Chapter 17-Wild Animal

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Kay POV...

When Tae ass left Brit and I decided to just well finish what my mother interrupted. "let's go upstairs Kay" Britanny said grabbing my hand. "No way the only room I can think of is Tae room and he'll kill my ass if he see us"I said nervously."Girl come on we gone be good he ain't coming back for awhile so we gone be done by then I guarantee it this tongue works magic you remember" she said leaning towards my face. "You gone get me killed Brit but Oh well you only live once let's go" I said getting up and going upstairs. We went upstairs and she laid me down in Tae bed. She kissed me and took off my shirt. OOH!! I took off her shirt and she was in a sports bra. We kept kissing and she slipped her tongue in my mouth. It was swimming so I started to fight my tongue with hers. Her tongues was obliviously more strong well because she was more experienced in using it. She scooped me by my shoulders and unhooked my bra. I was more comfortable this time because we had already did this before. "Damn these titties is everything" she said going down to on each breast. I let out some moans while her hands roamed my whole body. She came up and slipped off my pants and panties. Before my legs could fall down she grabbed them and started to flick her tongue all over my pussy. Oh my stars.! I was moaning and rubbing my finger through her hair and playing with her hair because it felt so good. She stuck her finger in my and started finger fucking me. Oohh bitch! I was about to cum and then she stuck two fingers in there and went even faster and sucked on my clit. I was cumming and y'all guess what the fuck she did.............SHE KEPT SUCKING MY PUSSY AND SWALLOWED ALL.MY JUICES AND BERRIES BITCH.! OH LORD THIS ONE A KEEPER. "Oh fuck Kaya" I moaned out and she stopped. "What happen why you stop" I asked out of breath and tired but wanting more. "You do realize you just called me Kaya right" she asked me. "I didn't know I'm so sorry I got caught up in the moment and it was an accident" I said sitting up. She pushed me back down and hovered over me. "I'm not mad but that just made me want to make my imprint on you and make you call out my name" she said kissing me. She flipped me over on my stomach and ate me from the back. She was going in just slurping her life away and then I came again when she played with my clit and fingered me. I was tired and shaking. I laid down and she laid next to me. I was dozing off when I heard some moans from next to me. It was Britanny playing with herself. She was naked and I lowkey got horny all over again. I rolled over and started to finger her and I went down to eat her out. "Hold up Kay I don't like that just finger me that's enough" she said stopping me. I came back and kept fingering her until she came. We laid in bed and went to sleep. Tae woke us up because he was leaving. That's meant Brit had to go too. I didn't want there to go but she had to. When Tae walked out Brit got dressed and kissed me. "I'll hit you later bae" Brit said holding me. "Alright bae" I said smiling. She left and I decided to take a shower and change this niggas sheets. I took my shower and I changed his sheets and put on some fresh black sheets on his bed. I went downstairs and fixed me some sausages. I fixed my food and went back upstairs. After I got done eating I heard his mom come in. I hid in his closet and stayed there for a bit. She doesn't really come in his room a lot so I chilled here for a bit. After I came out I laid in his bed and went to sleep until he got home.

Tae POV......

"Whats this Marlon" I asked Marlon. Man what is Rock doing here with Alontez and Shawn. I heard a door open from upstairs and down came the devil himself Mike bitch ass. Oh lord bitch I'm fucked right now. "Its about time you got here" Mike said coming down the stairs. "Yeah we been waiting for your ass" Rock said. "What is this about what did I do" I said standing back. "See Tae we all here have something in" Shawn said. ""What you mean I haven't been with you in any way nigga and Alontez I haven't been with at all just his cousin and Mike,Rock and Marlon are the only guys I've been with speaking of Rock the fuck you doing here" I said irritated. Marlon set me up how the fuck he gone do me like this. I thought he really liked me. Ooh I swear he cut off. "Well when you wasn't cooperating with me on coming back to Atlanta I called my main mans Alontez and asked him did he know you he did and I flew out here to see you again so now what you gone do its either come back to Atlanta or leave here on a stretcher" Rock said standing up. "Now hold up shawty a little thottish but he not aboutvto get hurt I won't let that happen to him" Marlon said stepping in front of me. "Alright but we all agreed that he was going to have to pick one of us" Mike said. They all had me fucked up honestly. I didn't want none of they crazy asses. I just want to leave right now. Marlon ain't have to do me like this. He could've just confronted me by himself. All these niggas could've confronted me by themselves. "I'm not picking a fucking soul in this room right now" I said yelling. "Okay calm all that down you leading niggas on and shit" Rock said. Well ain't this a bitch. The pot calling the kettle black now. That's how we doing shit tonight. "First off I ain't lead nobody on bitch Rock you lead me on for one you dumb ass you had a boyfriend and told me you was single Shawn you know we just friends Alontez you know you foul for being part of this shit Marlon I like you I do but we not together but you shady because of how you went about this bullshit and Mike Fuck you bitch" I said pointing at all of they asses. "You know damn well if my cousin was still alive this wouldn't have happened you know if he was here he'd kill you Tae" Alontez said yelling at me. "Oh bitch don't even I know but don't get mad at me because I'm trying to find another Daquez but guess what there is none I try to find a piece of him in every nigga I been with and none of them have him in them so yeah I know I would still be with him if he was here" I said crying. I couldn't believe I was going through this again. This is some bullshit I swear. I wish he was here so bad but I can't change it. The more I sit and cry about it the more I go out and do dumb shit and end up in situations like this. "Tae we not trying to bash you but you need to get your shit together" Marlon said hugging me. I pushed him off of me and mugged the hell out of him. "What I do to you" Marlon asked me confused. "Bitch you set me up with this you could be done this different but no you knew what was happening and you still fucked up" I said mad as hell. "Tae I just wanted to get to the bottom of this because when Shawn called me and told me everything I wasnt mad but I was a bit hurt" he said sadly. "Marlon I never wanted to hurt you but I am sorry if I hurt you" I said hugging his torso. "But how did y'all all get here" I asked dletting go of Marlon realizing what the fuck just happened. "Ooh let me me explain well Mike is my cousin and Mike is cool with Alontez and Alontez knows Rock obviously and well me I called Marlon because I knew y'all was fucking" Shawn said with a smirk on his face. "You know Shaen its pitiful how desperate and thirsty for attention you are" I said mugging him. "Well Tae that's how you feel and I respect it but you are thirsty too" Shawn said sitting down. "I've never been thirsty every nigga I talked to has come up to me first so if anything all y'all niggas thirsty" I said looking at all of them. "Okay throatzilla" Mike said laughing. "You will get slapped now keep trying me bitch" I said walking up on him. "Man you know what happened last time Tae" he said leaning back. Yeah he right I don't want that again but I held my own though. "Boy get the fuck on I'm out y'all niggas doing the most" I said about to walk out. "No your not" Rock said standing up and rushing towards me. He grabbed me up and Marlon came to help me. I started swinging on Rock like crazy. Rock pushed me off but hit Marlon in the process. As I came back I saw Marlon and Rock fighting each other. A long ex and Mike was trying to break it up. I was bored so I hopped up and swung on Rock too. I wanted to just fight because well I can. "Get off me" Rock screamed and as he screamed BANG!! Everything stopped and I was in pain like hell. I was shot by Rock's gun. He shot me this nigga really shot me. I fell to the ground and slowly started to drift into unconsciousness.

So do y'all think Tae will survive or will next chapter be the last chapter? All will be revealed next chapter. Oh yes ITS HERE YALL MY NEW BOOK "Body Part Talk" is here. Y'all go check it out and tell me what y'all think.

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