until you say you love me" she said leaning in towards me. "Bitch get your Christina Grey ass the fuck on I dont love you and I'm done with you I've moved on you should too" I said yelling at her. "No your not" she yelled punching me in the face. I can't believe this bitch just hit me. She's going to regret that. "I'm sorry Kay its just I get mad when you say stuff like that to me" she said hugging me and rubbing my hair. She stopped and let me go. I couldn't even fight her I wanted to wait. I got dressed and we went back to the room Tae was in. I walked in and sat next to him on the bed. They gave us a damn mattress on the floor. We ain't good enough for a box spring according to them. He looked like he had been crying. "Bestfriend what's wrong" I asked him. "My throat hurts bad" he said grabbing his bottle of water. He took a sip of it and grabbed his neck. He looked like he was in pain just to swallow. "What happened" I asked him. "Well when y'all left Rock and me got into an argument and he pulled his gun out and well forced me to give him head but it wasn't like normal he was shoving himself down my throat too hard" he said about to cry. "Calm down Bestfriend we gone get them back just keep calm" I said rubbing his back. "What the fuck y'all talking about over here" Rock yelled at us. "Nothing nigga damn" I said irritated. "Well we about to head out y'all want some food or something while we out" Kaya asked us. "Yeah a new set of kidnappers and some pizza hut stuffed crust pizza would be good too" Tae said annoyed. He play too much. I mean as much as he been through he still hot a mart ass mouth. "Well pizza hut I can do and I'll stuff you when I get back don't worry" Rock said smirking. Tae just looked disgusted as hell. "We'll be back so don't go nowhere oh yeah you can't ha" Rock said as they left. They closed the door and Tae yelled "FUCK YOU BITCH"!!!!!! The last time I seen Tae this mad and angry he went to jail. "I can't take it in here Bestfriend I need fresh air I need Demarcus I miss him so much" he said frantically. He so fucking over dramatic. "Calm down hoe I have the perfect plan" I said stopping him from being hyper. "What's this plan bitch" he said nervously. "Well bitch since they want us so bad why don't we give them what they want" I said slyly. "hold up won't they get suspicious if both of us are all over them all of a sudden" he said sarcastically. " Yeah that's why I need you to do it for us" I said grabbing hi shoulder. He looked like he was about to slap me. "Bitch are you crazy I got to fuck him" he said semi yelling. "Well not really just give him head or something try some freak shit with him and distract him enough to get his gun and knock him out and we escape its full proof I'm a genius" I said getting happy. "Bitch is you crazy why you can't eat Kayas cookies" he said. "Well for one because Kaya doesn't get ate and two its not much freak shit we can do" I said. "Damn bitch I got to take one for the team" he said sighing. He the only one that can do it. I hope he don't fuck it up. For the rest of the time we sat and discussed what we were going to do when they got in here. As soon as we got comfortable the door swung open. "Daddy's home Tae" Rock said coming through the door. "This is it bitch you ready" I asked Tae. "Yeah let's do it" I said sighing deeply. Here goes nothing.

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter.


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