Chapter 10 - State Hopping

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Hey y'all I missed y'all so much its ridiculous. The break was well needed and deserved. I'm back and I will continue with the same way I've been updating once every two or three days. I hope you guys love this chapter.

Tae POV....

I been thinking long and hard about this whole Atlanta situation. I came to the conclusion that I need to be at home for like a week. I miss my momma and I miss Detroit as a whole a little bit. I haven't talked to Rock yet because I don't want to deal with him until I'm ready. Kay and I stopped working at Foot Locker because they kept messing up our hours so we decided to just go to school and focus on our learning for now. We had the rest of the summer to relax and chill until the fall when we go back to school. Today is the day I go home to Detroit for a week with Kay. "Bestfriend come on we got to get ready to leave" Kay said from the bottom of the stairs. "Alright girl I'm coming" I said grabbing my bag and walking out with my phone. I went downstairs and put my bag inside the truck and got in the back seat. "Boy move over so I can get in" Kay said standing by the door. "Bitch you could have got in on the other side you just being petty as fuck" I said moving over. I didn't want to cause any problems with her ass. I wasn't in the mood for her being irritating today. "Alright beavis and butthead y'all need to chill because we got a ways to go until we get to the airport" my goddaddy said getting in the front seat. Omari got in the passenger side and got on his phone. Omari didn't want us to leave especially me because he thought I wasn't going to want to come back. I was going to come back if I felt like it. To be honest I really didnt want to come back this was suppose to be a summer thing then back to Detroit I go. I guess Kay, Omari and my goddaddy want me to stay in Atlanta. I just can't deal with the pettiness and cattiness of Atlanta gays it's just too much. If this week gives me a clear head then I'll go back to Atlanta but if not then I'm staying here. I didn't tell Kay that because she loves Atlanta. We drove off and headed towards the airport. I put in my headphones and listened to Kindred Family Soul- Stars on repeat. I loved this song my mom played this all the time when I was a younger. I never liked it until I was older and my mom and I sing it together every time it comes on. I really miss my mom so much. I haven't talked to her much while I've been in Atlanta in the past weeks. Since it was mid-August I was anticipating my birthday. The 29th couldn't hurry up fast enough. We got to the airport and we all got out. I grabbed me and Kay bags. We satbthe down and said our see you laters to my goddaddy and Omari. "Tell me your coming back twin" Omari said with a tear running down his face. He so overdramatic for nothing. "Yes twin I'm coming back" I lied because I was unsure. We hugged and grabbed our bags and went in the airport. We went to the security section and put our through the scanner. After that process was over and done we grabbed our carry on bags and the other bags were going through security to be put on the plane. We went to our gate and sat down and waited for the plane to start boarding. "Bestfriend I'm a little nervous about going back" Kay said looking sad. "Why Bestfriend" I said adjusting myself in my seat. If she says what I think she's going to say I'm going to be irritated. "Because of Kaya and I don't want to see her at all" she said looking down. BOOM THERE IT GOES.! "Bestfriend I don't want you to worry about her punk ass at all fuck that bitch and her new thotler of the moment we are going to visit our parents and relax before we head back and keep going with our lives" I said looking at her in her eyes. "Thanks Bestfriend I love you thot" she said smiling. Our plane was called to begin boarding. We went and got on the plane and I grabbed my phone and headphones. I was going to need them because I wanted to be passed out during this flight for sure. After the plane went though all the rules and regulations we started to take off. I put my phone on airplane mode and put in my headphones and listened to Tamar Braxton- Love & War album. Before I knew it I was knocked out sleeping.

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